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21 Apr 2018

Did William Reich SUSPECT what the GIZA PYRAMID Builders KNEW!!? Ep2: Th...!

Essentially the Pyramid is a CONSCIOUSNESS REVERSAL ENGINE, or an ENTROPY REVERSER. What's happening is that it's creating consciousness by concentrating electrical energy, which is consciousness-reversing. There is a consciousness field around it which is skewing reality and protecting Egypt!

This could also have been entitled: "Opps, Does the Great Pyramid Reverse ENTROPY and generate ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS?", but I believe the current title is better.

We could also have called it: "OOPS, Tesla/Reich weather technology in Ancient Egypt?!"

How the Orbs work!

So, I wrote an article for a UFO magazine, (guess I better put the PDF up which is my one and only Electric Universe article), in which I spelled out the theory that Orbs are a lower form of plasma energy. Higher forms are plasmas and ball lightnings and finally UFOS. then we scale up to the hot interiors of planets and then to stars and larger stars.

Electric universe and plasma cosmology allows this scaling phenomenon to take place!

The main segment about William Reich will continue in the next episode!