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27 Apr 2018

First Time Ever Seen: Secret of Light: 140 Year old mystery solved! Croo...

i think the reason it works is pretty simple, your effecting a fixed system, the space in a bubble only contains so much matter that it can move, and a force acting on one particle within the bubble, will intrinsically make another move, just like ripples on the surface of a glass of water, it effects all the water in the glass, and the light heating the air, or more specifically the gasses in the air trapped inside the bubble, causes them to expand and be released, and simultaneously while it's being released, it releases energy, cooling the gases back down, and all these movements trapped within the sphere create more subtle energies, its a type of self sustaining vortex, which also turns the fan, it's not the fan making the vortex, but as all motion is and creates energy, when it is turning, it will then add its effects to the overall effect, #peace