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21 Apr 2018

Full text of "Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments : final report" government fuckery radiation test on public

Full text of "Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments : final report" government fuckery radiation test on public
government fuckery radiation test on

and here are just a few of the low-lights, click link bellow for full file
This is and exert from the entire document and it is quite revealing, in short it admits to mk-ultra being used it admits to testing on the public authorised by main government, it admits to destroying the evidence 3 times, that would further implicate all the guilty parties in a cover up, and it gets even weirder paragraph 666 "consider these tests particularly relevant to the Agency's mission", meaning its their sole purpose to control the minds and bodies of the people through chemical and technological means, and that the Smithsonian is destroying evidence that goes against their mainstream ideas and theories, and have a copy of all government programs that were carried out but tehm, but claim the evidence is in a obscure mainframe format, that they can't decode, yeah right the Smithsonian collects one of every type of computational machine in the basement so thats just pure lies,
Full text of "Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments : final report" government fuckery radiation test on public
government fuckery radiation test on
and here are just a few of the low-lights, click link bellow for full file
CIA has found no evidence that Agency offices
sponsored human radiation experiments or deliberately
exposed anyone to ionizing radiation for operational or
experimental purposes. As noted above, at least two
Agency-affiliated contractors [deletion] and [Dr.]
Geschickter [a Georgetown University researcher]) may
have conducted human radiation experiments while
working on other matters for the CIA. Some CIA
officers probably knew of human radiation tests by other
U.S. government agencies, but apparently did not
(but keep reading and it becomes apparent why, they torched the evidence of their involvement)
consider these tests particularly relevant to the Agency's
Circumstantial evidence, however, may not suffice to
overcome suspicions fueled by CIA's contacts with
persons and programs involved in radiation experiments
sponsored by other agencies. The fact that MKULTRA
held the authority to conduct radiological experiments,
combined with the Agency's destruction of the main
MKULTRA files in 1973, has already prompted
speculation about the Agency's "real" role. These
heightened suspicions will not fade any time soon.
Michael Warner, CIA History Staff, 14 February 1995 ("The Central Intelligence Agency
and Human Radiation Experiments: An Analysis of the Findings") (ACHRE No. CIA-
061295-A), 14.
151. This conclusion was arrived at by DOE following an investigation
conducted in response to the Committee's request for the documents. DOE Office of
Human Radiation Experiments, 26 August 1994 ("Destruction of the U.S. Atomic Energy
Commission Division of Intelligence Files") (ACHRE No. DOE-082994-A). The DOE
interviewed DOE employees who stated that they destroyed documents under direction
from supervisors during this period. DOE reported that, shortly after the AEC Division
of Intelligence was abolished in 1971, destruction of older file materials began. "This
first file 'purge' continued until at least May 1 974. Destruction was probably confined to
documents dated prior to 1964." Following the DOE's creation in 1977, a second "purge"
began, reportedly based on limited storage space, "destroying most surviving files." In
1988, DOE implemented rules requiring that documents classified at the Secret level be
inventoried. "Many offices, however, destroyed Secret documents rather than having the
burden of inventorying them. Surviving fragments of the AEC Division of Intelligence
files may also have been destroyed during this third 'purge.'" Ibid., 2-3. The
investigation reported that records that were kept of the documents that were destroyed
had themselves been subsequently destroyed in the routine course of business.
1 52. There was no central location, within agencies, or among them, that
routinely kept anything but the most fragmentary records of human experiments
sponsored by the agencies. During the 1950s, a central "Bio-Science" information
exchange was maintained. Government and nonfederal agencies (such as foundations)
formerly registered descriptions of research projects performed or sponsored by the
federal government with an office of the Smithsonian Institution variously called the
Scientific Information Exchange or the Bio-Sciences Information Exchange. This group,
established at the recommendation of and advised by the National Research Council,
collected abstracts of research in progress reports for the period 1949-1979. The
Department of Commerce's National Technical Information Service began a similar
program two years later.
The abstracts submitted to the Exchange were collected in annual reports and are
available on microfiche in the Smithsonian Institution Archives. Unfortunately, the
indices to the reports are available only on magnetic tape in a 1970s mainframe format
that Smithsonian technologists are currently unable to read. For that reason, Advisory
Committee staff did not review the Exchange's records.
153. As noted in chapter 10, the VA concluded that a "confidential" division
contemplated in relation to secret record keeping was not activated.
154. Although, as discussed in chapter 1 1, we must be careful to distinguish the
need to keep secret information, for example, weapons design or a weapon's purpose,
from the need to keep secret a weapons test that may put surrounding populations at risk.