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28 Apr 2018



Quello che è stato subito spacciato per un episodio di "scarico del carburante" in condizioni di emergenza è da classificare, invece, come un altro caso di "inseminazione igroscopica delle nubi basse", ad opera di un velivolo commerciale A-380. Perché? Per un semplice motivo: gli erogatori per il "fuel dumpig", sull'A-380, non si trovano sui bordi alari, ma in corrispondenza dei motori 1 e 4. In questo caso, quindi, non possiamo parlare di scarico carburante (peraltro vietato a bassa quota e sui centri abitati) e nemmeno di scie di condensazione. Ditecelo voi di che cosa si tratta!

translation 1

What was immediately passed off as an episode of "fuel discharge" in emergency conditions is to be classified, instead, as another case of "hygroscopic insemination of low clouds", by an A-380 commercial aircraft. Because? For one simple reason: the "fuel dumping" regulators, on the A-380, are not located on the wing edges, but in correspondence with the engines 1 and 4. In this case, therefore, we can not speak of fuel exhaust (however prohibited at low altitude and on populated areas) or even contrails. Tell us what it is!

further translated by myself to basic English

it's a chem-trail tanker A-380 caught red wing-tipped and spraying chemicals from it's outer wingtips, when the fuel dump release nozzles are located on engines 1 and 4, and notice the multicoloured light refraction from the chemicals the reds, yellows, green, and blues, and there is a clear difference between dispersal points and wing tips, ;) #peace