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21 Apr 2018

Microbes Found In The Driest Desert On Earth Could Mean Life On Mars

please understand when NASA and other so-called academics establishments say "life" on mars, they mean like us, life as we know it, so they limiting their own success rate, because they are only looking for life in the form of intelligent bipedal lifeforms, that are smart enough to have developed similar technological understandings, and just dismissing all other forms as "anomalous evidence" and nothing than the ravings of crackpots and lunatics, but there are so many possibilities for life to limit us to just a handful to meet the criteria is laughable or gross negligence or corporate cover-up, what about plasma based life forms made up of self organising matter, it's highly plausible and possible, or even sentient energy, antimatter entities and so on, the list is endless and only as limited as the mind that is imagining them, ;) #peace