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21 Apr 2018

PM Theresa May defends Syria airstrikes in UK parliament

what a load of crap, all the other countries around the world are getting serious reform done, by standing up for themselves, and we have this from the war profiteering corrupt government, she's clearly lying to protect her interests in the arms manufacturing and military industrial complex they should be in a prison cell right now, for illegally directly profiteering from he deaths of others as a result of her pushing for military action, and further more, there has to be shown one clear piece of evidence that chemical weapons were used, there is none its a lie, Wake Up, what she did wasn't in the national interest, it was in the interests of her and her husband and many of her close friends business in profit, which is compleatly illegal if she isn't in a cell by the end of the week then it shows how corrupt this government is, and i will condemn it they are slaughtering innocent men women and children all to make a few quid, fuck them their time is over ;) #peace