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21 Apr 2018

the Cost and corruption.of the EU

the Cost and corruption.of the EU

Britain contributes some £20 billion a year to the E.E.C. making it one of the highest contributors.
That’s roughly £55million a day.
Think what we could best spend that on ourselves.
The very reason we have V.A.T. was because you had to have it in some form, once you joined the E.E.C.
E.E.C. rules state it cannot be lower than the European ‘harmonised’ standard rate of 15% and cannot be adjusted on certain goods, without the permission of the ‘European Commission’.
Thank a lot, cheers.
The European budget is now well over £100 billion a year.
No wonder, as we’ve all seen the buildings, plush offices, the flags and paraphernalia, the lavish facilities provided for meetings, the cars…. The list goes on and it's all got to be paid for.
No austerity for European M.P.’s then.
They currently get paid (roughly) £6500 a month salary to get by on.
If that’s not enough, there’s always the £3000 or so a month to cover office expenses.
What office space do you know would cost over £750 a week for heaven’s sake?
Then there’s another £3000 odd for travel expenses. I mean, you need over £750 a week to get about, don't you.
Oh and then there's £220 odd a day subsistence allowance, to cover hotels, meals and suchlike; just in case the poor little darlings are struggling.
I mean, as we all know, £220 a day just cannot get you much in the way of food and lodgings for a day nowadays, can it.
Well, I've got news for the pro-European, liberal, elitist, self-serving, conceited, corporation bank rolled and corrupt, out of touch with reality brigade.
It stinks.
It’s an insult and a disgrace.
A lot of people only earn that in a week and that has to pay for everything.
So roughly, excluding their subsistence payment of over £220 a day, European M.P.’s get around £12500 a month; or just over £3000 a week.
£3000 a week.
Nice work if you can get it.
Think about that when you get your pay cheque for the week.
There’s always plenty of apparatchiks standing around doing nothing as well.
Advisors and ‘commissioners’ by the wheelbarrow load; they're all on the gravy train.
But the best is yet to come.
The auditors have refused to sign off the ‘E.U.’ books for the last 19 odd years in a row.
They complain about neglect and presumed attempts at fraud, together with ‘errors of legality and regularity’ in the budget.
In laymen’s terms, it’s corrupt.
Nice to know the hard earned money of the British taxpayer is going to such a good cause.