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15 Jul 2018

NYU Scientists Capture 4-mile Iceberg Breaking in Greenland

A team of NYU scientists has captured on video a four-mile iceberg breaking away from a glacier in eastern Greenland. This phenomenon, known as "calving", is a force behind the rise of global sea water levels.

“Global sea-level rise is both undeniable and consequential,” observes David Holland, a professor at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematics and NYU Abu Dhabi, who led the research team. “By capturing how it unfolds, we can see, first-hand, its breath-taking significance.” , (while they do nothing to prevent this catastrophe from happening)

Holland’s research team has studied the waters off the coast of Greenland for more than a decade by measuring subtle changes in water temperature and wave formation.

they give no real explanation for it, not if its the result in background heat levels of the surrounding ice or water or anything, is it the direct result of human pollution or fuckery, (most likely), why do these idiots keep getting grants and funding, when i leave more intelligence in the bathroom, oh thats right becuase they all belong to the same corrupted clubs/institutions