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14 Feb 2019

JOHN HUTCHISON first world Life Fuckery

Great history 


Warning: this post is picture heavy as West Lawn is my favourite building on the property and the building that I have been inside the most. Known as the “Male Chronic Wing”, West lawn was the firs…

1 hr · love that classic architectural styled system the perfect geometric proportions, the flow of the line, its pure maths no messy formulaic equations, sorry im a total geek for that kinda attention to detail

transcript by JH re-edit DL

March 19, 2017 at 6:07 pm

Great pictures I was in river-view in 1962 and 1968 for agoraphobia I had a great time ,I was there on an adult basis to learn to teach myself relaxation exercises however I was fascinated with the place, my first stay place was crease and later Wes lawn building I was on a1 and a 2 and c4 as punishment, lol, I love the suicide cage it's on the west side, I studied the entire building right up to tithe attic as I had all privileges, I would have my own rooms to hang out in, the staff never went up in the attic and the dumb waiters elevator rooms, I even had fun prying a window loose, a1 but towards the back area's, c4 ward was bad, the patients where mistreated and killed, I reported this to RCMP officer brookbank who put me under protection, I had radio gear on a2 ward bedroom west dorm and a gun collection, see my lawyer r Flynn marr in Canada as we where going to use this for a gun control case, anyway dr Alice Cramer was the head doctor of weslawn, yes LSD was used and also Hollywood hospital for my mother, if you want to know anything about all if esdondale or west lawn write me, I have all the names and events and can tell you what the pictures you took are awesome thanks, I would love to explore the place again the radio gear in west lawn I had took up a bed space, so I had to secretly move all the beds a foot to have my gear next to me, the staff gave permission the steel cages windows on a1 A2 where being replaced by picture windows lots of work ,I was also in hillside from west lawn for a short time, I made alternative energy devices that where taken away from me because I burned my eyes out, I would often go off the grounds to teds tv repair shop and buy electronics components for my interests and guns as no permits where needed, my storage area was A 2 ward and A 1 ward under my bed and beside my bed was all the electrical equipment plus a unit called a woppler a diathermy machine, as behind west lawn was a gated scrap yard , on a hot summer day my friend and I hauled this up the back stairs of west lawn to A2 ward 50 bed dormitory, I had to move all the beds at least a foot for accommodate my electronics collection , well Dr sliechter my doc said let’s put the guns in the dispensary I agreed, and the Dr said if you ever get sick of this place let me know and I’ll give you the release forms, well OK going back on my stay in crease clinic where I had huge fun lots of girl friends firing off miniatures cannons, the staff did not like that and confiscated my cannon, gave it to my dad when he visited, anyway my first introduction to west lawn was I refused to go to school, they put me up on C4 ward where I witnessed the beatings and abuse and murder that I reported to con brookbank of the rcmp who put me under protection as the staff cornered me in the old power house and laundry rooms where they used to burn coal, and threatened me as I reported the beatings , I was in C4 3 times then, later I was put on A1. Oh I got to read my files psychoneotic phobic react was my title, Remember I was in crease early 60's three months when later 1968 for 15 months my treatments where electroshock and insulin shock, however they apologised after they realised what I had and my treatment was relaxation exercises, Jim Quincy of c cure however I wanted to take Valium they did not want to give me drugs,. However they had me in Chlorpromazine in the early days but they realised it was a error, so years later in 1968 I returned to crease on weekends the middle section administration, myself and girlfriends would expose the offices and chapel plus labs, it was easy to open the doors found a huge pile of patient records tossed in the garbage I might still have these, oh yes my mother was put in crease clinic after my visits, and after the LSD treatments at Hollywood hospital in new Westminster, Dr Maclean and Dr Macfarlane OK also in west lawn Dr Hitchings wanted to test LSD on patients along with Dr Alice Kramer, you see I had lots of time on my hands listing to these folks I found my own private section of west lawn the very top floors above the C4 And A4 wards where abandoned, so I get up there and use them, ha ha, they had bars on these wards so I think it was used for criminals so if I wanted to get away I just went up to these wards top story , OK my jobs I had was janitor work in vallyview so I got to see all that my other job was DJ CLOSED circuit radio station playing records in the sound proof room, oh I played a song they hated they are coming to take me away I got into trouble, anyway I was helper to David Steel of the electronics section as TV sets needed to be repaired so I got to see all wards through out river view including colony farm the R series of wards that was scary lots of psychopaths, elevators and lots of bars, and we where protected mass murders one was trying to be prepared for the outside world threw hillside, Ron Miltilda who Sheba he got a bit strange he was sent back to the farm, lots suicides, also crease clinic library a judge patient hung himself from the steam pipes, I found him looking threw the windows outside it was a weekend, I ran inside grabbed the culvert pipe ashtray holder and tried breaking the door staff came running I said what I saw they got keys, then the rcmp came I had to give a statement Other suicides where. Covers up up loiui szabo hung himself due to improper meds he needed lithium salts for his depression Mr Franklin of hillside wanted no mention of it Oh yes i always remember Mrs Popavitch nurse telling me what’s insane in here or out there standing in dorm 1 A2 ward looking out the window rainy day hmm Mrs Vortich social worker was another interesting character I hung around with the staff a lot, I had a girl friend nurse a candy stripper as they where called she wanted to take me out on weekends, the senior staff objected, oh well there where let’s say in the middle of crease clinic or the old dumb waiters in the tunnels rooms long forgotten, wink wink, and west lawn upper floors, wink wink, Marie wow fun in the psychological room ,Ann Coulter wow Rose Jones wanted to Mary me oops OK oh my love, Nancy Jane snider are you out there my love, god she was hot pheww wow oh yes, chloral hydrate we picked the lock on the dispensary and had a party Dixie cups size drinks bill ball and I plus others A4 ward crease it was OK it was used normally for helping sleeping, oh yes and free tobacco Coco time was at ten o’clock on ward C4 it was peanut butter sandwiches and coco on one of those hard dark plastic trays, on A1 or A 2 it was served more civilised C4 was a back ward male staff only, Vets and cancer of the brain and brain damage folks where there, C4 was used for punishment for folks who did not conform like me, usual a week long I had a week long and a month long other where there who simply smoked joints and got caught Lots of business men where there, and in crease president of dominion motors escaping lawyers or law suites and or taxes had bottles of booze stowed away, a journalist was there David comma a reporter lol ohhhhh I could go on forever to the reader, it looks crazy, but I can tell you show you every corners on the entire complex plus the river view files exist as when in 1978 gun control case the crown was going to use these files, my lawyer Flynn mark mentioned this, I told Flynn I had a gun collection in west lawn and almost fainted, he asked me can I prove it I said yes I have all the receipts, however the crown never used the files. The case was thrown out of court the judge Cronin reasons for judgement was he felt I was being entrapment he order all of my 50 calibre guns returned to me, the rcmp officer was fired and provincial ombudsmen Karl Friedman went after the rcmp, the Vancouver news media’s covered the case for two years I got all the news papers clipping Alan Edwards of bctv Covered my stories on this, later on I had hundreds of TV show that’s another story, but I hope somehow somebody will read this looking for answers or doing a documentary, I get to see the building in many TV shows x files fringe and others Woodland school I broke into in 2004 but I met many folks who where inside and people investigating the place, grave markers where stolen by developers one developer was Dave Pickton brother of willy Pickton After all, WESTLEY military surplus store on front street I met many folks and officials later, Wes Baker was featured in one if my TV shows beyond invention, but I seem to be invisible to folks the rcmp interviewing folks in Wes store I was sitting there listening, the rcmp asked me anything or take there interviews private interesting stuff, anyway that’s leading into a huge story Wes store got hit by fire, woodlands burned to the ground X files was filmed in there, my interview with fix TV strange universe testiness OK I must stop now