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6 Feb 2020

Nerve Disrupting Frequencies Radiating from "Smart" Meters

"Smart meters" Create Nerve-Blocking Frequencies - On All Your Wires
Shaun Kranish

Video created by Warren Woodward and Paul Harding

The following article about this video by Shaun Kranish, Founder of the IEHA. Permission is granted to copy and repost this article in its entirety, unedited, with link to this page (original source).

This powerful video was just released! It's one of the most powerful out there covering the facts about the serious health risks associated with current "smart meter" technology. Paul Harding, the gentleman in the black shirt operating the equipment, is a colleague of mine. I have enormous respect for his work - he knows a great deal about EMF measurement and remediation, and also about the scientific evidence showing EMF health effects.

Warren Woodward, the gentleman in the white shirt, has been a very effective advocate for meter freedom - fighting the smart meter scams and corruption in Arizona. They've teamed up in this to show you live video recorded oscilloscope waveforms of smart meter activity, as well as radiofrequency meter measurements, electric field measurements, Graham Stetzer (Stetzerizer) measurements, and an analysis of the findings.

In a nut shell - this video shows something that many people are unaware of - so-called "smart meters" create dangerous frequencies that they put on all of the wiring in a home or other building. These frequencies then can affect the body - these same frequencies that research is showing will BLOCK nerve function - throughout the entire home. It's not just the wireless signal that the "smart meter" uses to communicate - it's also the switch-mode power supply that powers this radio.

As of this writing, I have been researching and working professionally in EMF health for over 8 years. In this time I have dealt with numerous people who "opted-out" of their "smart meter" only to be given another type of electronic (also called "digital" or "solid-state") electric meter - the kind made of plastic with LCD displays. While these digital electric meters do NOT transmit wirelessly for communication, they still use switch-mode power supplies and cause the same problem shown in this video. This is why I believe the numerous individuals I've spoken to over the years were made just as ill or even more ill by the digital opt-out meter.

Photo example of a digital meter

So don't forget that smart meters cause 2 types of pollution: the wireless radiofrequency transmissions through the air, and also the high-frequency voltage transients - also called "dirty electricity" or "intermediate frequencies." This is electrical pollution, and may be just as responsible for making people ill as the wireless transmissions.

This is why everyone should have the option and freedom to have a safe, clean analog meter. An analog meter does not contain electronics - AC/DC switching circuitry which interrupts current flow - using current in tiny super-fast pulses. This causes voltage spikes on the entire system which are then placed everywhere in the living environment because most people are surrounded by unshielded live electrical wiring. This electric field comes out a great distance.

So we must demand the ability to have safe, clean, industry-standard analog meters with NO electronics or automated meter reading capability until we can be sure of a safe technology that is tested and proven free of pollution. Take your health seriously and do not underestimate the dangerous of so-called "smart meters." In my work all these years smart meters have been the number one complaint by far. No other device (cell phone, wifi, computer, etc) comes even close. I've personally spoken with hundreds if not thousands of individuals who directly associate their newly-developed symptoms with the smart meter. They often didn't even know the meter was placed on their house, but luckily through research made the connection, called their power company to see when it was installed and sure enough it was the same exact time the symptoms began.

Photo example of an analog meter with the disc or wheel that spins and dials

There are too many victims, too much scientific evidence about dirty electricity and RF, for this to be anything but truth. It's time to act upon it. Protect yourself and your family and friends now. Demand analog meters, and if the power company won't do it send them a legal notice stating they are not allowed anything but an analog meter on your property, and if they don't install one within 7 days, you will do it yourself. These legal notices are available at for free. Numerous sites sell analog meters for extremely reasonable prices. ($50 or less to your door).

Get a doctor's note, a lawyer's letter, or just do the legal notice and install it yourself (most effective) if your power company refuses to honor your choice and freedom when it comes to the type of meter used on your property. The IEHA has started an initiative to see that everyone can have totally-free analog opt-out of smart meters. Check out and sign up for the newsletter and let us know what state you are in. We will take back each state one-by-one.

The IEHA is a not-for-profit and largely volunteer organization dedicated to advancing the knowledge of EMF health effects and the application of this knowledge to protect the public from the very real dangers of non-ionizing radiation and electricity.