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6 Feb 2020

Pedo MacKay's Pizza Day! ... is coming soon!

Agent Margaritaville

As the race heats up to save the crown pedophiles across Canada, Pedo MacKay, the child trafficking superstar of BakerMcKenzie, the law firm which represents The Clinton Foundation, the Vatican, and The Red Cross, the crowns three major arms in the $100B International Child Trafficking and Adrenochrome Industry, begins his attempt to be the crime minister. Really Pedo? #MarkEllis has refused my cage match charity challenge,.... so how about YOU Pedo? Do you have the stones to stand in for your pedofaggot buddy? How about a cage march for the Conservative Leadership Pedo? Just you and me.... and I am a pacifist. We go for charity until they drag one of us out. The winner gets to discuss the Mulroney/Martin/Chrétien/Campbell/Harper/Trudeau Pedophile Empire with the Canadian people......... and then I get to fix this country for all the children in Canada, with a justice system that makes children safe, by exterminating all the pedophiles you and Stephen Harper put on the Superior Court and Family Court Benches across Canada..