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5 Sept 2021

Political censorship and suppression of free speech by fakebook Nazis Yet again #Cunts

 In response to the government Nazis believing they have a right to vax healthy kids and people against their wishes and rights,  i believe that the government Nazis heads are tooo heavy for them to carry with all that bullshit they carry inside them,  by that standard its our right to help them against their wishes t be lighter so  lets help them out D #HangThemAll

Political censorship and suppression of free speech  by fakebook Nazis Yet  again #Cunts

and this is what fb did across all my profiles  and only 1 of them had the comment on ,,,,,despite the fact the platform has full on porn pages and satanic pages and nonce pages cannibal pages and a; sorts of illegal illicit and immoral pages, but me saying hang them IE the criminals in government who are committing mass fraud and genocide against us and instant 7 day ban across all profiles 

