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8 Aug 2022

Bctv hutchison effect demo

Bctv hutchison effect demo

Klingon Baroness Princess Karla

Wow John,,,, great flash back from  back in the days, i wish i had coverage like that, then perhaps i would be able to make my dreams take flight and climb higher than the Corvus can soar, i have so many things in my mind needing to be realised and released that could change and save the world and future for all life, i see them so clearly, but as of now have all remained still grounded, ideas and concepts so profound that even a mind like that of tesla could only dream of where the source of inspirations came from and would be lost in wonder at the effects, possibilities and applications for such things,  but the funding needed and resources required to bring them fourth to this plane of existence is sorely lacking and manifestation no matter how much i try doesn't seem to be working lol, you have the freedom to make your dreams real, so why cant i?. it frustrates me at times knowing that i could bring free energy to the world, make desserts flourish and bloom again and give us all extended lifespans, yet have zero support to make it happen, and all my discoveries either get suppressed and hidden or stolen or at least attempted to be lol where did you get your break? does the crow know? ka caw ka cawwwww lol #D