
13 Aug 2024

30 Unexplained Historical Mysteries That'll Creep You Out

30 Unexplained Historical Mysteries That'll Creep You Out

Top 5 Unknowns

12 Aug 2024

Reverse Speech analysis with Governor Tim Walz

Reverse Speech analysis with Governor Tim Walz

David Oates

Apollo 14 16mm EVA, Moonwalk moon fakery (THE SMOKING GUN)

Apollo 14 16mm taken during moon landing, EVA, Moonwalk Synchronized with NASA & BBC audio moon fakery




4 Aug 2024

Mystery Left By Lost Civilization?

Mystery Left By Lost Civilization?

Mystery History II

People didn't know whether to 'Take Pictures' or 'Take Cover'!

People didn't know whether to 'Take Pictures' or 'Take Cover'!


Shocking Footage Confirms TRUTH! - Watch Now Before It's Gone!

Shocking Footage Confirms TRUTH! - Watch Now Before It's Gone!


31 Jul 2024

Most Amazing Pre-Flood Ruins?

Most Amazing Pre-Flood Ruins?

Mystery History II

28 Jul 2024

The Creepiest TikTok's on YouTube: Disturbing Discoveries #tiktok #banne...

The Creepiest TikTok's on YouTube: Disturbing Discoveries #tiktok #bannedtiktok


Volcano UFO Bases, Secret Caves, and Mysterious Encounters: 5 Unexplaine...

Volcano UFO Bases, Secret Caves, and Mysterious Encounters: 5 Unexplained Volcano Mysteries


4 Shocking Declassified Laser Weapon Tests

4 Shocking Declassified Laser Weapon Tests

Dark Tech

5 Most Mysterious Ancient Soviet Artifacts

5 Most Mysterious Ancient Soviet Artifacts


Creepy & Cool Tiktoks That Will Blow Your Mind

Creepy & Cool Tiktoks That Will Blow Your Mind

Brosky RAY

25 Jul 2024

Great Pyramids Secret Exposed?

Great Pyramids Secret Exposed?

Mystery History

The pyramids of Giza have long fascinated researchers due to their impressive construction and mysterious features. Let’s explore a couple of intriguing secrets about these ancient Egyptian marvels:

Perfect Alignment:The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Great Pyramid of Khufu) exhibits remarkable alignment with the cardinal points (north-south-east-west). Archaeologist and engineer Glen Dash found that the builders achieved this accuracy of better than four minutes of arc (one-fifteenth of one degree).
Dash proposed that the autumnal equinox could have been used for alignment. On the equinox, a surveyor would observe the tip of a shadow running almost perfectly east-west. This method, using a rod called a gnomon, allowed for precise alignment1.

Hidden Corridors and Void:In recent years, scientists have made intriguing discoveries within the Great Pyramid:In 2016, muon imaging revealed signals indicating a hidden corridor behind the famous chevron blocks on the north face of the pyramid.
The following year, the same team detected a mysterious void in another area of the pyramid, possibly a hidden chamber2.
Egyptian antiquities officials confirmed the existence of a hidden internal corridor above the main entrance, measuring 9 meters (30 feet) in length and 2.1 meters (7 feet) in width3.

These secrets continue to captivate our imagination, reminding us of the ancient Egyptians’ incredible architectural achievements and their sophisticated understanding of astronomy and geometry. 🌟🔍🏛️

Ancient civilizations across the globe constructed remarkable structures with precise astronomical alignments. Let’s explore a few examples:

Stonehenge:Located in Wiltshire, England, Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument built in several phases around 3000 BCE.
It aligns with the summer solstice sunrise and winter solstice sunset. This suggests its use for monitoring the solar calendar and possibly serving ritualistic and calendar-based purposes1.

Great Pyramid of Giza:One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid in Egypt exhibits remarkable alignment.
Its sides closely follow the four cardinal points of the compass, and the descending passageway points directly to the North Star. This reflects the Egyptians’ advanced understanding of astronomy, likely holding both practical and religious significance1.

El Castillo Pyramid (Chichen Itza):Built by the ancient Maya civilization around the 9th century CE, El Castillo aligns with the equinoxes.
During these times, the setting sun casts shadows on the pyramid’s steps, creating the illusion of a serpent descending. This aligns with the Mayan calendar and religious ceremonies1.

Machu Picchu:The Inca civilization constructed Machu Picchu, a 15th-century citadel in the Andes Mountains.
The Temple of the Sun demonstrates clear solar alignments. Windows and openings allow sunlight to illuminate specific religious artifacts during the solstices, emphasizing the importance of astronomy in Inca spirituality and governance1.

Angkor Wat:Located in Cambodia, Angkor Wat was originally a Hindu temple dedicated to Vishnu and later transformed into a Buddhist temple.
Its main tower aligns with the spring equinox, and the temple complex layout mirrors the Draco constellation, connecting it to Hindu mythological narratives and the cosmos1.

These structures reveal ancient peoples’ profound reverence for celestial bodies and their intricate understanding of solar and lunar patterns. 🌟🏛️ ^(source)

@TheHidden6870 seconds ago
The Hidden!: second city Nibaru and tracks ( The Hidden!: city 1 city of Xena ( The Hidden!: "Thule", city 3 ( The Hidden!: City of, "Vineta" ( more


@TheHidden6870 seconds ago


@TheHidden6870 seconds ago


@TheHidden6870 seconds ago



@TheHidden6870 seconds ago


24 Jul 2024

The Creepiest TikTok's on YouTube: Disturbing Discoveries #tiktok #banne...

The Creepiest TikTok's on YouTube: Disturbing Discoveries #tiktok #bannedtiktok


23 Jul 2024

The Most Mind Blowing Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone (July 2024 Edition)

The Most Mind Blowing Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone (July 2024 Edition)


18 Jul 2024

Creepy videos that caught me off guard

Creepy videos that caught me off guard


creepy video compilation that will shock you to your core. These scary TikToks and frightening YouTube Shorts have left the internet baffled after going viral on social media. These terrifying videos feature some scary celebrity conspiracies, mysterious UFO sightings and strange animal creatures including what might be a legitimate Bigfoot sighting. There's also some extreme weather phenomena and what appears to be evidence of real vampires currently living in New Orleans that will send chills down your spine.

@TheHidden6870 seconds ago
CHEMTRAILS info less

@TheHidden6870 seconds ago
Smart Dust MEM's info less

Weird videos that will keep you up all night

Weird videos that will keep you up all night


16 Jul 2024

Pre-Flood Super-Civilization Exposed?

Pre-Flood Super-Civilization Exposed?

Mystery History 

@TheHidden6870 seconds ago BREAKING THE NARATIVE, THE TRUTH OF HUMAN EXISTENCE AND TRUE CRONOLOGY OF MANS PAST HISTORY ON EARTH According to the current official academic line man has existed since 2.5–2 mya (million years ago) 2.5–2 mya: Homo Habilis, The First-Known Species Of Genus Homo, Appears In East Africa (untrue) Homo habilis, the oldest-known species to be placed in the genus Homo has a larger brain capacity than its predecessors and is associated with the use of stone tools. (also untrue) here is the truth so let us just established the known facts the North Atlantic Ocean the North Atlantic Ocean formed upon opening of Central and North Atlantic from 170 Mya and still exists to the current day in the the present The opening of the North Atlantic Ocean is a geological event that has occurred over millions of years, during which the supercontinent Pangea broke up. As modern-day Europe (Eurasian plate) and North America (North American Plate) separated during the final breakup of Pangea in the early Cenozoic Era,[1] they formed the North Atlantic Ocean. Geologists believe the breakup occurred either due to primary processes of the Iceland plume or secondary processes of lithospheric extension from plate tectonics. the supercontinent Pangea Rocks from the North Atlantic Igneous Province have been found in Greenland, the Irminger Basin, Faroe Islands, Vøring Plateau (off Norway), Faroe-Shetland Basin, Hebrides, Outer Moray Firth and Denmark.[2] The supercontinent known as Pangea existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras and began to rift around 200 million years ago.[3][4] Pangea had three major phases of breakup. The first major phase began in the Early-Middle Jurassic, taking place between North America and Africa.[5] The second major phase of breakup began in the Early Cretaceous. The South Atlantic Ocean opened around 140 million years ago as Africa separated from South America, and about the same time, India separated from Antarctica and Australia, forming the central Indian Ocean.[citation needed] The final major phase of breakup occurred in the early Cenozoic, as Laurentia separated from Eurasia.[5] As the two plates broke free from each other, the Atlantic Ocean continued to expand.[5] now that we have established the facts know this it is logical to assume any artificially manmade structure found on the ocean floor must predate and have existed since before the ocean was formed as man doesn't do well breathing underwater so would not build with the water present which pushes the timeline back from 2.5–2 mya to at least 170 Mya i discovered and publicly announced and published the evidence of at least 4 prediluvian civilizations 1. city of Xena located Position: 51.507504, -18.792442 Elevation: -4837 meters below sea level Edio's pyramid located west endShow less


@TheHidden6870 seconds ago
ps i at 5 lost civilizations now lol


@TheHidden6870 seconds ago copy of email title of noaa article dated feb 2021 lol "Did I find the lost underwater civilization of Atlantis?" was the question posed b NOAA in 2021 the answer is no, i found it some years before 2018 and another 3 lost cities and i fully documented and published my findings, attached are the published articles and the other 3 cities, i also took the liberty of naming all three and a pyramid structure located at the east end of one of the cities see links for evidence regards D W Law The Hidden!: second city Nibaru and tracks ( The Hidden!: city 1 city of Xena ( The Hidden!: "Thule", city 3 ( The Hidden!: City of, "Vineta" ( less


@TheHidden6870 seconds ago

SCARY And CREEPY Tik Toks That You Should Not Watch Before Bed!

SCARY And CREEPY Tik Toks That You Should Not Watch Before Bed!


Tiktok compilation That Will Blow Your Mind

Tiktok compilation That Will Blow Your Mind

Brosky RAY


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