piercing the veil of an artificial reality.

Q. are we living inside the "matrix?"
A. there's a very high probability that; "Yes we are".
100 percent of all of the information in our reality is visually encoded in photons as all energy leaves traces, and 99.9 percent of those photons can be found compressed in the vanishing point on the "horizon to boundary layer" {HBL} by a "visual perception, data fractalization & compression method" {VPDFC} so that "nothing is lost", or if you prefer a more simpler sounding but still a highly advanced concept description a "photonic singularity", {PS}, the conservation of energy denotes "intelligence" and that means the environment is actively adjusting for your visual perceptions "biofeedback rate" and responding accordingly to it, which is and has the "telltale" effect of increasing the visual relative size of very small objects way up in the boundary layer and close to the horizon, so that you the "observer" can still "observe" and see them, despite the laws of physics being contrary to those observations and saying it should be otherwise so. For example, lorries on distant roads close to the horizon layer and almost at the "vanishing point" are increased in relative size compared to the surrounding landscape, so that the object viewed is not lost in the data compression and is still able to be clearly perceived by you and me, even though the laws of physics tell us that the compression ratio of encoded information is "increased exponentially" the closer you get to the "vanishing point and boundary layer", which when reached and breached by photons has the direct effect on them of reducing the relative size of the object being viewed to a "single" photon and then self annihilating and "winking out", of our reality, therefore reality must be a product of intelligent design [organic or not], and an artificial construct as to be able to violate this governing principle of reality and in doing so it "reveals itself" and the truth that it logically must be Specifically geared and tailor made especially for us, as it seems to positively enable our "experience" as the lorries would be nothing more than a spec of indistinguishable colours on the horizon when observed, yet from my own observations, which i suggest you "try for yourself" they are noticeably bigger than they should be. The only plausible explanation is our environment is artificial in nature and possibly the only clue we had was a fault in the optical display matrix or programming code for our "full immersion reality" display which is most likely a fractal one, hence no data being lost and all can be reconstituted from the smallest part such as a single photon to a larger visual state .
#WakeUp #its all fake