thoughts on "Our quantum reality" is it what its meant to be or is it an alternate artificial reality?,,,,,,

thoughts on "Our quantum reality" is it what its meant to be or is it an alternate artificial reality?,,,,,,
OK so you want the truth?, are you sure you can you handle it??? can you follow where i dare to go?, well i guess we will just have to see, So heres one for you its a little abstract concept i like to call, we're not "really" here, everything you see touch, taste and smell and hear, everyone you've ever known, will know and have loved, every memory that you've ever had, they're all not as they appear to be, nothing is although we are observing the present we exist simultaneously in the past and the future too, life is an illusion a twisted mental delusion and a marvellous one at that, but as far as logic and science and faith can still concur that consciousness when you "depart" this infinite loop of existence and shuffle off the im-mortal coil it doesn't leave, its not that it the Soul and consciousness technically "goes away" as it was never really here to begin with, it doesn't reside in the body it's just on loan to it, the same can be said of the soul the spirit or love, we're so much more than these skinveleopes that we can see, we're the immortal spirit and energies of the universe, we are the infinite of time and space, but in finite bite size chunks made of flesh with one real purpose to fulfil our function and play our parts and our roles in the equation of life, each choice we make signalling the collapse of another probability wave function matrix and reality, each time as they collapse and disappear and self annihilate we move forwards in the loop and get ever closer to the answer and the summation of the equation and we manifest our destinies and complete our part of the program, each lifetime lived is like a randomised integer gear wheel in a clockwork universe, just ticking ticking away, counting down towards the end of the cycle IE its task, as to the origins of the program designer be it biological or artificial or even a self organising sentient plasmoid energy cloud that sneezed and queefed us into existence what ever it is, It's more than just a little part of us as a singular small and hidden "divine spark", lurking deep within, it is us in our entirety every bio-photon and our whole being and our lives and existences, every moment and action was pre-decided for you as it has already happened, is happening and will still happen, knowing you are quantum entangled and bound to your fate you will have no choice, only the illusion of choice to freely and blindly obey as you follow the plan set out in its entirety before even time was time, the destination is and always was the same, the journey on how you get there is entirely up to you, so make it a pleasant journey and remember that each and everyone of us is connected and bound to each other, destined and put here to fulfil a function as the universe doesn't waste any energy at all, its known by many names the path of last resistance the path of least time, the collapsing of the quantum wave probability matrix, but i like to call it realising our shared destiny, because were all one and the same energy, and if one of us succeeds and finds the answer then all of us will succeed and we can all be free and find our way out of this place forever.
OK so you want the truth?, are you sure you can you handle it??? can you follow where i dare to go?, well i guess we will just have to see, So heres one for you its a little abstract concept i like to call, we're not "really" here, everything you see touch, taste and smell and hear, everyone you've ever known, will know and have loved, every memory that you've ever had, they're all not as they appear to be, nothing is although we are observing the present we exist simultaneously in the past and the future too, life is an illusion a twisted mental delusion and a marvellous one at that, but as far as logic and science and faith can still concur that consciousness when you "depart" this infinite loop of existence and shuffle off the im-mortal coil it doesn't leave, its not that it the Soul and consciousness technically "goes away" as it was never really here to begin with, it doesn't reside in the body it's just on loan to it, the same can be said of the soul the spirit or love, we're so much more than these skinveleopes that we can see, we're the immortal spirit and energies of the universe, we are the infinite of time and space, but in finite bite size chunks made of flesh with one real purpose to fulfil our function and play our parts and our roles in the equation of life, each choice we make signalling the collapse of another probability wave function matrix and reality, each time as they collapse and disappear and self annihilate we move forwards in the loop and get ever closer to the answer and the summation of the equation and we manifest our destinies and complete our part of the program, each lifetime lived is like a randomised integer gear wheel in a clockwork universe, just ticking ticking away, counting down towards the end of the cycle IE its task, as to the origins of the program designer be it biological or artificial or even a self organising sentient plasmoid energy cloud that sneezed and queefed us into existence what ever it is, It's more than just a little part of us as a singular small and hidden "divine spark", lurking deep within, it is us in our entirety every bio-photon and our whole being and our lives and existences, every moment and action was pre-decided for you as it has already happened, is happening and will still happen, knowing you are quantum entangled and bound to your fate you will have no choice, only the illusion of choice to freely and blindly obey as you follow the plan set out in its entirety before even time was time, the destination is and always was the same, the journey on how you get there is entirely up to you, so make it a pleasant journey and remember that each and everyone of us is connected and bound to each other, destined and put here to fulfil a function as the universe doesn't waste any energy at all, its known by many names the path of last resistance the path of least time, the collapsing of the quantum wave probability matrix, but i like to call it realising our shared destiny, because were all one and the same energy, and if one of us succeeds and finds the answer then all of us will succeed and we can all be free and find our way out of this place forever.
see this article i wrote:for further information
piercing the veil of an artificial reality.