Facts checking the fact checkers, part ♾
FFS you cant make this level of tarded-ness up seriously,,, 🤣🤣🤣🤣😉😎🌏☮️

Yet again they seem to have a failing grasp of what seems to be the fucking obvious, for example see a prime example of their logic failures, they claim my post as being false and their stated reason, "the lab is based in shanghai" my post is titled is titled "Resident Evil Fans In Shanghai Have Found A Biotech Company With A Suspiciously Familiar Logo" So just where in that statement do i say anything other than Shanghai,as the location???, i go on to state "the Shanghai Ruilan Bao Hu San Biotech Limited is a research company that specialises in biotechnology", so #Checkyourfact.com you can go fucking check your own facts before you try to post on my pages and your already blocked, so please do explain if your supposedly and independent media company, how it is that your still able to see or comment or spam my posts on my pages if your not run and owned by Facebook you cunts 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕