
13 Aug 2020

Fact checking the Fact Checker's with real #facts

Fact checking the Fact Checker's with real #facts

fack checkers are taking the piss on this one, even they cant misinterpret how it works what with the big diagram of it and how it actually does work FFS

OK then fucking Nazi checkers lets just fact check your work shall we?, you fucking wankers.,

firstly your 1st counter claim is inaccurate, you say no patent exist for SARS-COC-2 yet looky here is a patent for

SARS virus nucleotide and amino acid sequences and uses thereof

and one for Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus

and you claimed there was no Covid-19 patent Coronavirus isolated from humans

and as for your secondary fuck wit checker claim of "Social Media Posts Spread Bogus Corona virus conspiracy theory" which you've marked as False and still managed to get what should be an obvious answer to the letimacy of the content provided, but that would be a double negative you fucking retards as its TRUE, because there are people sharing corona virus conspiracy theories all over the place biggest offender of of them all is the fucking government and closely followed by the nhs and the bbc and other msm propagandist sources claiming it was the end of the world pretty much and we had no chance of escaping the Viruses death grip as made apparent by their use of flawed models and faked numbers claiming we would be falling over the bodies in the streets as the mortally rate was so high and what is it oh thats right 0.01-0.02 and thats only because they cant turn around and say they were wrong because they would be getting sued and lynched for the deaths that are directly attributable to the illegal policy forced upon the people under threat of force

Original document

Fast-tracked covid-19 vaccine alters human DNA, turns people into genetically modified property".

copied and a pasted from #MC #Factsbabe 😍😍😋😉

Shared from Thomas Seifert 😉😁😁😎

Image by me Darren Law 😉😁😁😁😎😎🌏☮️

" Fast-tracked covid-19 vaccine alters human DNA, turns people into genetically modified property.


A new kind of DNA-altering technology, mRNA vaccination, is being fast tracked through clinical studies. Once injected, this nanotechnology is intended to modify the recipient’s DNA, turning the person into a genetically modified organism. A person’s DNA will literally become a unique cell line that can be patented by corporations. Once injected, human cell lines will become patent-able property owned by the biotechnology companies. This is the ultimate form of human slavery, and it is currently being mandated through fear and coercion.

DNA-altering mRNA vaccines are physiological slavery
Dr. Carrie Madej, an Internal Medicine Specialist, warns that the covid-19 vaccine is nothing like traditional vaccines and will be a Trojan Horse to turn human cell lines into patent-able property. The new mRNA vaccines contain DNA-altering technology that instructs human cells to produce properties of a foreign infectious organism. In this case, the vaccine inserts genetic instructions from coronaviruses into human cells, forcing the ribosomes of each cell to create infection-causing spike proteins. This trans-humanist process will cause the immune system to attack the body’s own proteins, forcing B cell antibodies into action.

GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Inovio, and Moderna are all in a race to bring this new experimental technology to market, all backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

This genetic modification is unethical and will cause dependence on the technology, not adaptive immunity
This genetic modification of humans will be proven temporarily successful at generating antibodies in vitro, but this artificial antibody augmentation in a test tube does not guarantee broad spectrum immunity to any infectious virus or bacterium. It only shows that cells can be genetically engineered to create toxic, foreign proteins that the immune system is programmed to attack. Full spectrum immunity is not proven in this process, especially since T-cells are needed in a complete adaptive response. If anything, this genetic modification will make humans dependent on further mRNA technology (compounding shots) to stimulate a B cell antibody attack. Due to the mutating nature of coronaviruses, these mRNA sequences in the vaccines will have to be changed each year and injected seasonally to keep human immune systems responding. This perpetual augmentation will make humans physiological slaves to the pharmaceutical industry, making their antibody response dependent upon the most current genetic modification necessary to ensure “public safety.”

Inserting a gene into the genome is permanent and will have ripple effects that will not be studied for safety or unintended consequences. This technology is being rolled out fast, with no regard for ethics. No scientific methodology is being used. Animal trials are being skipped and no randomized, placebo-controlled trials are being used for any of these new covid-19 vaccinations and mRNA nanotechnology experiments. Preliminary clinical results show that compounding injections of this technology cause symptoms, adverse reactions, and precursors to chronic disease. As the dose is increased, human recipients become at greater risk of health complications and hospitalizations.

There is no going back after a person’s genetic code is changed via these new vaccinations. Once the genome is altered, a person becomes property, genetically owned, and physiologically and psychologically controlled by the biotechnology corporations. "

see images for simple diagrams and if you still dont get it, what they plan on doing to us all you never will. #FACTS



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