
about me & my discoveries a short list

about me & my discoveries

Facts about me,,,,,, i have been blogging for over ten years im followed by many academic societies and institution's from universities to the military and have my articles published in many sites globally and even radio stations around the planet share my posts like the ones in Germany Hiiii im a internationally recognized brand in 191 countries with over 2 million views just on blogger alone,, and before they removed google +1 it was at 4 million.,, i also have a page on with over 1.2M Views which was a lot higher until google removed over 40,000 pages from the index which resulted in the articles being removed,,, and have been getting hacked daily for over a year by corporation's and nations which takes up all my time just to fix the html of my sites so you can enjoy them, i have personally given you my fellow truther's and human beings all of my time and effort in a bid to save us all from total and utter annihilation at the hands of the NWO and have answered all of the big questions in life, such as what caused life on earth to start which is a standing wave and the attractive forces generated by the difference in charges and potential charge states, im a expert in quantum causality and backwards causation, determined how it is pigeons and other animals navigate globally during migratory patterns i call it the pigeon GPS, im a producer, dj, kick as freedom warrior, artist, i even proved were in a fake reality, I've worked out how to time travel backwards by going forwards
i also figured out how to activate biological & cellular immortality and true immortality,  even designed real free energy devices that can power the entire planet with pure clean free energy, and im the discoverer of the worlds 4 oldest human habitation's 1 independently verified by the US navy, i also have discovered a whole new type of particle and theory to go with, its a anti particles a form of dark matter, the law particle, proved Einstein and bohr and the rest of the so called mental giants wrong by demonstrating how to get something from nothing, which violates the Classic laws of physics, I proved Einstein wrong again (time is non linear) published the formulaic equation  for consciousness and even blew the lid of the scamdemic last year in full detail and devised a plan on how to defeat it, i also provided a way of neutralizing the jab stab in vivo by destroying the lipid cell and produced a viable plan to cure every human being of illness on the planet in one go in 6 min's or less and have also been trying to give you the "water of life" in the form of ozone infused nano bubble water capable of curing any known disease no joke,, i freed minds, gave love unconditionally, and accurately predicted many significant events waaay ahead of anyone else even thought of them and before they even happened, such as the CME on the 4/7/21 im a psychic intuitive, writer publisher artist dj celebrity blogger and many other achievements too many to list, i love you all and want to help to save you and me and everyone else from them and their evil plans,, i don't know how much more i can do like this,, i need your help just as much as you need mine even if you don't realize it,,, i love you i always have and will no matter what the cost,, i have and always will be your friend



The Hidden(Techno)


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