
12 Feb 2020

The history of the Pirbright Institute (patent holder of the Coronavirus) conjunction of pharma-tech-propaganda Pilgrims Society AKA demon spawn


The Pirbright Institute (patent holder of the Coronavirus) conjunction of pharma-tech-propaganda Pilgrims Society 

A conjunction of demon spawns:
The Pirbright Institute / Wellcome Trust/Fndn biowarfare
Army Training at Pirbright, incl. intelligence;
Lord Pirbright, Rothschild banking dynasty
Cobbett Hill Earth Station, digital and wireless “Internet of Things” and “5G” monopoly
Sir Henry M. Stanley (buried at St. Michaels, Pirbright), British East Indian Co., conquest of Congo, Cecil Rhodes, The Pilgrims Society

Lord Pirbright Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright PC, DL, JP, FRS (20 October 1840 – 9 January 1903), known before his elevation to the peerage in 1895 as Baron Henry de Worms, was a British Conservative politician. His paternal grandmother was Schönche Jeannette Rothschild (1771–1859), thus his paternal great grandfather was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744– 1812), the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. As a result, his paternal great-granduncles were Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773–1855), Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (1774–1855), Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836), Carl Mayer von Rothschild (1788–1855), and James Mayer de Rothschild (1792– 1868).

St. Michael and All Angels graveyard contains Sir Henry M. Stanley. Stanley was a contemporary of Cecil Rhodes and was an agent of the British East India Company in the takeover of the Congo. Stanley also collected poisons and cures for Henry S. Wellcome and his company Burroughs Wellcome & Co.


4 min. drive from The Pirbright Institute to Cobbett Hill Earth Station/View Media.


Editor. (Jun. 23, 1961). Wellcome Foundation Ltd. Research (Pilbright, UK) to commercially produce foot and mouth disease vaccines at Pirbright, Surrey UK. Edmonton Journal.


Wellcome, De Worms (Baron Pirbright) and Stanley would have disapproved of President Trump’s America First policy! Indeed, they (and their spawn) planned to rule the English-speaking world long ago.
The British Board of Trade was clearly a springboard between the public and private sectors, between the British government and the British East India Company absorption, where DeWorms, Chamberlain, Churchill, Bryce, Balfour, George, Buxton, Wilson, Heath, Heseltine, Darling and where Geoffrey Pattie was the Minister of State, Industry and Information Technology & keeper of the Golden Shares

Did Henry Wellcome will the Pilgrims Society into existence, partly for eugenics, sponsored by de Worms who donated land for his vaccine manufacturing location in Pirbright?
The Columbia Lodge No. 2397 seems to have been the precursor to the Rhodes/Milner Round Table and the Pilgrims Society

Harry S. Wellcome. (March 28, 1891). Consecration of the Columbia Lodge, No. 2397 (re. Anglo-American Lodge), held on Mar. 19, 1891, Vol. XXVI, No. 1151, p. 178, ¶2. The Freemason.

Henry S. Wellcome (Mar. 19, 1891): “…welding of a new tie to the English-speaking people of the two hemispheres.”



Baron Henry de Worms (1st Lord Pirbright). (Mar. 28, 1891). Dinner for the King of Belgium [Leopold II, r. 1865-1909] et al held on Mar. 20, 1891, Masonic and General Things, Vol. XXVI, No. 1151, p. 188, Col. 2, ¶8. The Freemason.

Baron Henry de Worms = 1st Baron Pirbright

King of Belgium = King Leopold II

King Leopold II used British “explorer” Henry M. Stanley to subdue the Congo in 1876

Stanley is buried in Pirbright where de Worms was the 1st Baron Pirbright—most likely his government sponsor along with King Leopold and de Worms Rothschild relatives.

….Baron de Worms held office under PM Lord Salisbury as Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade from 1886 to 1888 and as Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies from 1888 to 1892.

(Note, these men would have disapproved of President Trump’s American First policy)

The Congo Free State, also known as the Independent State of the Congo (French: État indépendant du Congo, Dutch: Kongo-Vrijstaat), was a large state in Central Africa from 1885 to 1908. It was ruled personally by Leopold II and not by the government of Belgium, of which he was the constitutional monarch. Leopold II was able to procure the region by convincing other Eurasian states at the Berlin Conference that he was involved in humanitarian and philanthropic work and would not tax trade.[2] Via the International Association of the Congo, he was able to lay claim to most of the Congo basin. On 29 May 1885, after the closure of the Berlin Conference, the king announced that he planned to name his possessions “the Congo Free State”, an appellation which was not yet used at the Berlin Conference and which officially replaced “International Association of the Congo” on 1 August 1885.[3] The Congo Free State operated as a corporate state privately controlled by Leopold II, although he never personally visited the state.[4]
Stanley’s exploration

Henry Morton Stanley, whose exploration of the Congo region at Leopold’s invitation led to the establishment of the Congo Free State under personal sovereignty

In 1876 Leopold II of Belgium hosted a geographic conference in Brussels, inviting famous explorers, philanthropists, and members of geographic societies to stir up interest in a “humanitarian” endeavor for Europeans to take in central Africa to “improve” and “civilize” the lives of the indigenous peoples.[13] At the conference, Leopold organized the International African Association with the cooperation of European and American explorers and the support of several European governments, and was himself elected chairman. Leopold used the association to promote plans to seize independent central Africa under this philanthropic guise.

Henry Morton Stanley, famous for making contact with British missionary David Livingstone in Africa in 1871, later explored the region during a journey that ended in 1877 and was described in Stanley’s 1878 novel Through the Dark Continent.[14] Failing to

enlist British interest in developing the Congo region, Stanley took up service with Leopold II, who hired him to help gain a foothold in the region and annex the region for himself.[15]

From August 1879 to June 1884 Stanley was in the Congo basin, where he built a road from the lower Congo up to Stanley Pool and launched steamers on the upper river. While exploring the Congo for Leopold, Stanley set up treaties with the local chiefs and with native leaders.[15] Few to none of these tribal leaders had a realistic idea of what they were signing, and, in essence, the documents gave over all rights of their respective pieces of land to King Leopold II. With Stanley’s help, Leopold was able to claim a great area along the Congo River, and military posts were established.

Confirmation that the dubious British explorer Sir Harry M. Stanley had the (Harry) Wellcome medicine chest full of experimental vaccines (like multiple bogus acne vaccines) during his explorations in Africa ca. 1867-1895

Robin McKie. (Jan. 08, 2011). Henry Wellcome: from backwoods boy to medicine man [incl. Henry Morton Stanley, p.3. The Guardian.

“He [Harry Wellcome] developed lightweight medicine chests and gave them to explorers such [as] Bleriot, Lindbergh, and Henry Stanley…”

Dorothy Stanley, ed. (Dec. 01, 1914). The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, G.C.B. (b. Jan. 28, 1841 d. May 10, 1904), Foreward by Henry S. Wellcome. London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., Ltd., Wellcome Library.

Stanley’s home in Pirbright, Surrey


Stanley’s hidden agenda was the imperial expansion of the British Empire via the British East India Company, as well as to collect bio information from Africa for poisons and cures.

Felix Driver. (Nov. 01, 1991). Henry Morton Stanley and His Critics: Geography, Exploration and Empire. Past and Present, Oxford University Press.


View Media TV is a Pirbright Institute (UK) neighbor



Cobbett Hill Earthstation Ltd is the owner & operator of one of the UK’s leading independent Teleport facilities. It offers an extensive range of satellite communication services to the corporate, media, maritime, NGO, military and government sectors.

Core services provided include internet, voice, data and broadcast using primarily C-Band and Ku-Band frequencies.

Cobbett Hill provide a non-stop service provision, offering customers 24/7/365 operation and support, using the most advanced VSAT platforms available to match the quality & performance of digital terrestrial circuits.

Focused primarily on the provision of C-band and Ku-band services (though approval for Ka and X-band servicesare in place), Cobbett Hill has a reputation for the design & bespoke building of end-to-end satellite communication solutions and unparalleled support services.

The Teleport is located near Guildford, 30 miles south west of London in the UK. The facility covers approx. 7 acres on a larger site of 187 acres and currently houses c. 50 antennae. A new Network Operations Centre was recently constructed and planning has been approved for a 100% increase in office space and technical centre.

The Teleport is connected by geographically diverse redundant fibre and boasts redundant, secure power supplies, including 2 generators, Redundant UPS and a Green Technology Wood Burning Generator.

The location of the Teleport provides exceptional arcs of visibility to the South, East & West and provides potential to access up to 150 geostationary satellites.


The Pirbright Institute (UK) says it was formed in 1987 originally named Institute for Animal Health. This is a now evident deception.

Pirbright Institute’s founding dates to before 1961 and is closely affiliated with Wellcome Foundation/Trust, whose vaccine research reaches back to the late 1800’s. See The Evolution of Journalism, 1909. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (gift to 650 newspapermen at the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, bankrolled by Harry Wellcome, whose Empire Press Union, 1909 newspapermen created British MI6, MI5 and CG&CS renamed GCHQ in 1946 with the founding of “Five Eyes” (UK, US, CA, NZ, and AU Commonwealth secret intelligence sharing)—wait, the U.S. is sovereign, right? Wrong.

Its own information is remarkably deceptive. In Wikipedia they give two dates: 1987 and 1994 as part of the BBSRC, then there is 1983 as part of SERC (aka Alvey Programme) (founded by Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie) whose bio science activities became BBSRC and its digital technologies activities were commercialized as SERCO, controlled by the Monarch’s Golden Shares.

This newly-discovered news article from the Birmingham Daily Post on May, 03, 1961 puts Pirbright’s vaccine actitivie before 1961 and pushes the integral relationship of (Burroughs) Wellcome Foundation/Trust (also GlaxoSmithKline) before 1961.
Editor. (May 03, 1961). Vaccine Against Cattle Disease [Wellcome Foundation Ltd. and the Foot and Mouth Research Institute, Pirbright]. Birmingham Daily Post.

Editor. (May 03, 1961). Vaccine Against Cattle Disease [Wellcome Foundation Ltd. and the Foot and Mouth Research Institute, Pirbright]. Birmingham Daily Post.


Vaccine Against Cattle Disease
EDWARD DU CANN (C—Taunton) asked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science what reply he had made to the request of the Pirbright Research Institute for a grant of £100000 or the development of a vaccine to combat foot and mouth disease.
FREETH said in a written reply: “The governing body of the Foot and Mouth Research Institute, Pirbright, has been authorised to negotiate an agreement with a pharmaceutical firm, the Wellcome Foundation Ltd., for the production on a commercial scale at Pirbrights of foot and mouth vaccines for sale abroad.

“The cost of the buildings required is estimated to amount to about £1,000,000 and will be eligible for a grant aid from public funds.”

Editor. (Sep. 05, 1975). Top post for top vet [Paul Capstick, Wellcome Foundation, Animal Virus Research Institute at Pirbright.

Editor. (Sep. 05, 1975). Top post for top vet [Paul Capstick, Wellcome Foundation, Animal Virus Research Institute at Pirbright.


Editor. (Sep. 05, 1975). Top post for top vet [Paul Capstick, Wellcome Foundation, Animal Virus Research Institute at Pirbright.

Top post for top vet

IT’S WELCOME to Wellcome for top vet Paul Capstick of Ashley Green. Mr Capstick, 46, has been appointed director of veterinary research at the Wellcome Foundation.

He succeeds Mr Harold Harbour, wbo is retiring on New Year’s Eve.

Mr Capstick graduated from Glasgow University in 1954 and worked for three years as a vet in Stirlingshire and the Lake District.

He was awarded a colonial research scholarship and spent three years in Kenya, where be developed the first vaccine to be used in the field against tbe uncomfortable-sounding Lumpy Skin Disease.

Back from Africa be became bead of the tissue culture department at the Animal Virus Research Institute at Pirbright in 1962.

It was there that Mr Capstick adopted baby hamster kidney cells to suspension cultures for the production of vaccines, a method subsequently adopted by the Wellcom Foundation and used in the UK, Germany, Spain, Kenya Uruguay, Paraguay. Brazil, Argentina and elsewhere.

In 1967 he was made deputy bead of the Wellcome laboratories. He went back to Kenya in 1970 to lead research into foot sad mouth disease and parasitology.

Two years ago Mr Capstick became head of veterinary pharmaceuticals at the Wellcome research laboratories in Berkhamsted Hill, and last October be was made deputy director of research.

He Is married and has two teenage daughters. When Mr Capstick gets away from fighting animal diseases be relaxes by sailing, reading and doing carpentry.

[NOTE: Baron Richard B. Allan, Facebook European Vice-president of Communications, has a paramour and mother of their twin daughters ELENI CLARA ALLAN and ALICIA SOPHIA ALLAN (b. Sep. 2006), Dr. Ana Elena Padillar Jargstorf (Allan) who is a Wellcome Foundation advisor to the UK Parliament. Baron Richard’s father, John F.D. Allan (b. Mar. 01, 1924, m. Mar. 03, 1957, d. Q1 2005) was a British spy (personnel manager and chauffer; his grandfather was Frederick Leonard (“F.L.”) Allan (b. Sep. 02, 1983, m. Apr. 05, 1923, d. Mar. 09, 1964) was chief of staff at the War Office (1941-1945) and oversaw British spies via the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and also British propaganda via the Tavistock Institute; instrumental in post war funding of propaganda and intelligence via the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies and the British Royal Family]


Editor. (Nov. 11, 1977). Wellcome news for Morocco. Birmingham Daily Post.


Editor. (Nov. 11, 1977). Wellcome news for Morocco. Birmingham Daily Post.

Wellcome news for Morocco Vaccination of animals in this country against foot and mouth when epidemics break out is not yet authorised.

Nevertheless, Britain plays a part in checking plagues by this method elsewhere.

Currently one is raging in Morocco, with an obvious risk that it could spread to Europe.

But one million doses of vaccine are being sent to that country from the laboratories of the Wellcome Foundation, in Pirbright, Surrey, which is the only unit in the world permitted to , produce vaccines against any strain of this disease.

The operation is being financed by the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, which is also helping local authorities in Morocco, to control the outbreak.

Soon after it began, earlier in the year, Wellcome was able to grow the virus and then prepare and test the vaccine. The epidemic comes from an exotic strain of foot and mouth, against which cattle in Europe possess no immunity.

Britain has not had an outbreak of foot and mouth since the great epidemic of ten years ago.


(October 28, 1914 – June 23, 1995)
Postgraduate research

In 1941, during his postgraduate work in virology, Salk chose a two-month elective to work in the laboratory of Thomas Francis at the University of Michigan. Francis had recently joined the faculty of the medical school after working for the Rockefeller Foundation, where he had discovered the type B influenza virus. According to Bookchin, “the two-month stint in Francis’s lab was Salk’s first introduction to the world of virology—and he was hooked.”[17]:25 After graduating from medical school, Salk began his residency at New York’s prestigious[18] Mount Sinai Hospital, where he again worked in Francis’s laboratory.[18]
Polio research

Further information: Polio and Polio vaccine

President Franklin D. Roosevelt meeting with Basil O’Connor

In 1947, Salk became ambitious for his own lab and was granted one at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, but the lab was smaller than he had hoped and he found the rules imposed by the university restrictive.[23] In 1948, Harry Weaver, the director of research at the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, contacted Salk. He asked Salk to find out if there were more types of polio than the three then known, offering additional space, equipment and researchers. For the first year he gathered supplies and researchers including Julius Youngner, Byron Bennett, L. James Lewis, and secretary Lorraine Friedman joined Salk’s team, as well.[5][24] As time went on, Salk began securing grants from the Mellon family and was able to build a working virology laboratory.[17] He later joined the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis‘s polio project established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.[17][25]

Salk served on the board of directors of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.[39
AIDS vaccine work

Beginning in the mid-1980s, Salk engaged in research to develop a vaccine for AIDS. He cofounded The Immune Response Corporation (IRC) with Kevin Kimberlin and patented Remune, an immunologic therapy, but was unable to secure liability insurance for the product.[45] The project was discontinued in 2007, twelve years after Salk’s death.[citation needed]


The Coronavirus patent is held by the British company The Pirbright Institute.

Pilbright has a secret vaccine partner—Merial—who built a vaccine plant just 220 miles from Wuhan, China

Its former name as The Institute for Animal Health

In 2007, an outbreak of foot and mouth disease was traced back to this Institute.
Aideen Sheehan. (Aug. 06, 2007). Latest foot and mouth scare is the stuff of sci-fi nightmares. Irish Independent.

(Noticed that the cow has a silhouette of Britain emblazoned on her side)


Merial. (Accessed Feb. 03, 2020). Overview. Wikipedia.

Note: The Pirbright Institute’s 2018 annual report does not even mention Merial.

Merial’s (aka Merck, Schering Plough, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi-Aventis) Nanching, China vaccine plant is a short 221 miles (357 km) four hour drive to Wuhan, China, the alleged site of the current Coronavirus outbreak.



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