The Grand Canyon, a marvel of nature's artistry, has long been the subject of awe and a myriad of legends. Among the most intriguing and persistent of these tales is the story of Egyptian ruins hidden within its depths. This legend took root from a 1909 article in the Arizona Gazette, which claimed that an explorer funded by the Smithsonian Institution discovered caverns bearing artifacts with Egyptian and Tibetan designs.
the sun isn't in the correct orbital alignment with earth neither is the moon, i published a video nov 23 with a massive extra planetary size object hexagonal shaped,, the sun not being in its correct position is why the animals are going in circles as they use a magnetite particle alignment in the brain for their migratory path navigation, and due to the change in the position and our current orbital path being a highly acute angle it causes our orbit to come very close to the sun then swing far out instead of normal orbital path , see for details and evidence of a second sun and the dimming of our main local sun and two extra planetary bodies in the solar system,
Native American oral tradition and folklore speak of ancient inhabitants of the New World which in some cases were of a tall stature or "giants". These indigenous myths and legends also mention other pre-historic White tribes that predated their own arrival and interacted with them, which is often discounted or ignored by mainstream academia.