
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Secret Govt. Mind Control Technology

Very few people are aware of the link between neuroscience, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, neuro-chips, trans-humanism, the science fiction's cyborg, robotics, somatic surveillance, behavior control, the thought police and human enhancement. They all go hand in hand, and never in our history before, has this issue been as important as it is now.

This technology started with the Nazis, and then the CIA's MKUltra mind control program which the public is unaware of it and it goes completely unregulated, funded through illegal drug trade. These experiments have since the 50s been brutal, destroying every aspect of a person's life, while hiding behind curtains of National Security and secrecy but also behind psychiatry diagnosis.

The US and the EU pour billions of dollars and euros in brain research every single year, a brain research very focused on not only understanding the brain, but also highly focused on merging human beings with machines; using neuro-implants to correct behavior and enhance intelligence; creating robots and other machines that think and make autonomous intelligent decisions -- just like humans do.

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