
31 Mar 2018

[SAMA] Episode 43: Spooky2 Biofeedback

i couldn't help it, lol

"whats with the weirdness?, in the comments section on any YouTube video, why must you make comments of a inappropriate nature, it devalues the actual science behind all of it, making it more of a "fringe topic", further pushing it from the mainstream and into obscurity, can only serve to devalue its overall worth as a, "medical treatment", surely you must realise that, can't you at least post comment's about useful applications, such as combinations of wave forms, or how many is the maximum wave forms, you can possibly overlay, before the waveform becomes degraded and therefore useless?, is there a master tone, i would assume there is ?, it's probably just a increase of  multiples of the *11th harmonic, or phi, it's always in the mix somewhere, knocking about like a numerical ninja, lurking on the periphery, of the core programming of life the universe, and all that waffle, lolz (maybe i need caffeine or maybe its because i havnt slept for quite sometime, while posting lots of data, to try to "effect change", but still i think thats quite enough bemusement, for now, regardless of how funny it is, lol ;) #peace"

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