
14 Apr 2018

National Space Science Data Centerl World Data Center A For Rockets and Satellites 80-10 OCT 2 7'981 NSSDC DATA LISTING, space fuckery

National Space Science Data Centerl World Data Center A For Rockets and Satellites 80-10 OCT 2 7'981 NSSDC DATA LISTING

The NSSDC Data Listing provides a convenient reference to space science
and supportive data available fromthe National Space Science Data Center
(NSSDC). The first part of this listing, Satellite Data, is in an abbreviated
form compared to the data catalogs normally published by NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S
(World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites). It is organized by NSSDC
spacecraft common name. The launch date and NSSDC ID are printed for each
spacecraft. The experiments are listed alphabetically by the principal
investigator's or team leader's last name following the spacecraft name. The
experiment name and NSSDC ID are printed for each experiment. The data sets
are listed by NSSDC ID following the experiment name. The data set name, data
" form code (see Appendix I), quantity of data, and the time span of the data as
verified by NSSDC are printed for each data set.
The second part, Non-Satellite Data, contains a listing of ground-based
data, models, computer routines, and composite spacecraft data that are
available from NSSDC. This list is arranged by the NSSDC Non-Satellite Data
File (NSDF) ID and gives the data set name, data form code, quantity of data,
and the time span covered where appropriate. Note that, in both parts, data
quantities and time span of the data continually change as data are received
at NSSDC. Appendix 2 contains information on NSSDC facilities and ordering
There are some data sets in this listing for which there are restrictions
on the availability of part or all of the data. Such data sets are indicated
by an asterisk (*) in the far right-hand column. These data sets fall into
three general classes: (I) geodetic tracking data; (2) data submitted to
construct data bases for Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAWs); and (3)
data considered proprietary by the principal investigators.
The geodetic tracking data sets are part of a data exchange in which
approved individuals or organizations submit tracking data and can then
request the data submitted by other organizations. The approved list of
requesters is controlled by the Geodynamics Program, Code ERG-2, at NASA
Headquarters. Experiments on the following satellites are involved in this
activity: BE-B, BE-C, Diademe I, Diademe 2, Echo I, Echo 2, GEOS I, GEOS 2,
GEOS 3, LAGEOS, PAGEOS 1, Seasat I, and Starlette.
Beginning in December 1978, NSSDC began hosting CDAWs in which
problem-oriented on-line data bases are constructed and workshop participants
convene in a conference environment to use an interactive graphics system to
obtain selected output for display. To date, four such data bases have been
constructed and include data from certain time periods during the following
CDAW I December I-2, 11-12, 1977
CDAW 2 July 28-29, 1977
CDAW 3 November 7, 10, 15-16, 30, 1977
December 5, 6-10, 18, 21, 24, 1977
January I, 1978
CDAW 4 November 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 20, 1977
September 8, 1978
January 7, 1979
The CDAW 3 and 4 data bases contain data from the ISEE I and ISEE 2
satellites. These data bases relate to bow shock and magnetopause encounters,
respectively. The CDAW I and 2 data bases relate to the substorm events of
December 1977 and July 1977, respectively, and contain data from a wide
selection of satellites and ground stations. Data are included from some
experiments on the following satellites.
ISEE I $3-3
TIP I 1976-059A
Detailed catalogs of the contents of the CDAW data bases are available
from NSSDC. Requests for data products should be sent to NSSDC at the address
given in Appendix 2.
The CDAW satellite and non-satellite data sets are given in this NSSDC
data listing. However, since the time periods covered by the CDAW data sets
are brief and discontinuous in some cases, the time span given in the listing
can be misleading. For example, in the case of Ogilvie's experiment on ISEE
I, the time span of data is shown as November 2, 1977 to January 7, 1979.
However, the only data that have been submitted were for the CDAW 3 and 4
dates listed previously. Since much of the original data submitted to NSSDC
for CDAW activity is still in the proprietary time period in which the
principal investigator or team leader controls the distribution of data, these
data sets are with an asterisk. However, the actual CDAW I and 2 data bases
have been declared open by the responsible investigators and data products
may be obtained from NSSDC. The CDAW 3 and 4 data bases remain proprietary,
although specific requests for data may be satisfied with the agreement of the
ISEE Project Scientists and Principal Investigators.
For further information about restricted satellite and non-satellite data
sets and the CDAW data bases, please contact NSSDC at the address given in
Appendix 2.


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