
14 Sept 2018

Solar Physics Links

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Solar Physics Links

Links on this page are to sites that hold information on the Sun. Observations are made at X-ray, ultra-violet, optical and radio wavelengths.

Solar Images:
KIS H-alpha Images from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Estacion de Observacion Solar, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
Mees Solar Observatory, Hawai'i, USA.
Learmonth Solar Observatory<, Western Australia 

Image & Data Archives:
Solar UK Research Facility (SURF), at MSSL/UCL, Dorking, England.
BASS 2000 Image Archive, Meudon/Bagneres, France (FTP interface)
OSSE gamma-ray data for solar flares, NRL, Washington, D.C.
SoHO Synoptic Database, at GSFC, Maryland.
Yohkoh/SXT Image Gallery, at Lockheed Martin, Palo Alto, California.
NOAA online data, NOAA, USA

Flare Catalogue:
TRACE Flare Lists by K.Reeves, & Z.Frank, LMSAL.
Yohkoh/SXT & TRACE Flare Lists by N.V.Nitta, LMSAL.

Solar Forcasting:
Predicted Solar Wind Speed and IMF Polarity using extrapolations of the photospheric field maps.
Recent Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Changes ,predicted using extrapolations of the photospheric field maps.
Space Weather Operations branch of the Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colorado - Today's Solar Weather.
Meudon Solar Forecast Center, located at Meudon Observatory, near Paris, France - includes daily and weekly bulletins.
Australian Space Forecast Centre, located in Sydney, New South Wales. 

Solar Spacecraft:
CGRO - the BATSE instrument.

Home Pages of Centres, Organizations, Groups, Observatories, etc.:
SURF - Solar UK Research Facility (at MSSL/UCL, UK).
NSSDC - National Space Science Data Center, Solar Physics (at GSFC).
SDAC - Solar Data Analysis Center (at GSFC).
SOHO - ESA/NASA SoHO Project (at GSFC).
BASS 2000 - French Solar Data Base (Meudon/Bagneres, France)
SEC - Space Environment Center (Boulder, Colorado).
DARTS - Center for PLAnning and INformation systems (ISAS, Japan)

JOSO - Joint Organization for Solar Observation.

MSSL - Solar Group at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK.
Lockheed - Solar Group at Lockheed Martin, Palo Alto.
Stanford - Solar Physics Research Group at Stanford University
Institute for Astronomy - Solar Group at University of Hawai'i
Arcetri - Solar Group at Arcetri Observatory

National Solar Observatory (NSO) (Kitt Peak, Sac Peak, GONG), USA.

Solar News:

Other Relevant Indices:
NGDC GOLD - NOAA NGDC Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division
NSSDC - National Space Science Data Center, Space Physics (at GSFC). 

Educational Information:
Image based Cool Star Review by Karel Schrijver,
The Sun (Calvin J. Hamilton - Planescapes).
The Sun - part of the nineplanets multimedia tour of Exeter University.
HAO Educational Pages on solar and solar-terrestrial physics.
The Stanford Solar Center - various pages.
Education and Outreach page from the Space Environment Center.
Educational Resources page of the TRACE mission.
The Sun: An Introduction to MHD (St. Andrews University)

Quick Links

The SURF archive holds data from:

HinodeEIS | XRT | SOT

Links to On-Line Interplanetary (In situ) data
contains data from ACE, IMP8, Wind, SOHO, Ulysses and ground-based investigations, amongst others.
Links to On-Line Observing Logs and Catalogs of Off-Line Data

Active Space Based Observatories 

ACE Contact: Tycho Von Rosenvinge, GSFC
Details The Atmospheric Composition Explorer (ACE) makes in-situ particles and fields measurements as orbits the L1 libration point in an elliptical orbit with a semi-major axis of approximately 200,000 km. ACE instruments include: CRIS Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer, EPAM Electon, Proton, and Alpha Monitor, MAG Magnetometer, SEPICA Solar Energetic Particle Ionic Charge Analyzer, SIS Solar Isotope Spectrometer, SWEPAM Solar Wind Electon, Proton, and Alpha Monitor, SWICS Solar Wind Ionic Charge Spectrometer, SWIMS Solar Wind Ion Mass Spectrometer, & ULEIS Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer.

SXT Contact: Doug Biesecker, NOAA
Details 3-80 Angstrom Soft X-ray images. Full disk images with pixel size 5" in a 512 x 512 array and an image cadence of 

EIS Contact: Len Culhane, MSSL

The EUV Imaging Spectrograph (EIS) provides monochromatic images and spectra of the transition region and corona at high cadence using a slot. High spectral resolution images can be obtained by rastering with a slit. 

SOT Contact: Ted Tarbell, LMSAL


The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) provides high resolution optical images. SOT also includes the Focal Plane Package (FPP) vector magnetograph and spectrograph. The vector magnetograph provides time series of photospheric vector magnetograms, Doppler velocity and photospheric intensity. The FPP spectrograph provides detailed Stokes line profiles.
Contact: Ed De Luca, CFA

The X-Ray Telescope (XRT) provides high resolution images at a wide range of coronal temperatures, with both full disk and partial fields of view (for higher image cadence), and includes a flare flag.

RHESSI Contact: Brian Dennis, GSFC
Details Angular Resolution: 2 arcseconds to 100 keV, 7 arcseconds to 400 keV, 36 arcseconds above 1 MeV. Angular Coverage: sources of size ~2 arcseconds to ~180 arcseconds can be imaged anywhere within the ~1-degree RHESSI field of view centered within 0.2 degrees of Sun center. Temporal Resolution: Tens of milliseconds for a basic image. 2 seconds (half a rotation of the spacecraft) for a detailed image. Spectral Resolution: 0.5 keV (FWHM) to 30 keV, increasing to ~3 keV at 1 MeV, ~5 keV at 20 MeV. Aspect information: direction to Sun-center to better than 1.5", roll angle to better than 3'. Direct questions about RHESSI status and operations to the RHESSI Tohban.

AIA Contact: Alan Title, LMSAL
Details The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) images the solar atmosphere in multiple wavelengths to link changes in the surface to interior changes. Data includes images of the Sun in 10 wavelengths every 10 seconds.
EVE Contact: Tom Woods, University of Colorado

Details The Extreme Ultraviolet Variablity Experiment (EVE) measures the solar extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) irradiance with unprecedented spectral resolution, temporal cadence, and precision. EVE measures the solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral irradiance to understand variations on the timescales which influence Earth's climate and near-Earth space. 

HMI Contact: Phil Scherrer, Stanford

Details The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) extends the capabilities of the SOHO/MDI instrument with continual full-disk coverage at higher spatial resolution and new vector magnetogram capabilities. 

SECCHI Contact: Russ Howard, US Naval Research Laboratory

Details The Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) is comprised of four instruments: an extreme ultraviolet imager, two white-light coronagraphs and a heliospheric imager. These instruments study the 3-D evolution of CME's from birth at the Sun's surface through the corona and interplanetary medium to its eventual impact at Earth. 
SWAVES Contact: Michael L. Kaiser, CNRS, Paris

Details The STEREO/WAVES (SWAVES) is an interplanetary radio burst tracker that traces the generation and evolution of traveling radio disturbances from the Sun to the orbit of Earth. 
IMPACT Contact: Janet Luhmann, University of California, Berkeley

Details In-situ Measurements of Particles and CME Transients (IMPACT) samples the 3-D distribution and provides plasma characteristics of solar energetic particles and the local vector magnetic field. 
PLASTIC Contact: Toni Galvin, University of New Hampshire

Details PLAsma and SupraThermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) provides plasma characteristics of protons, alpha particles and heavy ions. This experiment provides diagnostic measurements of the form of mass and charge state composition of heavy ions and characterizes the CME plasma from ambient coronal plasma. 

Contact: Dan Seaton, Royal Observatory of Belgium

Details SWAP is a single-band EUV coronal imager with a bandpass peak near 17.4 nm and angular resolution of 3.16 arcsec. SWAP's unique features include a relatively large field of view (54 arcmin) and the capability of offpointing flexibly in order to image extended or evolving off-limb features. In nominal mode, SWAP produces 1024x1024 images with an image cadence of roughly two minutes.

Contact: Adam Szabo, GSFC
Details The Wind spacecraft is a comprehensive solar wind monitor orbiting the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrange point making in-situ observations of the unperturbed solar wind. Wind instrumentation includes a fluxgate magnetometer, three different instruments to measure solar wind ions and also two for solar wind electrons, low and high energy particles, and radio and plasma waves.

HTTP / FTP Skip the interface and dive directly into the SXI archive directories.
Browse View sequences of still images.
Movies View movies containing the latest 1, 3, 14, or 27 days.
Summary Generate a variety of archive summary reports.
Search & Retrieve Search the archive for images matching your criteria, and retrieve the result.
Greatest Hits These pages highlight extraordinary solar system activity or mission milestones.
Data Notes Technical description of the SXI instrument, archive, and database.
Operational Status The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) provides the downlink, and initial processing of all SXI imagery.

SXI Coverage by Satellite

SEM Overview •

SWPC - Real Time •

Other Data •


Shown here are the latest SECCHI beacon images. The STEREO space weather beacon telemetry mode is a very low rate, highly compressed data stream broadcast by the spacecraft 24 hours per day. These data are used for space weather forecasting. Because of the large compression factors used, these beacon images are of much lower quality than the actual science data.

    Realtime resources: Browse resources:

    Daily browse images and plots
    In-situ plots by Carrington rotation number
    Other browse tools available via the instrument data pages
    See something strange? Check here first.

    Science Center - Where is STEREO?
    Positions of STEREO A and B for 2018-09-11 00:11 UT

    MLSO data includes white light corona, emission corona, H-alpha (disk and limb), He-I, and photometric. Access solar data from 1980 to the present.
    The CSAC provides a suite of community resource tools for analysis of the precision polarization data for remote sensing of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere. Currently, Hinode data can be accessed through the web page.
    HAO's Fabry Perot interferometers (FPI) measure the mesospheric and thermospheric winds by monitoring the wind induced Doppler shift in the nightglow emissions. Access wind data from three sites (Palmer Station, Resolute Station, and Boulder) from 2003 to present.
    HAO obtained scientific eclipse imagery from its own expeditions as well as building an archive of images of solar eclipses which are deemed to be of sufficient quality for research. Access eclipse data from 1869 to present via our archive page.
    The McIntosh archive comprises 45 years of hand-drawn solar synoptic maps. They represent a unique record of the large-scale organization and variation of the Sun’s magnetic field over nearly four solar cycles, and are currently being processed to enable digital search and analysis.
    Access output from models of flux emergence and subsurface structure of sunspots, most useful for testing helioseismic inversion procedures. Also access output from high resolution sunspot models of photospheric fine structure. These snapshots are computed with non-grey RT and can be used for line synthesis.
    The SMM coronagraph was HAO's contribution to the Solar Maximum Mission Observatory, launched in 1980. Access white light corona data from 1980, 1984-1989.

    The Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) occupies part of the NOAA Mauna Loa research site located on the flank of Mauna Loa at an elevation of 3440 meters on the island of Hawaii. It has taken solar data daily, weather-permitting, since 1965, with data available via the web back to 1980.
    These interferometers take measurements to aid in the study of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere over the AClosures/Emergencies

    Near Realtime Data
    Collections of Recent Images
    Forecasts and reports
    ASAP (Bradford)
    Recent Movies from Individual Observatories
    Recent Data/Images from Individual Observatories

    The latest images from other spacecraft and groundbased observatories.

    The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) Sun Today site at LMSAL offers recent images, a graphical interface to the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase (HEK), and EUV light curves
    The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) site at NSO offers whole-sky images and animations from the SMEI instrument onboard the Coriolis spacecraft
    The MEDOC data and operations center in France offers solar imagery and access to SDO and other mission data
    The Improved Solar Observing Optical Network (ISOON) site at NSO-Sacramento Peak offers frequently updated, high resolution H-alpha and 6300 Ã… continuum, and other imagery
    NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center space weather enthusiasts' dashboard
    Mt. Wilson Observatory 150-ft Solar Tower: magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and "intensitygrams" in two photospheric lines, as well as white-light sunspot drawings
    Space Environment Information Service of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan): solar radio spectra, H-alpha images, geomagnetic data, digital ionograms, and a variety of other solar-terrestrial data
    Meudon node of the French BASS 2000 solar data networked archive serves H alpha, Ca II K1v and K3, THEMIS magnetogram and dopplergram data, Nancay radioheliograms, and several other varieties of solar data.
    The Yohkoh Legacy Archive Yohkoh/SXT movies page serves downloads in GIF, MPEG, and Javascript movie formats.
    The Mees Solar Observatory of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, located on top of Haleakala: daily active region map
    The Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO) of the High Altitude Observatory (HAO): current prominence monitor, He I 10830 Ã…, and white-light K-cor coronagraph images and movies
    Daily solar 10 cm microwave flux measurements from Penticton, courtesy of the National Research Council (Canada) and National Resources Canada
    Daily solar images and photometric parameters from the San Fernando Observatory, California State University/Northridge
    The Nobeyama Radioheliograph: daily solar images at 17 GHz

    The CACTUS automated CME list of STEREO SECCHI COR2 events, 2007 April - present


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