
20 Oct 2018

Mother Loses Custody of Child For Being a Flat Earther !!!

yet most religions teach that reality is an illusory concept such as Reality in Buddhism is called dharma (Sanskrit) or dhamma (Pali). This word, which is foundational to the conceptual frameworks of the Indian religions, refers in Buddhism to the system of natural laws which constitute the natural order of things. Dharma is therefore reality as-it-is (yatha-bhuta). The teaching of Gautama Buddha constituting as it does a method by which people can come out of their condition of suffering (dukkha) involves developing an awareness of reality (see mindfulness). Buddhism thus seeks to address any disparity between a person's view of reality and the actual state of things. This is called developing Right or Correct View (Pali: samma ditthi). Seeing reality as-it-is is thus an essential prerequisite to mental health and well-being according to Buddha's teaching.

Buddhism addresses deeply philosophical questions regarding the nature of reality. One of the fundamental teachings is that all the constituent forms (sankharas) that make up the universe are transient (Pali: anicca), arising and passing away, and therefore without concrete identity or ownership (atta). This lack of enduring ownership or identity (anatta) of phenomena has important consequences for the possibility of liberation from the conditions which give rise to suffering. This is explained in the doctrine of interdependent origination.

One of the most discussed themes in Buddhism is that of the emptiness (sunyata) of form (Pali: rūpa), an important corollary of the transient and conditioned nature of phenomena. Reality is seen, ultimately, in Buddhism as a form of 'projection', resulting from the fruition (vipaka) of karmic seeds (sankharas). The precise nature of this 'illusion' that is the phenomenal universe is debated among different schools. For example;

Some consider that the concept of the unreality of "reality" is confusing. They posit that, in Buddhism, the perceived reality is considered illusory not in the sense that reality is a fantasy or unreal, but that our perceptions and preconditions mislead us to believe that we are separate from the elements that we are made of. Reality, in Buddhist thought, would be described as the manifestation of karma.
Other schools of thought in Buddhism (e.g., Dzogchen), consider perceived reality literally unreal. As a prominent contemporary teacher puts it: "In a real sense, all the visions that we see in our lifetime are like a big dream [...]".[1] In this context, the term 'visions' denotes not only visual perceptions, but appearances perceived through all senses, including sounds, smells, tastes and tactile sensations, and operations on received mental objects.

What does illusory mean? Illusion and Reality
The minimum standard for enlightenment is energetically knowing that this world is not what it appears to be; that is is illusory. This truth seeking missile can be deflected by delusions that cloud the outer and inner senses or by filters such as anger. There is a certain aliveness that is connected to the possibility of discovering yourself in your energy body. The three wishes are also introduced; to understand reality, to get back on evolutionary journey to perfection, and to develop the flexible mind that moves from the gross with a quantum shift in confidence.

Life is Illusory But the Lessons are Real

Why are we here? What do we need to learn in this lifetime? These are important questions that science does not answer. Rinpoche discusses the methods discovered by Buddha Shakyamuni, using correct pure reasoning to penetrate the nature of reality, following a reproducible step by step process of “inner science”, and concludes this teaching with the two great lessons we need to learn in this life.

While Quantum Physics and Buddhist Philosophy agree that life is illusory (not solid and unchanging as it appear to be). It doesn’t mean that nothing matters for while it is a artificial construct we are still a part of it, as it is us, therefore we must strive together with a pure heart to make it better and in doing so we will enhance the self and gain a better karma ;) #peace                                           
                                                                                                                              ps even though this woman's beliefs my not be in line with the beliefs of others, while ever we live in a world governed by laws and those laws protect the individuals right to practice their own religion without prejudice, then this woman has committed no crime and her child must be restored to her, as her right to Freedom of religion is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance without government influence or intervention. It also includes the freedom to change one's religion or belief.                                   
the Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act . Religion holds a unique place in American law. The First Amendment prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”   we recommend this case be summarily dismissed and all properties and person be restored to the mother forthwith, the defence rest's Case Closed  🌍☮️😎😇

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