
14 Jan 2019

City of, "Vineta" #4

he's only gone and found another lost city "Vineta", this one's not even that deep

(þú gætir haft kafara á staðnum innan klukkutíma og verið í Vineta áður en þú þekkir það)

Depth min 43.68m
Depth max 45.12m
Depth average 44.42m
Depth standard deviation 0.45
Elementary surfaces 11
Depth smoothed 40.86m
Depth smoothed offset 3.5600000000000023
DTM Source 1215_EEZ20
Latitude 61.79150390625001
Longitude 18.906372078694407


i spent a while mapping out the feature and believe it or not this representations is actual almost 100 accurate

looking E .W. E

Lost Ancient Golden City Of Vineta – The Atlantis Of The North Many have tried to find the legendary ancient golden city of Vineta, but up until now thanks to your's truly, the location of the place is now a solved mystery.Lost Ancient Golden City Of Vineta – The Atlantis Of The North

academics and scholars think Did Vineta really exist or was is it only a mythical city? Do the ancient ruins of Vineta lie hidden somewhere beneath the water of the Baltic Sea? (yes and i'm going to proove it)

Today, Vineta has become known was the Atlantis of the North and people still go to the beach with hope the they will catch a glimpse of the ancient underwater city. but its not like its a ways from the beach

Ancient stories tell Vineta was once a very prosperous trading center somewhere on the Baltic Coast. During the late 12th century it disappeared beneath the water. Legend tell Vineta’s inhabitants ignored omens of a coming disaster and the city was submerged as punished for moral decay.

Vineta Was A Prosperous Ancient Trading Center
According to legends, Vineta was visited by traders from many corners of the world. It was one of the most important ancient commercial cities in Europe and visited by Vikings, Slavs, Spaniards, Saxons, people from the Mediterranean and business men from surrounding Baltic regions

Ancient city of Vineta was flourishing and news about the city reached people in distant parts of the world. Ibrahim Ibn Yaqub, a 10th-century Hispano-Arabic, Sephardi Jewish traveler, who was probably a merchant and may also have been engaged in diplomacy and espionage described it as “a large city by the ocean with twelve gates, the greatest of all cities in Europe, farthest north-west in the country of Misiko (Poland) in the marshes by the ocean.

It is said that Vineta had a population of at least 50,000 inhabitants and the city was even richer than Constantinople.

Warnings Of A Coming Disaster Were Ignored, 
(sounds familiar)
According to legend, three months, three weeks, and three days before the destruction of the city all people were warned of the coming catastrophe. Strange bright lights were seen in the sky and wailing mermaid appeared. The water woman cried three times in a high, startling voice:

"Vineta, Vineta, you rieke town, Vineta sall untergahn, wieldse se het väl Böses dahn"

"Vineta, Vineta, rich city, Vineta is to be destroyed because she has done much evil."

Even today, bells from the depths of the sea will be heard.

Elders advised all people to leave the city, but everyone was reluctant to abandon a place famous for its gold and wealth. Inhabitants of Vineta lacked modesty and had become greedy.

The city of Vineta was deluged in 1170 and vanished beneath the waves of the Baltic Sea. It was believed that Vineta had been destroyed as punishment for immorality.

Where Is Vineta – The Atlantis Of The North? 
The location of Vineta remains a controversial subject and there are many disagreements where the legendary city was situated. Some researchers have suggested that Vineta may have been on Wolin, an island surrounded by the Baltic Sea to the north, the Dziwna River to the east.  Archaeological excavations have revealed that Wolin was once a major Viking trading center.

but  I'm going to give you all the details below
Latitude 61.79150390625001
Longitude 18.906372078694407

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