copyright 1995 by GERRY WOLKE
ABSTRACT: A new kind of energy is discovered that has, among other things, amazing healing
properties. It is compared to other subtle energy modalities such as homeopathy and Chinese
medicine. An attempt is made to understand it by referencing unusual theories of advanced physics
and spiritual traditions. It is hypothesised that this is the energy of crop circle formation and an
embryonic clue to a coming global transformation.
On a quiet, peaceful evening during the summer of 1993, an inventor was driving his electric blue
sports car through the beautiful streets of Santa Rosa, California, a clean, upscale community of
100,000 residents about 50 miles north of San Francisco. His wife had jokingly told him that the fast
car would probably kill him. He, on the other hand, credits it with saving his life.
That evening without warning someone in a rented car, so the police said, pulled up beside his car
and attempted to blast him with a shotgun. Fortunately, the man was not hurt but his car will definitely
have an "autobody" experience. The reason he is still alive is that he had placed a huge crystal in the
passenger seat of his car with the intention of using it, ironically, at a peace meditation. The gun blast
hit the crystal instead. This man has no known enemies and Santa Rosa is not Florida. The identity of
the attacker and the reason for the attack are not known. The man says that he knows who is
responsible but won't say who it is. There are, however, suspicions. He says this isn't the first time
he's seen them, that his attackers often follow him hoping to find the location of his laboratory. I guess
if you can't join 'em, beat 'em.
An assassination attempt on an inventor is the sincerest form of flattery. It says that not only is the
invention genuine, it is threatening to some powerful interest. Such an invention must be so
revolutionary that it threatens to replace current technology in which perhaps millions of dollars are at
stake. Just what the hell is in this man's laboratory?
Glass beads, water and some cloth.
In case you're wondering, it isn't just any beads, water and cloth. These materials have been altered in
some mysterious way to emit an energy - he calls it Tachyon energy - that has the power to heal many
conditions faster and more effectively than anything your doctor has in his office.
Well now, this is the medical cartel's worst nightmare. For years they have been warning us against
anything not sanctioned by the medical profession. They have searched out and destroyed every
variety of what they term "snake oil" from the Hoxsey remedy to Willard water. Now there is water,
beads and cloth for crying out loud that some powerful interest believes enough in to shoot at its
inventor. Talk about a quack that ducks! It can't be real, can it?
It can, but let me explain it for you, and any sceptical doctors who might be reading this.
Today there are theories to explain those healing energies though they are found at the speculative
frontiers of quantum physics and even beyond the borderlands of respectable science. Better yet, as
though to give our "own worst enemy" species yet another chance, unorthodox inventors have
emerged to make healing energies even easier, cheaper and more effective. The man who survived
the shotgun attack, David Wagner,PhD., a blonde, boyish looking man of thirty something years is one
such inventor. With his ponytail and warm smile he looks more like a facilitator from some New Age
Astrology/Channelling/UFO (pick one) workshop than another Tesla. My introduction to David came as
a literal shock, almost a blast in itself.
To me, crystals are like some ex-wives, pretty to look at but cold and hard. Still, when a friend of mine
invited me to go to a crystal fair in San Francisco I agreed. Why not? Looking isn't dangerous. My
friend feels vibrations from crystals. He thinks they have different personalities. I tolerate that because
he has redeeming qualities and not many insurance men can or would put a crystal on their foreheads
to see visions - not even in California which has a certain reputation for such things. It was at the fair
that this story began.