
Thursday, November 28, 2019

a conversation about spiritual and emotional growth 😎🌍☮️


Darren Law if we endure hardships and struggle in relationships for purely unselfish reasons and be selfless in the pursuit of enhancing it and making that connection and relationship stronger, no matter even if it fails and falls apart, by experiencing those events and going through those emotional states, it teaches us and shows us things even if we don't like it to prepare us for the future path's and any relationship's that comes with it, which is essential for our emotional and spiritual growth x 😉😘😁😁😁😁😁😎😎😎🌍☮️

Hayley Armstrong Darren Law bang on the real lesson is accepting it learning it and applying what you’ve learned people are suffering all over because they don’t let go of baggage past pain trauma because it’s become survival mode and a safety net old patterns of toxic survival behaviour and the classic blame game are difficult to break you gotta basically do some reverse engineering on the brain 🤯🤣💯👌

Darren Law Hayley Armstrong true dat for sure, i know its not easy to break old habitual cycles and learned coping mechanisms that you have relied on in the past to keep you safe or to help deal with a trauma at some point, but it's not impossible to do and i know 100% it can be done, although it helps to have some kinda support in place or other things to do with your time and energy, so your not just leaving yourself in a position where you could potentially get triggered by the slightest thing like boredom and end up making a bad decision that you may later regret obvs, personally i meditate a lot and recite vedic chants and mantras, but you can do anything, even if its just going for a walk to break the routine of the daily grind up, or a friendly chat to bounce thoughts off of someone else, it helps to help validate or enlighten you to other possibilities and clarify your own thoughts or feelings, but even if you got no one like me, its still possible.😘😉😁😁😁😁😎🔥☯️🔥🌍☮️x 

Hayley Armstrong Darren Law I did all them distraction tactics I found it was keeping me in that very loop I was trying to break after nearly 8.5 months I sat with all my thoughts emotions allowed them all to destroy me while Trying to understand & learning where the roots were of these patterns and trauma that caused a lot of it to move past the cycle I had to really feel the cycle it nearly killed me a couple times I was close to throwing in the towel and ending the suffering but pushed myself on somehow feeling everything I’d ever bottled up once it was out it was easier to observe process & seek the guidance I needed that’s why today I’m able to be who I am now and I’m only gonna get better at this shit now 😁 

Darren Law Hayley Armstrong i understand your pain all too well, even now there are moments when i feel like i could just break down and cry and give in and just let the world destroy me and itself in one swoop, but your a survivor, just like me, and throwing in the towel, well it was never an option for people like us, we're too stubborn to quit and life is a gift that is too precious to waste, #ownyourlife #itsourstory 😉😘😁😁😁😁😎🌍☮️ 

Hayley Armstrong Darren Law I let myself break down and cry even if it seems to come out of nowhere it’s a part of the healing process these emotions are coming up for a reason usually old hurt pain and unresolved feelings it doesn’t happen very often anymore tbh and sometimes I like it Cos In those moments I remind myself I’m shedding because I’m growing and that it’s a tough process but it’s a faster one if you allow yourself to feel emotions without feeling ashamed or guilty for having feelings then letting that emotion go went from survivor to warrior a long time ago babes it’s a process 😉

Darren Law Hayley Armstrong i know babe, truly i do, but sometimes i cant help it, i catch myself on the edge of unravelling completely just by just remembering random things gone by, the good old times, lost friends and loves and the pain of missing people who were like my only real fam, people who should have never gone how they did, and i cant help but feel guilty because they're gone and im still here and i couldn't save them, I've lost so many good people and some i feel i could have done more to prevent their loss, but i know no matter what i could have done their fates were their own doing, and they're choices were theirs alone, yet some days its all i can do to stop myself from buckling totally, but i do, because i know in the end i have to keep on going and live with myself and keep moving forwards and even though i know its finite pain and it will pass, it still hurts, i wouldn't be human if it didn't, 😘😘😁😁😁😎🌍☮️x PS sorry for the delayed response i had an emo moment lol xx 

Hayley Armstrong Darren Law you’re afraid of being vulnerable in your own feelings that’s a hard one to get over tbh because vulnerability leads to fear that’s what you gotta get past stop preventing yourself from feeling and expressing those emotions that come with them you have got to allow yourself to surrender to your emotions you’ve got to learn them so you can get full grip on them and have more self control over them in future situations you’ll have more control over your triggers they wont both you after a bit forgive yourself it’s all happened to push you to grow sometimes some of us are stubborn and we need hard lessons 😁

Darren Law Hayley Armstrong thank you for being here for me to talk to, it means a lot to me, and i understood the lesson to start with, i just think the universe just wants to give me a detention 😁😁😁😎🌍☮️ 

Hayley Armstrong Darren Law no problem you’ll be alright just follow the process that your soul needs to heal it’ll get easier 😉💯👌

Darren Law Hayley Armstrong i hope so babe, it's not like it could get any tougher, he says nervously as he looks around while expecting an asteroid to suddenly appear or get struck by lightening 😂😂😂😂😎😎🌍☮️ x

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