So That’s Where All Our Money’s Been Going:
Deep Underground Military Base Advanced Transportation System
“System has been built, maintained & kept from public view at the cost of many lives of good men”
Navy Submarine Veteran Gives Updates...
D.U.M.B. System Photos: Navy Submarine Veteran Gives Updates on Current Status of Deep Underground Military Bases; What’s Gone On; How They’ve Been “Cleaned” Out & Who Controls Each Now▫️
The subterranean battlefield: Warfare is going underground, into dark, tight spacesIt is the most primitive and close combat a fighter may face. Welcome to the subterranean.

DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES IN AMERICAa blog about, strangeness in all it's forms

| Dulce Base 2019 Documentary Exposes What Really Happens Deep Underground, Astounding!Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico was an installation classified so secret, its