comment thread between HA+TP+ DL
Darren Law quick question..? With the binary coming In and earth’s Magnetic field is very weak and only 70% effective at best... do you think it’s really 5G or another distraction....🤔💡💯👌
Tara Pickering 5g babe.. they're building them all over and our bodies can't take it .

Darren Law morning Hayley Armstrong firstly 5g terahertz radiation poisoning is defo real and killing us all secondly don't worry about the outside influences of the earth, it will protect itself and us, the planetary defence nodes are still active in many places and still conducting charge just check the ley lines telluric currents strengths they are still powered, and cant change that unless the universe stops turning, and in the event of outside bodies potentially impacting the earth also don't panic as it the earth and our planetary system will generate a sufficient em field to shield the planet, however 5g may act as an interferometer in some places disrupting the fields strength in some localised places but overall, we're good. so fear ye not. just keep on living life as normal. its what im doing #Fact