spooky but its almost exactly word for word what i said initially. #Facts
Otto Lund
Mirror. Source GOOD NEWS. CV Part 6. Know the cause/know the solution. Take action today. Clive de Carle https://is.gd/HlrjMI Quote: "REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE NO UNUSUAL DEATHS THIS YEAR. THE CV SCARE IS NOT REAL. JUST A DISTRACTION FROM THE TOTAL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER. We need to stop this right now. Do everything in your power. TAKE ACTION NOW. DO NOT BOW DOWN. TAKE BACK PEOPLE POWER. GOOD THINGS CAN STILL COME FROM THIS IF WE THE PEOPLE STAND UP AND DEMAND OUR FREEDOM BACK. NOW IS THE TIME. No fear, just action. No to enslavement. No to WW3. No to psychopathic rulers. No to bigpharmavaccinesand5g. Trying to avoid the ai censor bots. " - EUTHANASIA - THROUGH FORCED CORONA (CROWN) VACCINATIONS https://is.gd/NBPQti Confirmed! 5G forced installation in schools nationwide during COVID-19 lockdown https://is.gd/rY3Wuf THE HIDDEN AGENDA FOR THE WORLDWIDE SHUTDOWN- https://is.gd/v4IYtg 2020 10 on top videos in right column https://is.gd/80GXZw In flu Enza aka "Spanish flu" ~ How 50 million died in 1918 due to vaccines https://is.gd/cpQTwL Vaccine Test Results. First results of vaccine investigations https://www.vaccinationinformationnet... https://abeldanger.blogspot.com/ So-called vaccines are not immunization, CDC, Centers for Disease Creation and proliferation; Google { "has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity" https://is.gd/5IkGrn , "has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential" https://is.gd/pt2gIu } Vaccine injuries, Dr. Andrew Moulden, Conférence Liberté de Choix en Santé, Montréal, 12 sept. 2009 http://tinyurl.com/ho95dsr THE VACCINATION RACKET http://www.whale.to/vaccines.html THE BLOOD POISONERS http://whale.to/v/dole.html UN UNCED: Earth Summit 1992 by George Hunt, depopulation, bank scams, fascist new world order agenda https://is.gd/WtHnDc The swisslamic state killers use oxygen deprivation torture for brain hypoxia https://is.gd/ocoKkm Swiss torture detention center Amthaus Bern in nazi Switzerland https://is.gd/TNJkTa Code O2T Torture: Lifting out the soul for a satanic ritual in a sacrifice to a pharaonic deity https://is.gd/XGASa3 Code O2T Torture - Folter https://is.gd/9Os12R Octogon, the empire of darkness https://is.gd/em8WPL Claire Edwards: Electricity and flu connection may explain "coronavirus" https://is.gd/RONirq - Stans de tullete tiltakene! http://webcache.googleusercontent.com... gt ~ Stop the foolish measures! https://is.gd/TNPTW3