
14 Mar 2020

Somerset County Council 5G Scrutiny Part 1 - Shocking Facts About 5G

5g awareness


the responses first thing our friends electric well I can assure you they are so a mine and so you and our brainwaves connect to the shoe and waves from the ionosphere in a symbiotic relationship with matching low frequencies which is crucial for brain functioning the Schumann is connected to lightning and climate change which rest upon a natural unchanging electromagnetic field and NASA have said this whole technology takes no account of these delicate connections in several magnitudes more powerful 5g is tested in an anechoic chamber when nature is shut down low birds no bees no plants to validate safety no humans no existing Els electromagnet extremely low frequencies ignorant lines for Els recognized electrostimulation for very flawless and central nervous system in the heart it's not just about domestic electricity in these guys electrostimulation in these parts but discussed by the OEE special committee talking about posts and square waves phe confirm mobile phones emit 2.8 Hertz 8.34 Hertz and 1 5 8 oh sorry 10 Hertz these are in the Delta and alpha waves and the heart of thalamus which regulates biological rhythms and impulses and metabolism so the question is it's so not the same as the metabolic rate but Phe say we have to be able to demodulate these signals essentially to pick out the low frequency public they say it's unlikely we can do this so this is the only part of the contention ie II don't agree with their tradition they'd say neurons and neuronal networks are particularly sensitive to every week even weak modulations which I found which were found to be biologically significant frequency resonance has been demonstrated to an EEG showed a modulation on the Alpha beach waves at the international conference on magnetism in 2009 chief author of ignorant Riley thinks we should look further with an Electra stimulation to keep discord fiber nerves so we have a situation here where 1 in 10 people over 55 have unexplained small fiber neuropathy Harvard and King's College equates more father properties with fibromyalgia which affects up to 2 million people in the UK so even before we even think about introducing 5g we will be specific indeed sex its electrostimulation spiked as ENS the see scepters the receptors of the skin which is a pinheads of the peripheral nerves we need to investigate the existing technologies due to the nafs' of the people especially because already 40 percent over the same blending with the staircase era so we need to ask this is in the ones that their life expectancy has not solved and even declines in some areas you see no bones about the onset dementia and Alzheimer's disease is rapidly growing like adults is it no one's name UK cancers now the most common cause of death in children aged one to twenty years and brains you use any more lives than any other you see no wonder that the worst world's insects are hurtfully than the passive extinction and fertility rates are flopping all over the Western world let's all look up on mobile phones and question what has changed the last the versus what he is why you an attack all these issues do you really want to have this class and who really needs our toaster it's our fridge where is my Democratic choice rest in place because all of this so-called technological advancements do not always work as you see the smart those ways Phi G needs a base implication of infrastructure within our communities Alice high schools and the children's playgrounds it is well documented there are cancer clusters around so cell phone towers why aren't we safeguarding our children this is madness do you really want a constellation of 53,000 Plus satellite surrounding our precious planet like a cage do you have any idea how sort of epi right the sphere and the weather if you ask me whether the World Health Organization and the International Agency for research on cancer classified electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans or who to be this mistakes of an increased risk of glioma that's why the brain cancer so States we make our phone use one of the few sizes professor Anthony Miller now states the evidence project since 2011 the first reminders to reclassify electromagnetic fields as a group one known a carcinogenic to humans but if there's a Miller is not scare mongering he's most certainly not operating on the margins of accepted scientific thinking he is one of the world's leading conservative he's the trusted advisor the US brain tumor assassination professor medicines mighty technology is being rolled out you can be used without health requirements within perhaps having being evaluated strange were you being saturated with regulation and the volatility moratorium well that five g's essential my question is with excuse me counsel please now for a fantastic and finish career to throw any investigator party technology and protect the citizens of Somerset our next speakers meal at last engineering their master's degree in electrical engineering from Imperial College and those are several years experience in aerospace weak enough system and safety design [Applause] okay so as charged the engineer I've got responsibility for public in regard safety and I've suffered the effects of wireless radiation with my family over over the last 13 years over which time I've been looking into this particular problem and discussing it with leading scientists around the world mobiles Wi-Fi etc admits pulses of polarized microwave radiation from 600 megahertz to opportu gigahertz the pulse frequencies are extremely low frequencies and they're 2 4 8 10 217 Hertz and many more due to multiple sources and in the environment all of those signals illuminate biological structures the radiation is absorbed by biological structures the pulses are bioactive as acknowledged by the Stewart or 2000 Section 5 and 3 or not the lower the frequency the lower the power needed to have an effect the mainstream assigned to the pinion on on health implications are that there is a major problem two-thirds of all reports at least report biological effects of this Wireless radiation databases such as pubmed force bio initiative IET in 2014 two-thirds of all reports I've got a CD of hundreds of hundreds of reports and less okay shout louder okay sorry the symptoms are numerous headaches and memory problems sleep disorders tinnitus and severe fatigue and concentration problems and I now have experience met many of these and many others I know how to it's also proven to be linked with long-term conditions such as cancer Alzheimer's Inu nose fresh and neurological diseases and digestive disorders the NTP Andromeda's any studies in recent years have linked Wireless with cancer the significant mechanism as the voltage-gated calcium channel effect related to calcium efflux event related to oxidative stress DNA damage and neurological effects all current guidelines point to it 1998 and these do not recognize biological effects only heating effect the FCC in the states has it started work on look at biological effects in 2013 and gave up and it's not interested in it parents public health England reports are inaccurate Comair only spends a few hours on at the year the WHL classes of the cartoon class - carcinogen the chief medical officer recommends children minimize the use of wireless the current council of europe recognizes EHS 5g millimetric wade will create massive more exposure levels and cause sorrow issues and the current limits will not it will go into the current limits which picnic want to increase and it never dies okay why this is environmental pollutant [Applause] why are we here we understand the government is firmly committed to the role of high energy infrastructure and the Internet of Things we continue our capsules as a first line of defense our primary care or at least our first line of questioning to ask you to ascertain that the government has done its homework on this project as a council are you entirely confident that all aspects of 5g than the Internet of Things are fit for purpose safe to use they're not damaging to the environment we must attain this is truly about what enhances life and not just about money and unsustainable growth - what kind of world the BBC news this morning has a headline new rules could spell the end a throwaway culture we gather that 5g and the Internet of Things will involve 20 pounds at least possibly 50,000 new satellites orbiting Earth I understand these do not have an unlimited life that will need replacing ready it will also involve the wastage of billions of electrical devices not just phones and computers but kitchen white books lighting TVs and audio equipment none of these we have now only compatible with 5g technology is it also the case that millions of vehicles will need to be strapped to make way for an electric driverless emergeny we remind you almost daily by people as laughter readathon bird this is unsustainable to what extent does this seriously interfere with sunsets and the nation's aspirations for a belieber environment three what kind of society we are most watch spied upon photograph monitored population in human history we understand that smart devices are smart because they collect and send data about us to those who would love to sell us things as well as to governments and other bodies what assurance that perhaps was received that information help will be secured how much scrutiny our counselors would have to accept on having art as well as their own before it becomes intrusive and interferes with civil liberties [Applause] government energy statistics demonstrate that generation bottles from power stations plug socket on roughly two-thirds in the power station extensive sinkhole business in past generation a substandard electrical energy has become this disregards the morning prayer metals elements usually countries or endangered habitats just for the wrong forces and illogical car batteries creating endless need for recharging and Sun going to be searched for internet streaming new remote are very unsettling projections are only 150 billion assets worldwide are set for a larger energy footprint at the entire global aviation industry harvesting transporting our story massive amounts of IP data comes at a price by 2025 server aft will be using printer centered over these buildings need no meeting but often require a large living systems like the prefix smart these facts must not coffee adverse energy equation a high energy base stations effects can see roughly three times our supporting base station with five GMS mesh densification more and larger base stations Parkington - I would say G variable area energy monitoring systems really are not that energy savings costly our bike rack regeneration Wi-Fi completely or pointless continuous data transport five new destinations a huge specs are not wanted additional savings made by budget suites local authorities converting hid and som street lights to LEDs in our braving the honorary twice it normally a factor of three is to be balanced because the 150 meter maximum distance between macro stretch your full saturation of the leg of it with perpetual was sinner electrical cabinets controlling this infrastructure will rise in number considerably with from additional real-time wireless Street advertising on many lights generated from your arses digital data well local authorities foot the bill but massive increase required energy required to run the script all year round canceling energy savings therapy 5g label street fighting with phased array wireless technology uses 3,300 WAP relays first sentence antenna to support innovative all capacitors with wiring synonymous with religious and consumption wherever there is heat there is also a waste of energy the internal wiring diameter of evidence is this dissipating heat generated by high voltage the to promote our base station colors power cable installations on numerous and very hard in diameter this is before a larger 55 sheet masks enter service how on this all the generation capacity to implement this energy revolution this website it's not instructed by the US government the National Toxicology program is also find out whatever exposure to microwave radiation will say 20 years later with a budget of over 20 million US dollars the National Toxicology vector shows clear sign the highest scientific proof that exposure to my private regulation is carcinogenic this sector also puts into disrepute be in and public health England viewpoint the non ionizing radiation is not dangerous because it is capable of damaging DNA as well as the swayed other adverse biological effects the National Toxicology program says that 3,000 rats and mice to two years the most comprehensive assessment to dates of health effects in animals exposed to regular frequency radiation animal studies received huge amounts of funding the science is the most reliable test subjects to assess the level of risk from toxins to human health this study proved wrong prevailing assumption that Wireless radiation ortho exposures is incapable of causing adverse effects European investigators that resiliency listening were similarly ambitious in their recent study they investigated radio frequency effects in nearly 2500 rats when the people stage passing death both studies confirm the radio frequency radiation microwave radiation exposure has biological effects Saints John Sampson professor of preventive medicine and Dean of the Colorado smart health the NTP study provides the most and it's yet that microwave radiation is needs to cancel that words the strongest finding connected by radiation with hot passing metal rats but the researchers also wanted elevated rates of lymphoma as well this tax is affecting the prostate skin love liver and brain cancer in the expose animals biographies National Agency for research on cancer which is part of the World Health Organization having critical the national toxicology program and the downplay findings in relation to the effects of radiofrequency radiation microwave radiation among humans we want health organizational and unscientific equal guidelines which do not take into account nor thurman exposures neither 24 hour exposure also people have a legal disclaimer on their website however despite higher criticism have been additional human studies including seven that study showing an increased risk of my others another canadian studies showed risk of glioma and this was not affected by selection Ulrika bias incidents of what i must own a great passer from certain several notes double in england between 1995 and 2015 so what does the public needs to know they need to know there be multiple increases in cancer incidence associated with exposure to radiation animals and humans cancer which is even greater to children during the reform of the brains of children in fact the developing nervous system taught children is more susceptible to tissue damaging agents of IG this will greatly increase our exposures [Applause] there are serious security and privacy issues to consider before allowing finally sunset thankfully cybersecurity expert said the danger of people from other side of the world being able to control your driverless car and happens your personal data from all your connected devices is a real concern with Reiji he says much more strenuous testing of cyber vulnerabilities as needed and dependencies should be built into these devices and this is not happening because it's a rushed marketed by the manufacturers he says ransomware problems is when you have to pay to get by it's removable device will be on the increase with hygiene the imagine would be like to have to pay to restore and get your car drivers are back on the road and they are right he says it's like a customer's game every new piece of software produced their exact with swings with the ability to to attack our ways are there to defend Oh - you wanted that house to be able to read bank accounts because the mobile pack software failure in it so this is what we're going to be pasting times harvest when it comes to hygiene he says that 5g networks good will become a habits playground and he bit the software initially Scott secured do he want to spend their time do taught to update some more have devices to maintain that security we have our online searches and conversations report reflected back to us in pop up adverts as it is to imagine shopping in the company shopping center which has got a 5g tested there at the moment where your every move and your any purchase is recorded just how will this information be used this is the future but out of it this is what we want in the sunset do exactly know how the data being clicked not including face recognition from voice recognition do we know how the state response be used and I'll be confident that there are regulations in place to keep our personal information safe I think written already in salt intelligence lady month will be able to keep track of and when we click yes to those terms with musicians I really don't think that we know where that data is going who will face book replacing and also being complicit to genocide in China and Britain page their founders have just recently resigned after this case was brought Holland is taking their government support make seventy six laws which are broken by the hydrogen fog lights and this Mason easy be replicated in smugly Pataki all the technologies were saying [Applause] I'm covering a few points regarding the health risks of 5g especially for children please have your children graduate loved ones in mind thousands of scientists and doctors from 203 nations have signed an international appeal to stop five genes in space and earth which was recently hardly to 10 Downing Street today I'm handing you the list of names of scientists professors and doctors who've all come with a scientific conclusion that microwave radiation calls its DNA damage and therefore can be detrimental to our health microwave radiation far below the economic alliance can result in carcinogenicity brain tumors glioma rest cancer leukemia then in genotoxicity DNA damage you may reap a fission mutagenicity and birth defects neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease new behavioral problems autism reproductive problems miscarriages oxidative stress inflammation blood-brain barrier disruption disruption of melatonin production sleep disturbance head irritability fatigue concentration difficulties depression dizziness tinnitus burning in flushed skin digestive disturbances tremor cardiac irregularities adverse impact on neural circuitry immune and crimes the region systems prior to making any decisions in regards to the role of five gene could you please like the answer based on scientific real food evidence to the following question what is the safe level of migrate irradiation for the ovarian follicles during the first 100 days development of the embryo there are more than 10,000 peer-reviewed studies on the negative health effects of microwave radiation there are 18 papers but Fred Martin Park all peer-reviewed and published specifically on the damaging effects of migraine radiation on fertility on the hundreds day the female fetus has written develop all the immature eggs in its ovaries citizens which means that a future grandchildren of the pregnant woman are already being impacted at this very early stage can we be certain but the microwave radiation that 5g would bring is not going to cause harm to the DNA of these immature eggs so what is the safe level of migrating radiation during these first hundred days of development the embryo the future humanity the healthy or unhealthy DNA of future generations in certainly the future our children and grandchildren may depend on the answer to this important question D counsellors are asking you to work together with us with your local community so that we can together protect our children from overexposure to microwave radiation [Applause] brief outline spoken question but it's usually about PNG and more importantly there were private body the International Commission of non-ionizing radiation protection which I'm showing further now as igner NASA igner is a NGO based in Germany that 40 members know it's not a medical money most of its members have electronics backgrounds exactly cut UK representative Sandman has degrees in electronics not medicine it does not come out any independent research and safety itself and yet councilors it sets the sacred myths which be 18 Ofcom and the Dalek own and Industry adhere to and these limits are set dangerously high hundreds of thousands of times higher than other countries with my patients why is this incredibly ignor my basinet by months on 20 year on research that exposes a full-grown man there's a marine only six minutes there's no heating better therefore it's safe it doesn't equate it with the world we now live well the crease exposure we are and will be subjective especially as we've seen soon enough ignores that parcel map site requires that clearly showed harmful effects and intensity is well below their safety lift guidelines crucially what make more fast monther sony says show sänger physiological and biological damage why is the science being ignored it's a inner is a revolving door communications industry a capture agency as we say in diplomatic terms this means are not objective not representative of the body of scientific evidence they changed studies that have a bias a failure of the that one's industry but don't take as recently as January 2020 and Italian appeal court maturing refused to accept evidence witnesses competent chest the Court did not say that it not to be a reliable witness it's like the boss looking after a house none of the testing men of English no safety status and no risk assessment has been done 5g what else goes public without this this man may be conforming pulse and modulates microwaves are and will be 40 by understood damage to us one is the science is the math question and we are being exposed to this 24/7 with no legs up no stake in no way an incredible did include counselors please help us please help people of Somerset we can't check us and future generations by ourselves we need your help [Applause] imagine a silent world a world with no birds nobody eats treat stomp or die this is the world we are moving into a mycologist axis County climate change in fact they're not being considered is exposure to Wireless radiation from mobile phone masts exception and here in the countryside we are incredibly vulnerable with the intensification of 4G it really is the death knell for birds and bees and we want to ask Somerset County Council if they are aware of three key ways that radiation affects my life namely the LA Times we've been hearing crap because no living organism could cope with the passing and that includes birds and bees the experience with Earth's magnetic field which interrupts their abilities to evaluate has all creatures have magnets on celebrities and the loss of habitat because you will be forced to remove trees make way for the best signals and that is the Morning America sweet happening although the exact so p.m. a tie which affects fertility so means doesn't these three producers as easily and we are seeing the events like a colony be collapse disorder increase and easily things the one that I really want to bring to your attention is the experimental Spanish artist who placed two groups of frog eggs a hundred and forty meters away from Arts there is a real-life experiment he observed these two groups for two months one was protected in a Faraday cage along with exposure protective group already and they have about a four to four point two percent mortality in the exposed group there was real growth somewhat too big something too small and there was a mortality rate for 90% 140 meters that is further away for the people in Wales for contesting the passing the school playing people to live at 40 meters away moment so this is what we want to bring to your attention and we want to know what's on second council is doing to preserve biodiversity in businesses requires food and also want to bring to your attention that if the cider Congress fails due to a lack of pollinators that would be a riot in some sense super fast downloads of nature films thank you [Applause] [Music] actually back in 2017 this was under the tropical electromagnetic fields perhaps this is actually more so the short answer the insurance industry has a clear view numbers I have taught 14 research years we've actually dr. risk analysis comes from the non-us target audiences Lloyd's of London had a near-death experience with claims for harm caused large vessels being screaming this book claims nearly destroyed us I have no technical or business this may be what most issues their exclusion or 30-second evangelizers of results the electromagnetic fields exclusion is a general wish insurance exclusion and is applied across markets and the purpose of the sweeping is so slim custer english schools line teams long term my radiation surgery through my office yeah swiftly has similarly back in 2013 in their ceremony recited the direct link to health s were established you learn lots of new plans it's a lot of losses Swiss reclassify potential risk is high we're home friends in this plus 2013 visuals compass 31 radio flame strips who refuse not as officials administrative reason by what review factoring changes in the regulatory body but his learning with the currently wonderful exposure days in that rivers also insists the factory to Nazi plans my own insurance industry passages as enchanted insurance industry has already duties that's a risk analysis based on it and the peer-reviewed science and what clearly see a very very high fashion risk to the pharmacist their original risk analysis in 2010 it was very concerned that North Wales information will become the newest bestest best service I said essentially the product loss is best described to the effects of the storm potential potential claims against the loss industry increasingly and increasing images could be from Jenny partners Minaj worst receive attacks when you cannot see or knowledge thank you this is perhaps the piercing yet this is the truth that's in there has given seven fudgie shortcut assessment for lost profits 2014 60 seconds rotten few start yeah well I can't reverse would not show anything that's how after 2015 under Street of safety in fact the impossible to cover for the health effects known as radiation he shows his real person or a fake person - thorgy donation [Applause] Up next


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