A. people have lost trust i the nhs as they know they have been murdering people and B. the ones that do try to get nhs services are being denied them, you cant even get to see a doctor never mind a hospital appointment even if its an A&E job, we all know that the numbers have been faked to boost fear, its bullshit and everyone knows it, so they are trying to double down, so when they finally do relinquish lock down they can say look we did it right as we made the virus disappear, even tough we all know there is no virus, its just them killing people and stealing our taxpayer cash and assets while destroying our world, we need to prosecute them to the full extent of the law and then some. Utter scum fuckery.
Mimir's Council
In this video we take a look at the week 14 and 15 deaths statistics in the UK and see if its really Covid-19 that is causing the rise.