how the american gov is faking their numbers to enforce fake lock downs as made apparent by the way waaaay over the top exaggerated numbers used to generate these graphs show, as they panic and heap on the fake data to try to contain the damage done by social media and people who like to think for themselves, FYI if the numbers were accurate there would be bodies in the NY streets decomposing as there would be no one left to collect them ERGO its all fake as i said way back in march. and now we are armed with proof that the lock down policy has had zero effect on the growth and death rate of the "virus" at all, and the UK numbers for the virus indicate that its all over as i said, and any kind of virus real or imaginary make's people react in the same way and they both have a very "limited shelf life" . in fact Id wager heavily that if you tracked peoples emotional responses to a perceived fear and threat and how those emotional responses fade upon their realization of there being no threat to them they would look exactly the same as fear only lasts as long as you willing to remain afraid. so Roar like lions And be FREE.
please see all images and share this information far and wide