
21 Apr 2020

Super NOVA - Determining where EVO material comes from

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project

hi my name is Bob grinia and I'm a

volunteer with the Martin Fleischmann

memorial predict okay in the last video

I talked about the transport of material

from the ball lightning or the large

macro exotic vacuum object in the center

of the supernova reactor and how it

could deposit on the outside I asked the

question how can we determine where the

material for the supernovae EVO strike

marks come from and I said that I was

going to talk about my proposals for

that in a future video and this is that

video the material that we're talking

about is these kind of glassy deposits

that we see here on various exotic

vacuum objects strike marks now it will

become very very very clear what is

forming these structures and why I

believe they really are an actual

structure that is capturing this

material and transporting it but we need

to establish where that material is

coming from and you can see these

hexagons and pentagons and truncated

hexagons here and it's a I'm still quite

amazed that no one out there has worked

out really what's going on here I will

work through it I've bought a lot of

stuff to make other experiments to make

it very very clear why I am extremely

convinced that these particular kind of

formations are forming and how you get

these kind of internal structures going

on that I've identified in these recent

presentations so I'm chomping at the bit

to do the experiments to show you how

these things are forming and why they're

specifically forming in these ways even

these ones that you see here on the lion

reactor here and here anyway so back to

the subject at hand and I have come up

with a couple of suggestions and it's

been recently made possible because the

DIY shops the hardware stores here have

recently opened and I'm going to share

with you my thoughts and also other

things that I'll be doing to look for

real time transportations potentially

and also for the active

action of what's going on in here now we

don't know that these strike marks were

formed across a number of experiments

within the supernova reactor before I

received it or whether they all happened

in one event so it would be useful to be

able to know if there's anything going

on at the particular time and then see

it before and after on a maybe a sample

area and so one suggestion was on the

inside of the reactor clamshell would be

to polish an area or clean it off but

that's changing the nature of the

reactor and since we are it's on loan

word to us and I come up with a

different proposal and I would like your

thoughts on it so I've been thinking

about this for a while and I was able to

get into the hardware stores last week

because that was now made possible and I

bought some aluminium and some brass

here and brass actually is a copper zinc

and I hope it's got Lydon it typically

does have led anywhere up to say two and

a half three percent but normally lower

than that depending on the machinability

of it this does seem to be machinable

because the concept is to actually take

off little billets like this polish the

ends look at the ends before anything's

happen and then as you see here in the

reactor what I have done is indicative

what I intend to do but you see this

mottled area here that's where

potentially there's been a lot of strike

marks and you see these other strike

marks that are these little white spots

that you see on the inside of the

clamshell here what I've got here is

aluminium and this is our brass and

these holes were already here they were

eight millimeters nominally I did have

to do a little bit of adjustment on the

outside of that but if you go to the

outside of the clamshell you can see

them sticking through like this so I can

make a number of these samples of these

large rods that I purchased and I can do

you know one per gram or whatever

the other thing I have in there you may

have noticed if i zoom in is I got a

little camera in there now the idea of

having this camera in here would be to

actually see the action going on in the

ball to be able to locate it in the

correct position get an understanding of

what actually causes the ignition and so

forth I bought this particular one

because it was affordable I think it was

about forty forty five dollars delivered

and it had an eight millimeter bore so I

could literally just insert it in here

there's a couple of problems one it

isn't the claimed resolution it said it

was and it only has a frame rate of six

point two five frames per second which

is shockingly and palling lilo now the

reason I wanted a camera in looking into

this is that the images we have of

exotic vacuum objects are those of Ken

shoulders and they are from the 1980s

and he used a electronic camera I think

with a pinhole there's work recently by

Bogdanovich and I think also you're

seeing them in the sapphire reactor

the ones that are most clearly defined

are by Kim shoulders and it would be

great to be able to say if we could

capture say an exotic vacuum object like

a ball lightning coming through this

glass and then coming out into this area

using a camera pointing in there that

would just be absolutely fantastic but

also to you know do a run and then have

a before-and-after look at these and and

know what we saw in the run would be

really really useful now there's a

problem with this over and above the

fact that it's a very slow framerate and

it's not the very high resolution the

other one is is that this is going to be

extremely bright so I'm about all out of

fun so I'm gonna make a request here for

about a hundred and ten pounds I'm gonna

do a separate GoFundMe to raise the

money for this but before I get on to

that the reason I really want to see LED

in the brass here is because if we have

LED in the brass and

we have an opportunity for fission

reactions because LED is the heaviest

staple element and aluminium is ideal

because it's a light element which does

seem to really like to take part in a

fusion and a fusion fission nucleon

exchange reactions again we have copper

in here and zinc so we have a range of

elements and we have plenty billet to

know what the material was that we

started with and then we have

effectively the before and after across

a number of runs okay so now I'm going

to talk a little bit more about the

camera and what I am asking for for your

help on this for the experiment so this

is the camera undelivered it costs 60

pounds so those are going to be a 10 15

pound delivery charge on there it has a

focal range of one inch to 15 point

seven inches so this in theory will be

able to keep almost the entire of the

inside of the supernova reactor in focus

and that's really good it also has a

very high resolution of 1944 P so that's

going to give us a you know really good

look at what's going on in the actual

reactor and so if I go down here I'm

actually offline now but the important

thing is here it's 30 frames per second

and that will give us a reasonable

chance of capturing things in motion

it's not such a bad thing to have motion

blur I that's something that's traveling

over a distance in time and leaving a

trail because it gives you some

directional information without having

to do post analysis so but 30 frames per

second is going to give us a lot more

granularity then six point two five

frames per second so it's about

resolution and so forth I will have to

countersink it because it's eight and a

half millimeters the head of this

particular camera but that's not

something so much of a problem it's not

going to affect the actual normal hole

size now the other thing is about the

brightness I have identified this can

which is off the front of a drone lens

and it's an ND mm so this is the

strongest neutral filter it's not going

to color the light coming out but it's

going to drop that by 11 stops so it's

essentially like looking through some

thick welding glass and so hopefully we

will see bright things without it

saturating the camera now this is a

twenty pounds again without delivery so

this is why I'm asking for about a

hundred and ten pounds because I lose

some money on the the actual GoFundMe

payment process so that's that now on

the subject of light

I've actually purchased a diffraction

grating and I'm going to try and create

a light channel through another one of

the holes that you see there in the

reactor clamshell and have a look into

the reaction as it's happening with a

separate phone with some software on

there recording the spectral output so

we can see whether it's just you know

oxygen and nitrogen in the air and the

carbon emissions or whether during the

course of a reaction there are some

shifting spectral lines which will be

interesting data as well but that's

that's already on its way in theory and

I need to do some more preparation on

that but really the big ask for this

particular video is you know if anyone

can help with like five ten pounds here

there we could quickly get to the point

of having at 110 pounds needed to by the

ND filter here and the high resolution

camera here okay so that is my request

now this potentially will give us the

ability to know if something has come

out of the center and actually impinge

on this aluminium or brass billet we

know that it's fresh material we'll have

before and after and we might be able to

see the actual action in flight and also

see potentially if there's transmutation

because we know it's aluminium and

or anything else on there is it

transportation is it is it when in the

case of the lid is it making lighter

elements on there that are not anywhere

in the reactor so there's a lot of

opportunity here to potentially see if

the Evo's are just transporting material

or doing transportation on impact so

thank you very much for your time and I

will see you in the next video

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project


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