
10 Jun 2020

Corruption, fraud and human rights violations are accustomed in the UK

Corruption, fraud and human rights violations are accustomed in the UK

The UK's anti-corruption strategy implemented since 2017, focuses principally on overseas corruption. There is a hypocritical position wherein the establishment is overlooking the UK’s domestic systemic corruption within our justice system and public authorities whilst we give away more than £13 billion a year in foreign aid that is assisting in funding overseas corrupt practices. They fail to protect the interests of the people, fail to deal with the problems at home and then harp on about how well they prevent corruption overseas.

Over the last 5 years UK taxpayer’s funds gifted to 20 of the world’s most corrupt countries has risen by more than a third, to over £1.5 billion. The £400 million aid increase to these corrupt nations came after the 2017 DFID risk register found that there is strong plausibility that funds could be diverted by Islamic extremist groups, yet British aid to Islamic extremist strongholds rose over the 5 years to £193.8 million. Funding to Afghanistan alone increased by 26% to £248.7 million whilst Iraq’s British aid funding doubled to nearly £74 million, with increased subsidies to support the civil wars in Syria and Yemen where there are vast reports of aid shipments being sabotaged and stolen.

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact found that the Department for International Development (DFID) funds are being used to fund corrupt practices abroad. The 2014 report found that the British Government had given more than £1 billion to Ethiopia whilst its security forces tortured, killed and raped innocent civilians.

Domestic corruption and a massive increase in fraudulent activity and crimes against civilians are being concealed, advocated and overlooked

Whilst the establishment expends over £13 billion on foreign aid each year, the UK’s systemic corruption problem spirals out of control and the government conceal from the public what is really going on.

The Serious Fraud Office:

The Serious Fraud Office, (“SFO”), the law enforcement agency purporting to investigate and prosecute serious fraud and corruption cases in the UK and overseas, has a basic annual budget of just £31 million to maintain its staff base of circa 500 employees. In the last 2018 – 2019 report, the SFO opened just 11 new investigations, with a total caseload of just 70 cases, of which 14 cases were closed without charge. The Authority is grossly underfinanced and is ill-equipped to deal with the challenges faced.

The police and Action Fraud:

Police forces have been stripped of the essential capital they require to provide an effective crime prevention service to the public by years of superfluous austerity cuts by the establishment. All reports of fraud in the UK to police are directed to Action Fraud, the UK’s national reporting authority for fraud and cybercrime, essentially a call centre with no investigational or prosecution capability.

Reports taken are passed to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, an offshoot of City of London Police, a corrupt entity describing itself as “the national policing lead for fraud and is dedicated to preventing and investigating fraud at all levels”.

Paul Morgan-Bentley, a journalist at The Times went undercover and applied for a position at Action Fraud’s call centre in Scotland. Michael Rodgers, a City of London Police training manager for Action Fraud was filmed telling recruits that when people report fraud, it is highly unlikely that their cases will ever be passed on for police investigation. In essence, Action Fraud is a fraud in itself, there as a smokescreen to deceive the public into belief that there is an authority to deal with fraud when there is not.

Paul Morgan-Bentley of The Times exposes Action Fraud

The Action Fraud website claims that the operation is controlled by City of London Police, in reality the call centre operation is outsourced the US firm, Concentrix, the same organisation that earlier also made a mockery of HMRC, incorrectly withdrawing tax credits from hundreds of claimants and causing a nationwide scandal and misery for many hundreds of low income families who relied on tax credits to support their income.

A culture of concealment and corruption within City of London Police

Commander Karen Baxter of City of London Police, who purport to run Action Fraud, previously told The Times in August last year that Concentrix would have its contract reviewed by the police, saying she was 'angry, disappointed, appalled', it was all just for show. There is a culture of corruption that runs through the heart of the highest echelons of City of London Police, puppets to the puppet masters.

Meet Inspector Ian Younger of City of London Police, he told us categorically that:
"there's no obligation on any police force to investigate any particular crime"

In our own investigation into the practices of City of London Police, we recorded Inspector Ian Younger, head of Economic Crime, Deputy Director of Professional Standards and a member of the Fraud Advisory Panel in relation to two cases under our investigation, Younger himself made some admissions that left us dumbfounded.

Intel UK Investigator:

I am asking you to send me the evidence I have sent you, back to me, paginated, page numbered so I can refer back to it, because I believe you may be missing something. All of the evidence I have sent to you hasn’t been dealt with. I am asking you to send it back to me in CPR compliant format as if I was requesting an office copy from the court. The evidence I have sent to you are the things like the skeleton arguments, statements looking at dishonesty.

Inspector Younger:

Which you would have a copy of wouldn’t you?

Intel UK Investigator:

Well, yes but you don’t get where I am coming from.

Inspector Younger:

There is no basis for you making that request from us because this is material you already have.

Intel UK Investigator:

Well, this is the basis of it, right, because I want to make sure, that you’re not missing anything, right? Because, at the end of the day I have sent some very comprehensive statements to you, City of London Police and that hasn’t been acted upon. So I need to find out where within the chain we have gone wrong, so this is why I have asked you to send it back to me in CPR complaint format so that I can refer back to it.

Inspector Younger:

So, urm, urr, umm, I am afraid I’m.

Intel UK Investigator:

Why’s that then?

Inspector Younger:

I’ve just told you why, because we are not under any obligation to do it, so why would we do it? When its material that you’ve got. If you want to present that in some other form, that’s entirely up to you.

Intel UK Investigator:

No, this is where I am coming from, right. You are exercising the duties of a police officer. Police officers are tasked with dealing with proven and substantive crimes. The submissions that I’ve made prove very serious crimes, indictable offences and I’ve delivered that evidence to you, City of London Police, right. Now I’m asking you, as prosecutor, to send me back that evidence that I’ve sent you because I believe there’s an issue with spoilation and I refer to section 26 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Act 2015. Section 26, in case you’re not familiar with it, I’m sure you are, deals with corrupt or other improper exercise of police powers and privileges, right? If you want to have a look at the legislation, by all means look it up, this is the one that I’m going to deal with, because there’s been spoilation of evidence.

Inspector Younger:

If you think that’s appropriate for that to be applied in that case that’s entirely up to you. Also, if you think there is a criminal case the other option is for you to take out a private criminal prosecution.

Intel UK Investigator:

Why would I do that when the police have a duty to act first and
foremost? Why would I do that?

Inspector Younger:

We have no duty to, to investigate crimes of this type

Intel UK Investigator:

You have no duty to investigate crime is that what you’re telling me?

Inspector Younger:

No, no, we have no duty to investigate crimes of this particular type

Intel UK Investigator:

What is “this particular type” you are referring to then Ian?

Inspector Younger:

Well, the only, urr, um, you should be aware that, its only occurred in recent years, of the Warboys ruling.

Intel UK Investigator:

Yeah, the corruption case.

Inspector Younger:

The police are obligated to investigate serious crime, such as murder and rape.

Intel UK Investigator:

Yeah, indictable offences.

Inspector Younger:

The type of those your describing don’t fall into that category. If you disagree with me, then you’ve got the option of what they did in the case of Worboys and take it to court.

Intel UK Investigator:

Yeah but perverting the course of justice is an indictable offence

Inspector Younger:

and if necessary, take it to the Supreme Court which is where the ruling was actioned, otherwise, there is no obligation by any police force to investigate any particular crime

Inspector Younger, one of the most senior officers in City of London Police summed up the position in one, police these days will only investigate the most serious offences that come into the public domain, otherwise they are not obligated to investigate.
Action Fraud and out of the horse’s mouth himself, frauds, theft and other crimes, even perverting the course of justice, no longer matter to police.

In essence, the police forces themselves are, by Younger’s own admission, a fraud, there to deceive the public into belief that crimes will be investigated when they clearly are not. Our contention is simple, what is the purpose of a police force that do not investigate crime and limit their work only to the most serious crimes? What is the purpose of a court that only serves injustice and what use is a regulator that fails to regulate. All are as much use as a chocolate fireguard next to the roaring log fire, a flagrant abuse of the public's trust and taxpayer's funds.

Gross human rights violations and tyranny

The UK establishment is entirely dysfunctional, its leadership are subject of impunity, yet it’s in the public interest to hold them to account. It has become impossible to do so in the UK, the police don’t police, they are effectively soldiers for the establishment and only work to protect the kleptocrats from prosecution. The Standards Commissioner fails to enforce the Parliamentary standards and the courts are unduly influenced by the same corrupt politicians.

The time has come for drastic overseas action, so Intelligence UK, together with our international legal partners are launching legal actions in New York pursuant to the Global Magnitsky Act providing for the U.S government to sanction foreign government officials implicated in human rights abuses anywhere in the world. We will bypass the controlled UK media and the compromised courts, bringing this action of international public interest against all of the perpetrators.

It is time to drain the swamp and to rid our society of this endemic culture of dishonesty and corruption and to restore the rule of law that underpins our democracy, for the good of our country and future generations.


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