nano bubble rework
You know fb are demanding cash from your donations when you donate to charities via the platform, like when everyone has been throwing billions in to cancer charity scams and fb and other scuzzy corporate entities make even more money off of the backs of your good intentions and yet nothing gets cured and its main goal is not to help those you intended to help but just to make profit instead, and they do this through them charging companies for allowing other people like you to see the posts and by direct commission which drives up more positive PR BS spin by "Virtue Signalling", on social media and creating profit and we believe in the good in our species and that not all things must be done for profit, some can be done just out of pure love and not from a greed oriented self serving place as that's just not right so if you want to help cure the world, get at me i've been trying to help you all since day 1 and i know some of you will read my words and not believe me and thats OK, i've learned a lot in my short time called life
and i know it doesn't matter if you've lost your way and forgotten the path because i still believe in you and will keep on shining a light for you to find your way home, I Love You Stay Awesome live free and LOVE 😂😂🌍☮️
You want to change the world now is the optimal time to do it the systems of control are crumbling the old ways are gone and soon to be extinct the world is changing around you whether you want it to or not and if you cant make a change to fit in to that world you have to be the change and make it your world so please help me to help you and I'll knock this together and begin dispersal of said "02H20 Health supplement" (saying it cures cancer gets you censored fyi),
any and all donations or help in any way revived shall be duly noted, appreciated and the details publicly published and fully endorsed by me for the sole purposes of:
the buying and procurement or manufacture of an air to fresh water condenser units, a three stage osmosis filter and linkages a pressure air injection pump to water tanks, Carbon ceramic nano air filter stones, for use as intended to cause water and pressurised ozone gasses O2 to be filtered through a carbon nano tipped air stone system at 50' with ozone gasses pumped directly into the nano bubbles mixture at 25psi, and then dispersed to a secondary stage cooling tank 20' to shrink the nano bubbles further via artificial replication of natural process, then pumped to third pressure tank to settle and be re pumped in a looped cycle back into the system for maximum NB saturation effect.
to be administered by ingestion or by a Nebulizer aerosol system for immediate effect of relieving Hypoxia of lung and other biological tissues caused by either environmental contamination or degenerative diseases of the pulmonary system and for the aiding in a chemical free all natural detox treatments and pro active health regeneration, it will be used to treat and to cure diseases for free a gift to the public with the use of nano bubbles by building a portable system for free dispersal, don't give your time and money to big cancer charities or the nhs, you can cure yourself for much cheaper than it would cost for one round of chemo, and they don't cure you, they simply treat the symptoms rather ineffectually, and not fix the cause, Help me to Help you and help in any way you can to fund or aide me and beat cancer by helping your bodies cellular regeneration properties to kick in to overdrive and beat the diseases by feeding the cell nucleus's of your tissues with fuel and oxygen and the spark that it needs to fire its biological engine up and hit turbo, its quite simple really, if you need a full explanation of how it works or the full technical schematics for the whole system or any supporting studies to verify the proof of the viability of my claims then i have many published studies on the use of oxygen therapies and ozone bubbles to revert Hypoxia and use in target vectors to deliver gold nano particles for use in focused resonant frequency ablation and other brilliant yet overlooked and under utilised pieces of genius, kinda like me lol, but i hope at least some of you may be a little familiar with the science as some of which you may have even seen from what i previously shared and if you have well done you, were paying attention, so heres a digital imaginary cookie for you, (nom), anyway no matter what happens if your with me or not i'm going to open source it anyway i pretty much just did in the description and many other posts and articles its not that hard to do or difficult to understand if you just think of your body as a biological engine and all engines as any good mechanic will tell you require fuel, air and spark to work, if you dont have all three nothing happens, but if get it just right thats when the magic happen's and then your really going places, You know me im not a liar or delusional or any kind of crazy im a rational smart highly intelligent and talented, gifted and funny, compassionate human being who cares very much about what happens to you all, im the guy who's been telling you the truth this whole time, i don't care about money or fame or making a name for myself, i dont care about profit or what people may think of me for speaking my mind or how they may see me or react to me posting the truth, when i know its the only way i can extend my hand in friendship and love to reach you, and i dont even mind if the sheeple occasionally bleat or laugh at me for trying to constantly help you, just like any other good and decent human being should do, only to get no response even though im right, i always am, but do i let it stop me or dissuade me from my task Nope not for one second and i never have, i care about all people and protecting all life, its as simple as that, help me to help you, or help anyone you know that suffers with chronic lung or degenerative diseases, #peace
There now follows some Actual Science and a whole bunch of supporting evidence in the form of links at the bottom
MicroNano bubbles for
water treatment
Invented, Developed and Widely used in Japan
What are Micronano Bubbles?
• Very small gas bubbles.
• The diameter of micronano
bubbles has not yet been
• It seems appropriate to
consider gas bubbles <50
microns as micronano
Advantages of Nanobubbles
Very High Oxygen Transfer Efficiency due to:
• Large surface area.
• Longer duration of contact with water –
1) Very Low buoyant force on the air bubble –
Hence bubbles do not rise to the surface immediately like fine bubbles.
2) Nanobubbles eventually sink to the bottom.
Micro Bubble to Nano Bubble
Bubble Diameter No. of bubbles Volume (cu. mm.) Surface Area (sq. mm.) Factor Increase
1 mm = 1000 microns 1 1 12.56 1
100 microns 1000 1 125.6 10
50 microns 8000 1 251.32 20
10 microns 1,000,000 1 1256.6 100
How are micronano bubbles created?
1) Swirl Type Liquid Flow Method
‐ Gas Transfer Efficiency: 65%
‐ Size Limitation: upto 3 inches
‐ Running Cost: 11KW/10L/min
‐ Fairly low bubble number density
2) High Pressure Dissolution Method
‐ High Pressure Pump Required
‐ Size Limitation
‐ Bubbles generated through
nucleation and cavitation through
sudden depressurisation of the
3) Ejector Method
‐ Gas Transfer Efficiency: 35%
‐ High Pressure Pump Required
‐ Size Limitation: upto 2 inches
‐ Running Cost: 15KW/10L/min
4) HoneyComb Method
‐ Gas Transfer Efficiency: 35%
‐ Complex Structure
‐ High Pressure Pump Required
‐ Size Limitation: upto 2 inches
‐ Running Cost: 18KW/10L/min
6) Ultrafine Pore Method
‐ Simple construction and working
‐ No size limitation
‐ Lowest power requirement
‐ Low operating cost: 0.75 KW/10L/min
‐ Gas Transfer Efficiency: 90%
5) Static Line Mixer
‐ High Pressure Pump required
‐ Need auxiliary systems for
‐ Low gas transfer efficiency
Ultrafine pore Nanobubble Generator Tube
How we create micronano bubbles?
Bubble Generating Medium
• Rigid carbon ceramic
• High density material
• Electrically conductive ‐
Hence negatively charged
ions tend to range on the
• Inorganic – no damage or
Micro Bubbles are
discharged from the nano
pores of the nanobubble
generator into liquid
The bubbles would not coalesce because –
1) The super‐micro bubbles separates from the bubble generation medium as soon as
they are generated.
2) The bubbles generated become negatively charged by receiving the negatively
charged ions from the surface of the Nanobubble Generator.
Micro Bubble to Nano Bubble
Bubbles with a smaller diameter than 50 microns get compressed by
ions at the gas‐liquid interface.
Micro Bubble to Nano Bubble
• MicroNano bubbles, due to lower buoyancy, do not rise to the water surface,
rather float across various levels and eventually sink to the floor of the bed.
• This makes the oxygen deficient lower layers of water into an oxygen rich
• This makes bacteria grow and accelerate breaking down of the organic matter
Advantages of our method
• The Micropore‐type Microbubble Generating Unit that we have developed, the
first in the world, can provide micronano bubbles using very low energy
• Required pressure difference between gas and liquid: 1 bar to 2 bar. Required
liquid flow rate: 1m/sec
• Gas transfer efficiency of 90% or more of any gas into any liquid.
• Volume of air required compared with fine bubble aeration:
Approximately 25%.
Current Applications used innefectivly
Applications around the world excluding Japan
• UK ‐ Waste water trials, Public space sanitation using ozone, Hydroponics, Animal facility
• USA ‐ lake cleaning, cost reduction on ozone making machines, waste water treatment plants,
swimming pool cleaning, aquarium cleaning, aquaculture (prawns and oyster farming), explosives
for mining industry, food industry and algae food supplements.
• CANADA ‐ waste water treatment plant, bath and shower treatments using CO2, remote site
(mining communities) waste processing
• INDIA ‐ ferric leaching for copper industry, salmon farming and salmon fry transportation
– waste water plants and swimming pool cleaning
– irrigation for agriculture, hydroponics and animal process plant sterilisation and
waste control
• HOLLAND & SCANDANAVIA – water cleaning and aquaculture
• EASTERN EUROPE ‐ waste water plants and swimming pool cleaning
Correcting Tissue Hypoxia with Ozonized Erythrocytes
MicroNano bubbles for water treatment
Oxygen nanobubbles revert hypoxia by methylation programming
alteration of DNA hypomethylation in hypoxic cancer cells can be achieved by the delivery of oxygen to the cellular microenvironment with nanosize oxygen bubbles (Fig. 1a,b). In particular, our approach consists of encapsulating oxygen inside a sodium carboxymethylcellulose polymeric shell (Fig. 1a) to form nanobubbles 100–200 nm in diameter (Fig. 2a,b) by a crosslinking step33. High resolution TEM micrographs show that the synthesized nanobubbles have a spherical shape (Fig. 2a) and contain an oxygen core at the center and a ~50 nm carboxymethyl cellulose shell encapsulating the nanobubble. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) shows that the size distribution of nanobubbles is in the range between 50–200 nm with a normal distribution centered around 70 nm (Fig. 2b). Further, sodium carboxymethylcellulose is a commercially used, FDA-approved pharmaceutical excipient. Upon uptake, the acidic microenvironment around and inside the tumor cells34 will cause the nanobubble shells to disintegrate, thereby increasing the cellular oxygen levels. We expect the release of oxygen inside the hypoxic cells will destabilize the hypoxia-adaptive pathways and reprogram the cellular epigenome to attain normal DNA methylation levels, or cause global hypermethylation. The targeted oxygen delivery is also expected to promote the regression of tumor growth in the hypoxic xenografted MB49 (bladder cancer) and HeLa (cervical cancer) tumors.
Micro NanO bubbles Generator in actual open sea water
'Nanobubbles' kill cancer cells
Research Topic 1 – Nanobubble Therapeutics
Generate Microbubbles from a CARMIN Pump (Venturi Effect)
Microbubbles release cancer-fighting nanoparticles

Correcting Tissue Hypoxia with Ozonized Erythrocytes