
13 Nov 2020

Kary Mullis: PCR test inventor and Nobel Prize Winner challenges the myths

This is a must see it has all the facts and truth you need to defeat this scamdemic #Fact

California microbiologist dr. Curie Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993 for his development of one of the most widely used current techniques in molecular biology today the PCR or polymers chain reaction this revolutionary technique allows scientists to take a sample containing a very minut amount of DNA and replicate that DNA sequence until there are many copies one of the first applications of PCR was to analyze human tissue for the presence of HIV PCR is commonly used in medical and biological research labs for the detection of virus culture in infectious persons the people that are AIDS researchers now getting neurotic if you ask him any questions there was a time when I first started asking questions that all it was where are the papers just tell me the papers that you read that convinced you that HIV was the cause of AIDS because I need to reference those papers in some of those I was working on a test for HIV with PCR and I needed to write a little report to the NIH to say here's the progress we've made in the first line of it was HIV is the probable cause of AIDS that I thought that was true before I got involved and I said what's the reference for that quote if I looked for it for about two or three years and I never could climb it and by the end of two years I'd ask everybody at every meeting and I'd gone to they talked about AIDS I'd ask you know ever I'd look through every computer database there is no reference there is nobody who should get credit for that statement and that's a pretty weird situation in science we're getting credit for a discovery is the most important thing in your life as a scientist it's silly to hear people saying you don't believe that HIV causes AIDS you don't believe that I mean it's just a word but it's a very very important distinction I think that you know that's why it and it's becoming a very emotional kind of thing because people actually they get personally committed to what really is a body of evidence that can be analyzed you know by lots of people and at this point there's so much of it out there nobody can really analyze it all of it but nobody can write a review of it that's as HIV causes AIDS because of this you know if a postdoc were to write a review of their literature that showed without much doubt that HIV was the cause of AIDS that guy would be famous now there's a hundred thousand guys out there who had the opportunity it's ten years has passed we've been waiting for this star postdoctoral fellow to distinguish himself forever and get a lifelong grant from Tony Fauci but he hasn't shown up no one has bothered to write a definitive review any journal would ticket that right there proves that HIV doesn't hug all safe just because Bob Gallo gets up pictures like sunglasses off and says gentlemen we discovered the cause of AIDS that's all we have New York Times article CDC report that's all yeah that's not enough that's not enough you know that is not sufficient to to like publish even a meager little scientific paper somewhere that isn't enough for scientists to believe some inconsequential fact about some star 50 light-years away you know that's certainly not enough to treat at the cost of millions billions of dollars a year and at the cost of a lot of lives and anguish and just destroyed you know lives have just been totally ruined by this thing on the basis of some flimsy little statement made by a guy who's known to be a crook in lots of other ways you lied about a whole lot of other stuff why we trust him there he was a witness in a courtroom they wouldn't trust his testimony we've caught him in too many lies you don't trust him anymore scientists are supposed to have some evidence that leads them tentatively to some conclusion or to some action they supposed to be able to show that to other scientists any interested person in fact who's willing to understand what it is that was used as evidence should be able to say I agree with that that makes sense using rules of inference that we've used since Aristotle what they look for is surrogate markers and have you heard that term battered about surrogate markers me as well it doesn't seem to do anything for the disease but it does ever no I didn't do something for the level of cd4 cells that we met or does something for this or that not that anybody really knows whether you want more or less cd4 cells in any particular time in your life a lot of diseases called cd4 T go up a lot of diseases caused me to go down nobody's even sure if a cd4 cells always a cd4 so I just it's a marker on the cell at the time that they do this little counting procedure which is to stick a fluorescent tag on there and say the ones that light up have cd4 on the outside and we don't really know what those cells do the immune system is incredibly complicated and immune the immunologist brains are not nearly complicated enough to deal with it we have these little you know their theories all over the place but no real competent i mean immunologist would tell you that cd4 levels was a sufficient a surrogate market for anything until we know more about it but that's what they're using that's what the FDA seen yeah you don't have to show that it helps them these protease inhibitors the same thing don't have to show that it helps the patient you don't have to show a single life saved all you have to do is show some little clinical indicator has changed in a way that somebody is hoping is going to make you better the chances of you getting a human virus today or a hell of a lot higher than they were they 10,000 years ago and it goes up in a funny way let's just say that there are an infinite number of retroviruses in the world because they're changing so fast you couldn't really count them and as more and more people are in your life you get more chances of getting retroviruses now they all might be harmless the chances are good that they are because they're just barely alive but if you hang out with a thousand people a year in a way that would maybe get allow you to get summer most of their retroviruses and they hang out with a thousand people a year and they hang out with a thousand people a year you're hanging out with the fourth of the human race you're getting all the retroviruses from all over the planet now it might be that none of those things by themselves is gonna hurt you but we know that some of them do grow in your immune cells all right and they come in they come in at very low multiplicity you don't make an immune response every time you get a retrovirus inside of you somewhere but if you have a cell in your immune system it has a in it and you promote that clonality because it's going to be a part of an immune response that cell then the retrovirus will definitely escape it will flower in a sentence and it will then have to be dealt with by the immune system because it'll be enough of it showing in the blood that the immune system will go for it well now if you've got enough harmless but different retroviruses in your immune cells such that every time you may mount a new immune response which means you probably take about 500 different immune cells and make a million copies out of each one of them if you've got enough retroviruses in your immune system such that one of those 500 is going to have a retrovirus in it that you've never made an immune response to before you're gonna have to make an immune response to it this time because it will if you make a million copies of the cell it's sure the retrovirus is certain to flower to like make infectious bodies right then you have to make another immune response right just called a chain reaction here we have a bunch of people that are definitely sick from some reason it's likely that their behavior was so radically different than behavior that had gone it was an experimental kind of behavior in a way it's not unlikely that they would have some kind of problem some health problems people stopped sleeping and eating people start using all kinds of substances instead of food and and and they're they're associating with it the world's get more and more dips ly populated and we're spreading more and more diseases around it's not totally shocking that those people should come down with some some diseases that'll kill him so we don't need to postulate that did it was an infection going on since nobody actually did show that there was here comes gallo and mao-chan yay and the NIH saying that's right it's something else it's something you didn't have you're not responsible for it you're just the beginning of it we're all gonna get it and they like that so much because they said we can go right ahead and do what we're doing we just have to do a few little things differently and then we'll be okay they they cling to that you know and and they think if you suggest that it's their activity the way they live their life that you're a homophobe or something you're some idiot there's something wrong with you there's some of them that aren't that stupid but you know there's a lot of them that are religiously associated with the notion they believe in the notion that it is an infectious thing that will eventually sweep across the planet and kill everybody PCR came along right about the same time that HIV did and as it was in that Cetus that people started looking with PCR for HIV that was the only way to see it except for culture which was a long protracted procedure which a lot of times didn't turn up the right to be contaminate oh the cultures the whole method that hope that cell biology is a bunch of magic half the time and those called a culture you know people that say they can do quantitative estimations of HIV from cultures are just they're fooling themselves the number of cases reported went up epidemic Li you know exponentially because the number of tests that was done went up exponentially how many doctors knew about HIV in 1983 - how many knew about it in 1985 say 500 I mean how many knew about it in 1986 40,000 so that's where the curve came from how much money did we make off of HIV this year and they could have plotted that and it would look the same you know and because it's an epidemic because we're making more and more money off of it every year if it just caused by needles I was just caused by homosexual activity you're not going to really get a whole a long sustained public outcry against it and nobody's gonna want to spend 6 billion dollars a year they're gonna say well we really like those people anyhow great I can't think of a better solution to the homosexual problem there are diseases it'll kill him on I mean that would be congressman that would talk about that quietly not on television so the CDC had to say I can't say that we kind of say it's gonna be it's got to be heterosexual ii transmitted there's no proof that it's transmitted at all at that point so why not just say instead of a sexually transmitted - because that made it a plague and the CDC needed one the CDC hadn't had a good plate since polio their funding was probably going to be fed back if they didn't come up with one the guy that was the head of the CDC we in fact rode cameras that have been obtained you know that where he describes this is hot stuff you know those guys have got an agenda which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way the scientists like you say there they are considered the final arbiters of what's good for the planet or what's bad for the planet and and they hadn't got the slightest idea instead of have wearing white robes they wear white lab coats you know instead of like bringing you the Word of God they bringing the word of the the EPA or whatever and and and they don't have to understand what it is that they are making you do in fact and people you know just I think they fall naturally into it because there is a need in in humanity for something like a religion something that makes you feel a part of them larger kind of group something that you think in spite of your wormy little life makes you a part of something good something big when beliefs get tangled up with facts matters of fact become matters of religious kind of significance where somebody gets mad at you for asking him a question and a scientific meeting or says I'm like we're never never going to have Kary Mullis at the European Union of whatever kind of scientist so they put it in nature because he came in there and had the audacity to tell people that it might not be that bad to have sex that aids might not be something you get from sex that I don't see any evidence for it is all I said I don't see any evidence for it why you can't tell young people that today there are many scientists and physicians working within the conventional institutions who have similar viewpoints to those of the dissidents well why don't they come out why don't they speak their minds is it possible that they take a look at what has happened when the you do question the HIV equals AIDS equals death hypothesis they've been suppressed dr. Peter Duesberg noted scientist was the main person in the line of fire Peter is a very scholarly person in addition to being brilliant too very careful he doesn't say anything that he can't support and also must one of the most brilliant people in it I was truly the most brilliant virologist Peter Duesberg at the University of California Berkeley campus is seen as someone who was now dangerous his funding has been cut off graduate students are encouraged not to take his courses and I think his administrative duties have included being in charge of the department picnic my funding for example from the National Institute of Health will not be renewed as of this year and I may be out of business then also my colleagues have centrally excommunicated me are not invited to meetings or hardly ever to meetings anymore not to not not ever to one on 8 I'm not allowed to publish in the same channels anymore as I used to even as a member of the National Academy i cannot publish in the national academy my views that talks maybe to cause faiths and i have plenty of evidence to support it to document my claim which might be very relevant to the health of millions of Americans and people on this planet yet I'm not I'm censored because I'm essentially considered to be an outcast or an odd man or somebody who is controversial news it was a really well thought of guy too because of his ideas the whole field I mean in cancer he's a guy that led him into the whole oncogene thing you know big research bonanza anybody who could order a little kit from some company and and our a couple of technicians could be cancer researcher because of things that Peter opened up and then Peter says no I don't think that's actually the cause of cancer and that made us guys a little bit angry and then he comes along and does the same thing for AIDS he said you know I think we're on the wrong track here you know it's just like in political scandals follow the money trail figure out who's getting paid for this who was getting the money for those Western blots there's your person who's gonna always come down on the side of yeah you got a confirmatory western blots they comment they don't even do them in England anymore it's it's totally it's an ask a doctor how it works the doctor who prescribes it says gotta have a Western blot to confirm this Eliza positive thing yet how does that work doctor sir what is what are they now measuring about me that it's different from what they measured with the eliza test he wouldn't know it's not got any idea i'll bet you there's scarcely fifty physicians in this country that know what a Western blot really is they know when to order it and they know they get a kickback on it probably a ziti is an antiretroviral drug that became the first drug approved for the treatment of AIDS and HIV infection in 1987 it was originally intended to treat cancer but it failed to show efficacy and had unacceptably high side effect profiles however the unavailability at that time for alternatives to treat AIDS affected the risk benefit ratio greatly the antiviral talks are chemotherapies they are all based on chemo therapies that have been developed 30 years ago long before AIDS was known to kill human cells chemotherapy is restricted to a few months and hope the cancer dies before you die if you started taking any other chemo therapeutic agent for the rest of your life it would be that agent probably the killer you know when you give chemotherapy to somebody with cancer you give them a round of it for maybe 14 days or a few days hopefully you're not gonna kill the patient you're gonna kill the cancer patients gonna survive but you don't keep giving it to him until he dies because he certainly will the way to get rid of AIDS is to stop funding it just stop every everything that's called state called AIDS research somebody tries to get a grant for AIDS research they we don't do it anymore we don't have AIDS if you want to look study Pneumocystis carinii I will maybe look at your paper and see if you've got you know something to say about that you want to study any one of those diseases by itself try to cure it we'll talk about that the thing that I learned like back in 1968 when I first published a paper by myself in nature in a field that I had no expertise in at all there are no old wise men up there at the top of science where which I would have I really did it til 68 I would have thought you know if you try to publish a dumb paper in a journal in nature it won't get published if you try to publish a good paper in there like I later tried to publish PCR the invention of PCR in the same journal and they didn't take it so it's up there there isn't enough there there there's no place up on the academy of science it's just a bunch of idiots just like everybody else you know the editors of journals austere journals even they're just busy with their little lives and stuff there are no old wise men up on the top making sure that we don't do something really dumb


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