The Hidden!: 2022


31 Dec 2022

The Drowned Ancient Civilisation Beneath The Black Sea | Dark Secrets of...

The Drowned Ancient Civilisation Beneath The Black Sea | Dark Secrets of the Black Sea | Odyssey

Odyssey - Ancient History DocDoes the Black Sea hide the dark secrets of a long-lost ancient civilization? An international group of experts examine the evidence for this possible bronze age civilisation and more in the depths of this mysterious sea. Odyssey is your journey into the world of Ancient History; from the dawn of Mesopotamia to the fall of Rome. We'll be bringing you only the best documentaries that journey into the mysteries and ruins of worlds long lost.

A Thorough Exploration Of Ancient Sites In Egypt

A Virtual Guide To Ancient Megalithic Sites In Egypt

NASA’s Artemis I Mission Splashes Down in Pacific Ocean ufo#s & pilot

NASA’s Artemis I Mission Splashes Down in Pacific Ocean ufo#s & pilot


18 ufos during entry interase manouvere some towards sone away sone ib formation beesy i can tell the only went in low earth orbit as the moon images and and any above leo are faked as made apprent by the bright second lighy source illuminating the moon, also this was supposed;y an unmanned test flight but you can clearly see a pilot without a helmet in the reflection on the einfow 

quite a fwe during eliptocal retrgrqde orbit 

30 Dec 2022



V Movies

Deep within the great pyramid is a secret that has remained hidden for over 4000 years. An ancient instrument designed to unlock mysteries that have baffled mankind for generations. The seal is broken, discover the knowledge of the greatest Magicians who ever walked our planet.

29 Dec 2022

Has The Mystery of The Great Pyramid Just Been Solved? 👽

Has The Mystery of The Great Pyramid Just Been Solved? 👽

Video Advice

29,700 views 2 Oct 2022The Al Naslaa rock split continues to be a head-scratcher despite all the advancements we’ve had in geology and technology. Regardless of what theory ends up becoming the real reason behind the rocks’ split, it’s hard to deny that the execution was done as perfectly as possible. Whether it’s nature, humans, or aliens, the Al Naslaa rock formation is a breathtaking sight to see. 0:00 Introduction 0:28 The Al Naslaa Rock 1:43 Theory 1: Natural Causes 4:54 Theory 2: Ancient Civilisations 7:04 Theory 3: Aliens

A Great Mystery Is Being Withheld (The Frightening Truth)

A Great Mystery Is Being Withheld (The Frightening Truth)

Video Ad

Ex-Occultist: "This The Most Deeply Occulted Information On Earth"

Ex-Occultist: "This The Most Deeply Occulted Information On Earth"

Video Advice

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the ...

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe

Video Advice

This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across. It’s rather complex and takes a while to digest but it’s 100% worth it. It’s an official declassified CIA document and a terrific analysis of consciousness and beyond – known as the Gateway Process. While it’s an older document and declassified for a while now, the fact that modern developments in science, quantum physics, psychedelics, and neurobiology confirm what’s written within those pages is nothing short of outstanding. It explains consciousness in a profound and analytical way and merges knowledge from mystics from Hindu, Buddhist, and Tibetan cultures to contemporary scientific knowledge of Planck distance, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and the works of Nils Bohr. The cosmic spiral & torus is everything, and everything is one. It seems as though individual consciousness is pulled from the collective consciousness using the frequency/vibrations of the being. This applies to humans, whales, fungus, and amoeba. Mystics of past and present including all ancient religions understood these concepts thousands of years ago. Still, it takes much to open the minds of the most pragmatic, self-conscious, and uptight people. 0:00 A Brief Introduction to the Document 1:36 A word from our sponsor 2:40 Introduction 3:30 Gateway and Hemi-Sync 5:32 Lamp vs. Laser 7:18 Frequency Following Response (FFR) 9:51 Role of Resonance 12:02 Brain Stimulation 14:39 Energy Entrainment 15:55 Consciousness and Energy 18:24 Holograms 20:43 The Part Encodes The Whole 22:17 The Consciousness Matrix 24:23 Brain In Phase 26:08 Evaluation 28:33 Gateway Method 30:23 Hemi-Sync Introduced 31:58 Advanced Techniques 32:54 Problem Solving 34:17 Patterning 36:00 Color Breathing 37:36 Energy Bar Tool 38:33 Remote Viewing 39:09 Living Body Map 40:13 Focus 15: Travel Into the Past 41:50 Focus 21: The Future 42:32 The Out-of-Body Movement 44:38 Role Of REM Sleep 47:40 Information Collection Potential 49:47 Belief System Considerations 52:28 Motivational Aspect 54:17 Conclusion (Follow These Steps)

27 Dec 2022

Unidentified Floating Objects...

Unidentified Floating Objects...

the Truth is stranger than fiction



Everything Inside Me

Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed | Conspiracy Theory | Absolute Doc...

Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed | Conspiracy Theory | Absolute Documentaries

Absolute Documenta
An alternative take on the 1969 lunar landing presents a different picture of the event that governments may be secretly covering. Absolute Documentaries brings you the best of entertaining and fascinating documentaries for free. Whether you’re into true crime, stories from around the world, family and social life, science or psychology, we’ve got you covered with must-see full-length documentaries every week.



V Movies

Discovering mysterious extraterrestrial beings. More and more evidence and appearances of UFOs surround our Earth. Secrets, cover-ups, discoveries, testimonies suggest a contact, a contact with beings who came from the sky, which took place at the dawn of our existence; maybe, just ancient aliens who gave and taught life to our ancestors.

Monte Alban Mystery...This Is The BIGGEST Ancient Anomaly EVER Discovered

Monte Alban Mystery...This Is The BIGGEST Ancient Anomaly EVER Discovered

DTTV Documentaries
We have found compelling evidence that the ancient world was far from primitive. Even stranger than that is the fact that the entire mountain top at Monte Alban was removed with the intention of building a very unusual observatory. How did they remove it with no metal tools? Intriguingly, this stargazing platform points to a star system 3 billion light years away, to a constellation that has been sending signals our way for years.

15 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

15 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

Unexplained Mysteries

Aliens Tombs Found Within The Great Pyramid? 🛸

Aliens Tombs Found Within The Great Pyramid? 🛸

Mystery History II

These Bizarre Ancient Technologies Scientists Still Can’t Explain!

These Bizarre Ancient Technologies Scientists Still Can’t Explain!

Hidden Worlds

24 Giant Mystery Black Boxes Found Buried In Egypt? ⬛

24 Giant Mystery Black Boxes Found Buried In Egypt? ⬛

Mystery History

The Secret Mission Into The Great Pyramid?🕵️

The Secret Mission Into The Great Pyramid?🕵️

Mystery History II

26 Dec 2022

Giza pyramid map updated

Giza pyramid map updated 

 image 1 current Giza map 

image 2 complete map by me

image 3  map use to extract  image 2  found in  Da Vinci's last supper by use of colour filter's and negative image extraction  technique by me D Law aka The Hidden

modern thinking for modern problems

modern thinking for modern problems

the future and the time war on the poor 

(temporal war fuckery)

the sheeple don't get it,,, even the ones who think they're smart just because they have PhDs and degrees and white lab coats and shit, even they are so far behind me, even they cant see for looking, they have a hard time believing in something so small and so simple (lp)  can change the way we view ourselves and everything we know, forever, and can force us to re-access our roles  in the reality we finds ourselves currently trapped within, (if your looking for a way out, i both know and see i don't go anywhere it comes to me, the way out to get there is simple do you see?, i know of the door, but where is my key?, when our hearts sing together, 2 as 1 and 2 equals 3 its  just as simple as,  i see you and you see me. the doors open up and love is the quantum key,,,,, ) nature is like that, its perfectly perfect at a quantum mathematically structured system level,, the polt polr pnt all verify its artificiality its "energy efficient and a self sustaining system  like it is, and if you understand the system you know the possible results already, and any end scenario to any choice you can take, and means you have the ability to alter that system just  because its artificial and has to  be programmed that way just for quantum superpositions to work as you cant pick the perfect choice if you don't first know what perfect is  which unfortunately also means going through the worst of it to know what you don't want

seeems pretty obvious to me like  the other things i know, to me they are nothing the problems answer themselves and getting  you to believe, the miracle is easy to perform the hard part is getting you to trust and believe, we can have it all like it is in a dream, i  keep giving you the answers but you dont hear me, im always right i cant hep it even when i don't want to be,,, its like  curse tbh  i just know and perfect in precision with structured rules and infinite power can  has such a massive fundamentally altering information that such a thing can be possible but it is time is cyclical in nature  an event looped infinitely cause a lot of the issues for themselves and everyone else by their cowardice compliance and generally weak ass low vibe behaviours, but can we really blame them? maybe if we tried to explain better to them, that their choices have consequences,  like the deaths of untold future  generations of people not being born,  just because of their own choices effects rippling outwards forever through time or people caused to just vanish from time all together like phantoms who were never there, if you want to understand it better think of it as a temporal war a war in time on the poor and elderly the weak and infirm and anyone they deem an easy target cos they're cowards like that, 

they're just not mentally equipped to deal with stuff like everyone else lack of life experiences i always do lol  but not all hero's wear capes, some are just doing the right thing  in a world gone mad, even if no one else ever see's it,  the problem with the world/system is its a strange world (fake ai system) were living in,  but still one based upon rules, like cause and effect , if you take an action you get a reaction always, some time's you don't even need the action part, i call it "the fuckery" ya know when shit just happens, its apparently a running theme for me lol  i see it in my world all the time,  so there's no one to blame on that lol, but sometimes its because of the choices of others  like todays current level of global nwo fuckery, but i guess its not everyone else's fault either, they just cant  see the world as it really is , i think some don't want to be free and some just cant break their programming , it triggers the denial in them and they refuse to accept [t it as truth in their hearts,  in that choice  that's how they got them and the world gets a little darker for everyone else too for it,  energy 101 everything here in reality its all light (photonic energy) when someone admits a lie as truth and knowingly believes it even though they really know it is what it is, which is obviously a lie, somewhere deep-down  they Give away a part if them from their energy like a light of truth we carry in our souls and they corrupt themselves by accepting the bad energy (the lie) changing the world and cutting off a future event scenarios  line of probability which causes the annihilating of the potential in charge states along their path in  time space geometry, the effect of it on them is basically causing inversed logic and self doubt,  its a form of fear based mk-ultra cognitive dissonance technique used on the people of earth daily, an when it  kicks in  they have no choice and they lose their sense of perspective and then stop doing what's right out of a programmed reaction  from fear based mk and trauma (obvs), which a lot of is artificially induced in society, the sheeple are trained from birth to behave in certain  ways by socialistically and psychologically adapting their mental filters and warping their view of reality and end up having  a flawed moral understandings and then because of that, they always  do the wrong thing and their light crumbles away, its your basic human energy trap, life isn't easy, that's also a form of trauma bonding of everyone to this reality and they have more to get through as well like making it  through all the mk ultra psionic and sub audio and microwave frequency manipulations media predictive programming and pressure from society all part of the  system of mental control id say free of charge but the taxpayers pay for it lol some even endorse it and clap and dance on tik-tok as well smh (sheeple inversed logic) but we will keep on doing what were meant to do, i always will and i hope you do too,, ya know technically we have won already, the nwo just don't see it lol mk'd themselves pmsl but most people just want to do good they only need a nudge to bring out the hero's in them too,,, #D

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