
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Ancient Technology Discoveries in Egypt How Did This Exist Thousands of ...

This video shows irrefutable evidence of their highly-advanced technologies that has been discovered at various ancient sites in Egypt—that leave us with more questions, than answers. Examine the evidence and discuss the remarkable implications of what is possibly the world’s greatest secret – that a highly advanced civilization with superior intelligence and technology once inhabited our planet tens of thousands of years ago. Were stones such as granite, diorite, and quartzite shaped and polished using solely quartz-based abrasives, or did Egyptian craftsmen have access to harder materials? It has been demonstrated through archaeological discoveries and experimental data that corundum and emery—mixtures of minerals with great hardness—were employed by craftsmen in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East, but were these materials part of the Egyptian power tool kit? If their intellect was so far advanced, is it then difficult to conceive that they may have had some form of ancient technology that we are not yet aware of

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