The Hidden!: Deep Sea Fisherman Captures Real Life Sea Monsters


31 Mar 2018

Deep Sea Fisherman Captures Real Life Sea Monsters

Deep sea fisherman captures real life sea monsters. We take a look at a deep sea fisherman that captures real life sea monsters. A Russian fisherman's twitter account is flooded with photos of the most bizarre deep sea beings ever. The man behind the camera works on a fishing trawler in the northwest of Russia and uses his phone to document the "monstrous" creatures that get pulled in the fishing nets. it turns out we don't know very much about the deep ocean.  The first 200 meters of the ocean are the open ocean.  Much of the marine life we know of lives here, where there is light. Below 200 meters, where there is little light left, you enter the Twilight Zone.  Once you pass 1,000 meters, the water is completely devoid of light, and you have reached the deep ocean

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