The Hidden!: Indonesian Boy Claims He Laid 20 Eggs


31 Mar 2018

Indonesian Boy Claims He Laid 20 Eggs

Indonesian boy claims he laid 20 eggs. In this video we take a look at a 14 year old boy in Indonesia has made recent headlines for his "incredible" ability to lay eggs.This is not the first time the boy has claimed to share the natural ability, of a hen. Over the last two years, Akmal has reportedly laid another 18 eggs, baffling medical experts who removed the eggs from his body. His father went on to say “I cracked the first egg, and its content was all yellow, no white. A month later I cracked another one, and its content was all white and no yellow. (but when he cracked the next one, it was brown lol  #edio), Akmal is also not the only person to experience the occurrence., so lets just recap Indonesian Boy Claims He Laid 20 Eggs, or i'm going with the obvious, and yet totally hilarious answer of, he shoved them up his own ass, to get famous, #justsayin #theresnotmuchtodothere, lol it brings a whole new meaning to chicken nuggets lol :) #peace

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