The Hidden!: The Philadelphia Experiment: Involving Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein


31 Mar 2018

The Philadelphia Experiment: Involving Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein

During the times of the World War II era, mysterious experiments involving strange esoteric technology was certainly an option for the NAZI’s and the United States.

Some of the most famous minds of the world, including Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, were even employed to execute the military complex’s will, leading to some perplexing stories.

One very unusual account involves the supposed attempt of the Navy to develop a technology that could make an entire ship invisible to the naked eye. But these experiments had some unintended consequences that led to the project being shut down and buried, until a man who claimed to have worked on the project blew the whistle on its cover up.

A man named Al Bielek and his detailed narrative are intriguing and possibly part of a true story, shedding light on clandestine government operations.

So, what was the Philadelphia Experiment?

According to Bielek, in the late 1930s the Navy was working on a project using electromagnetism to essentially develop an invisibility cloak for its warships. Around that time, Bielek said that Einstein was directing a program of degaussing ships by wrapping them in electromagnetic coils, to protect against magnetic mines planted by the Nazis. Tesla purportedly took this technology and parlayed it into the cloaking experiment, having some initial success with a small boat. After failed attempts with larger ships, Tesla gave up and the project was handed over to a Dr. John von Neumann, who also worked on the Manhattan Project. Von Neumann eventually succeeded in making the U.S.S. Eldridge, a Cannon-class destroyer escort, invisible for a short period of time on the first occasion. According to Bielek, one of Tesla’s inventions, a Zero Time Reference Generator, lent itself to this success. This device supposedly locks to the Earth’ magnetic fields and acts a cosmological reference with the electromagnetic fields at the center of the galaxy. Bielek said that Tesla gave von Neumann a cryptic warning about a “personnel problem” that might occur in their experiment, but he continued anyway and the Navy trained a crew specifically for the operation.  Then on August 12, 1943, they ran a second test. After being shrouded in a “green, ozone-laden haze” the ship purportedly disappeared for several hours, during which it traveled through time and then rematerialized. Upon its return, sailors were reported to be violently ill, some engulfed in flames, and others molecularly bonded with the ship.  Bielek, however said he and his brother, who were aboard the ship at the time, jumped off during the time warp and remained in 1983 on Montauk, Long Island at another secretive government facility also experimenting with time travel, known as the Montauk Project. Bielek gives an intriguing explanation for how his time travel was possible, relating to Tesla’s Zero Time Generator. He said that Tesla’s device was the key for the ship to return back to its original location. According to Bielek we live in a five-dimensional reality, with time being the fourth and fifth dimension. He said that every human is given a set of locks that lock them in a point of time from which they came, but that the experiment ruptured those time references, upon returning to Philadelphia.


Stemming from the Philadelphia Experiment, the military supposedly conducted a program at the Camp Hero Air Force base on Long Island, known as the Phoenix Project. The program funded studies ranging from psychotronics, to black hole simulations and weather control. Some point to a company in the area, called the Brookhaven Institute, as being a shadow agency in collusion with the government for these experiments. The company’s website says it researches an array of studies including nuclear and high energy physics, superconducting magnets and condensed matter physics; they also have a particle accelerator like the one at CERN. In conjunction with the department of energy, the company has been credited for many successful discoveries and inventions, but has also been the subject of class-action lawsuits over radiation contamination of its employees and surrounding neighborhoods.

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