
14 Apr 2018

D.E.W's (directed energy weapons) fuckery

Directed Energy Weapons—The Government’s Most Dangerous Secret

There is a reason you’ve probably never heard of directed energy weapons before, which are among the most dangerous weapons ever created, and the reason is this: The United States federal government doesn’t want you to know about them. Or, more accurately, they would prefer you receive only tightly controlled tidbits of data, or what amounts to the PG version of a pornographic, XXX rated operation—information they intentionally dish out, manipulate, and shape as suits their own needs and designs. As it turns out, these weapons are not only dangerous, they are most useful when deployed covertly against an unsuspecting populace who do not even realize they exist.
Perhaps the term “directed energy weapon,” or DEW, sounds like science fiction to you, but the fact is these weapons have been in development since the early 1950s, and are based on relatively simple science. Despite their rudimentary foundation and humble beginnings, DEWs have come a long way since pioneering scientists first began tinkering with them, which, by coincidence, was right about the same time the CIA started its MKUltra mind-control program using chemicals like LSD. Eventually, In 1970s when this program was discovered, a national scandal erupted and Congress ordered the CIA to stop its illegal human experimentation, but here’s the rub: they never did! They merely changed the name from MKUltra to MONARCH, and shifted their focus from chemicals to energy weapons, which proved to be vastly more effective at achieving their goals anyway.
DEWs use invisible, highly focused energy to assault, or otherwise influence, the human body, mind, and electronic equipment. Imagine removing the door from your microwave oven, boosting its power, and adding a calibrating switch which allowed you to alter the wave length of the ensuing microwave stream in order to produce different damage and effects; then imagine affixing this weapon with a sophisticated targeting system that gave you the ability to hit a target with pinpoint accuracy from miles away. These weapons are silent and undetectable without specialized equipment, and they easily pass through walls, windows, and other common structures. When delivered in concentrated bursts they are capable of downing missiles and aircraft midflight, and they can reduce the human body to ash in a matter of minutes.
Yet this is hardly what makes them so potentially dangerous, and irresistible, to governments around the world: what really got the military, law enforcement, and intelligence communities hot and bothered was the affect DEWs have on the human mind. In fact, relatively early on in the development of these weapons in the 1970s, Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University—whose work was funded by the NSA and United States Navy—discovered something remarkable about microwaves: delivered at just the right frequency, they can be used to access the most complex and personal parts of the human mind in a way drugs and torture had never managed to accomplish. He also quickly realized that the mind could be directly influenced and, in fact, shaped by DEWs.
It is just this potential that prompted another major researcher named Dr. Jose Delgado to call DEWs “more dangerous than atomic destruction,” and to go on to elaborate, “With knowledge of the brain we may transform, we may shape, direct and roboticize man. I think the great danger of the future is that we will have robotocized human beings who are not aware they have been robotocized.”
Consider the following facts, which are easily verifiable through numerous published studies and testimony from scientists and intelligence/military personnel:
DEWs can produce, on demand, intense emotional states, arousing feelings like acute anxiety, panic, rage, and debilitating depression, literally at the touch of a button.
They can cause hallucinations, paranoia, and can even mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia, essentially creating a state of virtual insanity in targets.
In 1958 Dr. Allen Frey, a research scientist working for GE Cornell, discovered that microwaves could be used to insert spoken words and sounds directly into a person’s mind. He called this “microwave hearing,” also known as the “microwave auditory effect,” or more commonly, “voice-to-skull.”
Frey also learned to sync microwave pulses with the cardio rhythm of frogs’ hearts, which caused them to stop beating—producing instant death from induced heart failure.
DEWs can be applied to cause severe insomnia, which makes it impossible for the victim to remain asleep for more than a few minutes at a time, even when they become exhausted. When applied for long periods of time, this form of sleep deprivation can create dangerous emotional imbalances, exhaustion, confusion, and hallucinations.
Directed energy weapons can be calibrated to cause cell mutations, which over time leads to the development of leukemia, lymphoma, and other forms of cancer. Because they are undetectable without specialized equipment, DEWs are, in effect, silent killers. In fact many, if not most, targets may never realize they are being attacked. The terms “soft kill” and “silent kill” are often used to describe the process of covertly murdering a victim slowly, silently, using DEWs.
According to Barry Trower—an ex-Royal Navy microwave specialist who now publicly speaks out about the dangers of DEWs and the covert, government-sponsored research being conducted on an uninformed public—these weapons can be deployed by handheld devices or via larger, more powerful systems attached to motor vehicles, aircraft, and satellites.
Microwaves are also naturally very close in wavelength and power requirements to television and radio signals, and can easily be piggybacked on public broadcasts, and thus disseminated across large swaths of a targeted population.
Most frightening of all is that—based on victim accounts along with their unexplained physical and cognitive symptoms, coupled with the testimony of ex-military personnel who have started to step forward—thousands of innocent people, from all around the world (including me!), have started accusing the US federal government, along with several other major world governments, of engaging in the illegal human experimentation of these weapons in attempt to determine their long-term effects on the human body and consciousness, and in some cases to eliminate perceived enemies of the state. The United States federal government is also being accused of initiating false investigations and engaging in active, organized stalking and harassment of test subjects in order to intimidate, isolate, and discredit victims. In fact, the CIA’s National Clandestine Service reportedly lists this system of psychological warfare in their training manual as, “in-community, no-touch torture,” and they actively recruit members from communities around the world to participate in this program which is fully illegal under international law (as are ALL forms of torture).
As of this writing, so many people have now complained about these attacks that the complaints cannot be dismissed, although the FBI, local police departments, and US Department of Justice have consistently persisted in doing so—yet another sign of government involvement.
Youtube Videos:
US Navy Shoots down plane with DEW: Official Navy Video
Former Royal Navy Agent microwave specialist reveals the truth, danger, and government abuses of DEWs in an interview with ICAACT, a humanitarian organization dedicated to awakening the public to the worldwide rampant illegal experimentation and microchip implantation that is allegedly being perpetrated by the US, Australian, Canadian, and British governments: Reality Update: Trower
David Martin of 60 Minutes gets zapped by a “ray gun,” one of the military’s “PG rated” versions of a DEW: Ray Gun
For more information about these crimes against humanity, helpful search engine key words are, “electronic harassment,” “directed energy weapons,” “organized stalking,” “covert war,” “in-community, no-touch torture,” and “gang stalking.” Just be aware that many video and websites on the web are fake, either sounding too extreme or ridiculous in order to discredit true victims and conceal the truth.
Symptoms of directed energy weapon attacks are:
Medically unexplained dizziness and vertigo
Panic attics, severe mood swings, paranoia, and acute aggression
Nausea and vomiting
Tingling and numbness of the skin, especially the arms, hands, and face
Severe insomnia
Hallucinations, especially auditory
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Hot flashes, or focused hot spots on the body that come and go
Irregular heartbeat
Sharp shooting pains, like electric shocks
Metallic, bitter, or chemical taste in the mouth
Severe itching and tenderness of the flesh immediately beneath the skin
Please protect yourself and your family by educating yourself and sharing this


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