
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Preconceptions are very Expensive.

Plasmoid Anomalies Study Group

Several authors had clearly exposed traditional ufologists large scale suppression of evidence:1- John A. Keel book "Operation Trojan Horse", page 15."some of these (UFO) organisations did tend to over interpret their material, over speculate, and add the coloring of their own beliefs. They also had an exasperating tendency to delete reported details that they felt were objectionable or detracted from their "cause". Sadly, this is even more true today than it was in the 1960's. The few remaining UFO groups have become cults with strong religious overtones, far more concerned with their petty feuds and vendettas than with the UFOs themselves".2- Trevor J. Constable in his book: "The cosmic pulse of Life": "Establishment Ufology has clung tightly to its two-plus-two assertion that UFOs "must be" ships from other planets or outer space, and all purportedly "objective" investigation is biased toward proving this foregone conclusion." 3- In Ivan Sanderson's 1967 book: "Uninvited Visitors", he said of ufologists: "The mere suggestion that there could also be a biological aspect to their subject invariably seems to upset them" and that is obviously still true today.4- Jacques Vallee in his book "Forbidden Science", page 87"Some of the objects change shape. Others disappear on the spot. The saucers observed on the ground do not seem adapted to long-term interstellar flight as we understand it. These are the facts that the believers like Keyhoe are sweeping under the rug because they contradict their preconceived ideas about UFOs".5- Kenneth Arnold Nov 1962: "After some 14 years of extensive research, it is my conclusion that the so-called unidentified flying objects that have been seen in our atmosphere are not space ships from another planet at all, but are groups and masses of living organisms that are as much a part of our atmosphere and space as the life we find in the depths of the oceans." But that had been "redacted out" from the UFO folklore, hardcore UFO/ET believers and cheap-talking ufologists are the ones that had been doing a grand scale "cover up" for more than 70 years and still counting.
Key steps for frequent observation of Plasmoid anomalies:
1- Infrared and/or short radio-waves (radar) spotting.
2- The use of very high optical magnification, dual or triple optical systems.
3- Direct signaling to the anomalies spotted. Some Anomalies will change behaviour and body geometry in response to "smart" signals.
As the stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight so are many small objects in the atmosphere. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion. Dual or triple optical systems exploit this fact:
Dynamic/adaptive camouflage is used by cephalopods in marine environments as it is used by Plasmoid Anomalies:
From video footage data the "best" that we can imply is the anomalous character of a given manifestation and further comprehensive research is needed to expand this basic claim, local phenomena usually have local explanations or causes.
The observational data available on plasmoid anomalies and recent research results on the physics of complex plasma's strongly suggest that some Plasmoid anomalies could be plasma based lifeforms. Strong emergence is pervasive in Reality and Life is a strong emergent phenomena in complex systems.
Some anomalies respond with flares to direct light signals in daylight or at night, others had responded by morphing into digit shapes correlated to the signals sent to them:
A pragmatic and objective approach to Reality can only be bounded by Reality itself: fresh consistent observational data takes precedence over any preexisting ideas, theories, any particular individual, organization/institution and over older data. The reality of Anomalies is a claim supported by multiple consistent independent observations.
Unquestionable and immutable dogmas are the domain of cults and religions but not Science. We refuse to blindly follow the herd since following uncritically what is "mainstream" or common sense is a clear expression of complacency.
The study of flying patterns allows us to discern when a flying object has autonomous dynamics like a drone, man made drones in many shapes makes these studies extremely relevant.
For example any elongated or irregular drifting/floating object in the atmosphere always will present a tumbling dynamics, this "simple" fact automatically implies that an elongated or irregular flying object without any tumbling movement has an autonomous dynamics, in particular a balloon-like object moving without tumbling and with "rigid" tether has autonomous dynamics so it is a drone or something else.
Watch "Balloons Dynamics vs. Drones Dynamics":
We define Anomaly as any object or manifestation that exhibit "anomalous" properties or behavior that indicates some form of autonomy or aliveness.
Some frequently observed anomalous properties/behaviors:
1- A "rigid" elongated flying object showing zero tumbling, including a "rigid" tether.
2- Any object with Variable surface "topology": like for example changing from a "0" to a "5".
3- Any object that responded to direct signals by flaring.
4- Any object that released secondary objects or split in multiple parts and then these objects/parts continue to move autonomously.
5- Any flying object being followed and/or surrounded by multiple anomalous objects.

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