
13 Apr 2018

Six elements showed up in that rain water tests

Six elements showed up in that rain water tests, which I researched further to see what adverse health effects, if any, they could precipitate:

1 – Scandium is a silvery-white, metallic d-block element; a rare earth element found in rain water?!

Even though Scandium has no biological role and ‘supposedly’ is non-toxic, there are suggestions some of its compounds might be carcinogenic.  When inhaled, it can cause lung embolisms, especially during long-term exposures.  Scandium can be a threat to the liver when it accumulates in the human body. Scandium can become a threat to the environment, gradually accumulating in soil and water soils.  It can have negative influences on reproduction and functions of the nervous systems of water animals.


2 – Germanium is a lustrous, grayish-white metalloid in the carbon group.

Germanium hydride and Germanium tetrahydride are extremely flammable and explosive when mixed with air. Adverse health effects include irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, and may cause lesions on blood cells.  Germanium is considered a heavy metal and has some negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems.  How does it get into rain water?


3 – Indium is a soft, ductile, silvery-white metal liquid over a wide range of temperatures. It has no biological role and should be regarded as highly toxic.  Indium compounds can damage the heart, kidney and liver, and may be teratogenic [cause birth defects].  Caution is expressed about Indium because there is insufficient data about its effects on human health.  Indium is not widely dispersed in the environment, so how does it land/appear in rain water?  Furthermore, environmental effects have not been investigated.


4 – Tellurium is a mildly toxic, silver-white metalloid chemically related to sulfur and seleniumand is found in coal up to 2 ppm. Supposedly, Tellurium is rarely encountered by people, so how does it get into rain water?  Tellurium compounds are teratogenic and ingesting even small amounts causes bad-smelling breath and appalling body odor.  It can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of its aerosol!  Effects of inhalation include: drowsiness, dry mouth, metal taste, headache, garlic odor, and nausea.   The aerosol can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract.  It can have adverse effects on the liver and central nervous system.  Medical observation upon ingestion reveal abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting.  Tellurium chloride, when heated to decomposition, may emit toxic fumes of Tellurium and Chlorine.


5 – Terbium is a silvery-white, rare earth malleable metal, ductile and soft. So how does it get into rain water?  It has no biological role and may be mildly toxic by ingestion.  Its powder form and compound are very irritating to the skin and eyes.  Terbium’s toxicity has not been investigated in detail.


6 – Bismuth is a white, crystalline, brittle metal having a pinkish tint. It’s the most diamagnetic [tending to become magnetized in a direction at 180° to the applied magnetic field. (Online Dictionary) ] [1] of all metals and thermal conductivity is lower than any metal except mercury.  Bismuth and its salts can cause kidney damage.  It is considered one of the less toxic of the heavy metals. Toxicity can result in the form of bodily discomfort, presence of albumin or other proteins in the urine, diarrhea, skin reactions and exodermatitis.  It can enter the body via inhalation, skin and ingestion. There can be acute and chronic adverse health effects from exposure to Bismuth.  It poses minimum threat to the environment, but caution is advised as there is limited information on its effects in the environment.  So how does it get into rain water?



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