
7 Apr 2018

The Food Industry - What They Don't Tell You!

don't hate the messenger, hate the reason why the message needed to be sent, 2:10 to 2:20 he says the harvest taste buds, just where do you think they get them all from, probably the same place as they get most of their transplant materials, they harvest the homeless, they drag them away, and sell them by the pound, everything can be used, even the bones to make glues, wake up!, where do you think all those peeps in the fema camps went to, because they arent still in there, are they?, and they weren't released on mass, ffs wake up america, or more accurately the peeps of america!, your government is brainwashing you, and mind controlling you to the maximum, ffs most Americans refuse to acknowledge that their country, isn't even a country, its a corporation, look it up, in fact don't bother here it is (POPEYE) Since the Act of 1871 which established the District of Columbia, we have been living under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain international bankers and aristocracy of Europe and Britain.

In 1871 the Congress changed the name of the original Constitution by changing ONE WORD — and that was very significant as you will read.

Some people do not understand that ONE WORD or TWO WORDS difference in any “legal” document DO make the critical difference. But, Congress has known, and does know, this.

1871, February 21: Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.

With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).

The act — passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War — was a strategic move by foreign interests (international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the coffers and neck of America.

Congress cut a deal with the international bankers (specifically Rothschilds of London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers. Because the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the United States.

The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the organic Constitution was defaced — in effect vandalized and sabotage — when the title was capitalized and the word “for” was changed to “of” in the title.


It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does is not!

Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans.

What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. This newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic. It benefits only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates entirely outside the original (organic) Constitution.

Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed.

By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution.

The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.

February 2nd, 1871 the biggest treason act in history, creating the corporation called the UNITED STATES. The flag of this foreign entity is the red bar with three red stars above on a white background. The vatican, the crown and the wealthy few conspired to rob the nation. The organic Constitution was counterfeited and called the constitution OF the United States, not the Constitution FOR these united States of America. Unalienable rights became inalienable rights. Articles became amendments.political (so called leaders) took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, if they violate that oath then their words are as worthless as they are.

Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution clearly states that only the Congress can coin money!

“To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures”

In stark contrast to this statement, the Federal Reserve Bank is owned and run by private individuals and international bankers.

Mention the Federal Reserve (FED) and most people, including Americans, will think that you are talking about the financial arm of the US government.

That assumption, however, would be well off the mark.

The Federal Reserve is in fact a private company. The name “Federal Reserve” was carefully chosen and designed to deceive Americans into believing they were part of our Government when in fact it is privately owned by international bankers in direct violation to Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

These international bankers have the power, through the United States Treasury, to print money by simply adding ink to worthless pieces of paper.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was slipped thru congress during the Christmas break with the majority of it’s members absent.

The bankers elected to fund Woodrow Wilson’s attempt to gain the presidency of the United Sates, in return for his continuing support of the FED.

After his election to the Presidency Woodrow Wilson passed the Federal Reserve Act, only to later comment, “I have unwittingly ruined my country”.

There are a great many commentators who believe that US presidential candidates are now carefully selected and funded by the FED, so that they can guarantee that every new president will be sympathetic to their cause.

The Federal Reserve is self serving and privately owned in violation to the Constitution, charging interest on illegally printed money. Money printed from nothing!

In America On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. Five months later A UNITED STATES PRESIDENT, PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY was MURDERED!

Even with out Executive Order 11110 the Constitution is the law of the land and that is all that is needed to throw these frauds out and make them pay back everything they have stolen for the last 100 years!

Your income is taxed to pay the Federal Reserve what they charge for printing money that is illegal and unconstitutional in the first place!

Income taxes are unconstitutional

Originally income taxes were illegal because the Constitution required all taxes to be apportioned among the states proportional to their populations, not their incomes.

The 16th Amendment, which permits federal income taxes, was not ratified in the same language by three fourths of the United States as required by Article V of the Constitution and is therefore invalid. The approved wording was different in different states and therefore they ratified different amendments! (“Is Income Tax Un-American and Illegal?”, July and August, 1993, pp. 14-16).

The courts refuse to cast down the 16th Amendment even though it was not legally ratified.

In 1913, the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution was supposedly adopted. This amendment is known as the income tax amendment. Actually, it did not repeal the existing constitutional provisions relating to taxes and thus created no new taxing powers. Furthermore, as proved by the exhaustive research of Bill Benson and Red Beckman, the alleged amendment was not properly approved by any of the 48 states then in existence, much less than by the required three-fourths of them, so the Sixteenth Amendment was never ratified. Their book, The Law That Never Was, gives the details of their findings. The bottom line is that the income tax has been a massive fraud from the outset, totally lacking in a legal basis.

The Federal Reserve is also a monopoly–in a country where monopolies are supposed to be illegal. The IRS deposits people’s income tax checks directly in the Federal Reserve banks–not in the united States Treasury. Therefore, the IRS, an unconstitutional entity, is merely the collection agency for the international banksters. Over the years the IRS has become a tool of the elite banking families to financially attack and/or imprison people who expose the Federal Reserve. It is also a tool used by the D.C. elite to attack people who expose government corruption. #justsaying


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