
14 Apr 2018

The Swedes rebelling against a cashless society, (quite right too)

The Swedes rebelling against a cashless society

Sweden is winning the race towards becoming the world's first completely cashless society, but there are growing concerns it's causing problems for the elderly and other vulnerable groups.

None of the High Street banks around Stockholm's spotless Odenplan square handle cash any more. (removing the right to choose)

You can only pay for your coffee and cinnamon bun by card or with your smartphone at the local branch of the country's largest cafe chain. And there's no chance of using coins or notes if you want to hop on one of the shiny blue busses whizzing past.

Yet for Swedes there's nothing unusual about how cashless this inner city neighbourhood has become in recent years.

The vast majority of the nation's banks have long stopped allowing customers to withdraw or pay in cash over-the-counter.
Many Swedish shops and restaurants now only accept card or mobile payment systems

Only a quarter of people living in Sweden say they use cash at least once a week and a boom in mobile, card and online payments has resulted in the proportion of cash transactions in the retail sector dropping from around 40% in 2010 to 15% today, according to the central bank.

However, while Sweden's rush to embrace digital payments has received plenty of global hype, and is frequently flagged as an example of the Nordic nation's innovation, there are growing concerns about the pace of change.

Some worry about the challenges it poses for vulnerable groups, especially the elderly. or homeless or people who lack sufficient ID to get a bank account to start with, what about them?, are they to be swept in to the incinerator, just for not be an uneducated idiot who doesn't realise the extent of unethical and down right deplorable and monstrous things, that all banks do with your money

"As long as there is the right to use cash in Sweden, we think people should have the option to use it and be able to put money in the bank," says Ola Nilsson, a spokesperson for the Swedish National Pensioners' Organisation, which is lobbying the government on behalf of its 350,000 members.

"We're not against the cashless society, we just want to stop it from going too fast."

There has been a nationwide boom in mobile, card and online payments

Majlis Jonsson, 73, who's lived in Odenplan for more than 20 years, is out running errands in the spring sunshine. She says she still likes to "pay with cash as often as possible" and fears a future where that's no longer possible.

"Sometimes in places I don't know, I don't feel secure to use my card," argues the former teacher.

Since she doesn't have a computer at home and is nervous about using the internet, the cashless trend is also making life more expensive for her. Most Swedish banks stopped accepting cheques years ago and have pushed up fees for in-branch bank transfers.

It recently cost Ms Jonsson 75 kronor (£6.35) to pay back a friend who booked a train ticket for her online.

"It's a lot of money. The banks - they are so rich! Of course they always say you can do it for free on the internet, but it's a problem - there are still some that don't know how to do it."
Viktor Sjoberg, a customer advisor at SEB, says the bank wants to offer a blend of the digital and physical worlds, yeah well unfortunately for anyone in a bank employment sector who's promoting these un-useful services, your pushing yourself out of the job you fools, they want to digitise all currencies, that way they can have ultimate control over the worlds finances, all from a digital marketplace without the need for a physical bank, wake the fuck up!!

Eurostat figures suggest she is part of a shrinking minority, with 85% of Swedish 16 to 74-year-olds banking online in 2017. That is compared to an EU average of 51% and 68% in the UK.

But the Swedish National Pensioners' Organisation argues that Swedes who can't or won't accept the cashless trend can end up feeling even more excluded than they might elsewhere.

"It shouldn't be more expensive if you can't use digital devices," says Mr Nilsson, who believes banks have been too focused on cutting costs. (thats what happens when you move away from public sectors to privatisation the onus is all on making the profit and not serving the peeps

"We want to see more digital training for elderly people. That could come from the banks themselves or from more funding from the state to help us support our members and other older people."

SEB, one of Sweden's largest banks, has already started offering what it describes as "learning support" in many of its locations, but the move comes as the bank is shifting its model even further away from traditional over-the-counter services.
Cash is only handled in seven of SEB's 118 branches

Cash is only handled in seven out of a total of 118 branches and the bank recently announced a new focus on providing digital tools in branches, designed to encourage visitors to complete banking tasks themselves, with staff on hand to answer questions if they get stuck. i believe its your job and unless your going to start paying each customer for doing it themselves or giving them staff discounts do your own fucking job!!,

"We believe in a blend between the digital world and the physical world," says Viktor Sjoberg, a customer adviser at SEB's flagship branch in central Stockholm. He is convinced that bringing back more cash-based services would "go against customer demand". so what as if his opinion is worth more than anyone else's hes just a nobody at a bank, brown nosing his way up, or so he thinks, up the corporate ladder, sux to be him right now!, pmsl

"There's no need to keep an infrastructure alive if no-one uses it," he says. but they do, and the fact that 18 branches have still go the facility in place to accommodate those customers that do proves his statement to be false

Sweden's central bank, the Riksbank, has adopted a more cautious tone. In its annual report in February, it said that while transformation of the nation's payments infrastructure was "essentially positive", it needed to take place (no it doesnt though) "at a rate that does not create problems for certain social groups or exclude anyone from the payment market". which switching to a cryptocurrency system will do, you saw bit coin drop off and litecoin its all the same scam, they get idiots to invest in their ludicrous pyramid scheme/wacky idea's then when its most profitable for them they dump it and keep all the investors money,

Meanwhile the bank's governor Stefan Ingves has argued that phasing out coins and notes could put the entire country at risk should Sweden encounter a "serious crisis or war". no shit!!

Against this background a Swedish parliamentary commission has begun a major review of these and other potential consequences of a cash-free economy, with a report expected later this year.

the skanky ho! recommending this vile act
Dr Bogusz believes pensioners will catch up with the cashless trend (as i said before, fuck off, they're too busy trying to catch their breath)

"There is definitely a sense that becoming cashless is inevitable, so it's mostly a case of mitigating any implications," says Dr Claire Ingram Bogusz, a postdoctoral researcher at Stockholm School of Economics, who is studying Sweden's increased use of digital payment platforms. so she basically promoting her own field of interest to boost her own career options, conflicted much????

"In the context of these debates, I think pensioners will catch up... Both the Riksbank and the government are very interested in supporting vulnerable groups." utter ies if they were they would have said no to this act immediately its all about making them money regardless of the human cost thats it plane and simple 100%

However, she says that while Swedes' high level of trust in both institutions and new technologies has played a big role in people embracing a more cash-free economy, concerns about fraud and data protection are now influencing the debate.

"Swedes are very trusting but I think that is changing. For example the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal has made people more aware of how their data is being used," Dr Bogusz says.
Kafe Orion has banned cash payments, its not cool or trendy and its a tool of the oppressive system and they serve shit coffee!,

Despite the nationwide plunge in the use of coins and notes, a survey by Swedish polling firm Sifo earlier this month suggested that seven out of 10 Swedes still want the option be able to pay with cash in future. too right!

The results reflect the divided opinions of customers at Kafe Orion in Odenplan, an independent cafe that has joined numerous Swedish restaurants and stores in banning all cash payments. you should examine just who owns this cafe and what their personal incentive is to participate in this farce, 

"I don't see that it's good if we are going to be entirely cashless because I think there should be an option to use cash - for example if the internet goes down," says 23-year-old student Agata Oleksiak.

But her friend Johan Johnson, 24, strongly disagrees: "You can use your card online and in coffee shops and I just don't see a use for hard cash any more. Of course your card could get stolen, but your insurance will pay for it. if you have it that is, and if you can prove it, and dont mind waiting while they conduct a six week fraud investigation

"I think that cash is out of date and not really necessary." said no body ever apart from those peddling digital currencies, fuck off N.W.O, we see you!, and keep trying to peddle this shit  imma personally poke you in that un all seeing eye! no piss off!


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