
12 May 2018

4 Most Deadly ASSASSIN Groups :(

4 Most Deadly Assassin Groups

Murder can be messy. But for assassin groups, they’re just part of everyday business. The next 4 groups exemplify not only man’s capacity to kill without regard but also how it can be done efficiently and professionally. These are the 4 most Deadly Assassin Groups.

4. Werewolves of Hitler

Everybody knows things didn’t end great for Hitler and the Nazis. But few people understand or are even aware of just how deeply entangled, Hitler’s evil insanity ran.

At some point in running the Third Reich, Hitler created a special unit. Dubbed as the Werewolves, the group was composed of more than 5,000 young volunteers. These young men were members of the Hitler Youth and the Waffen SS. In essence, they were a sleeper group organized in 1944 by Heinrich Himmler. Their main purpose was to remain in the territories that fell under allied forces. If the Werewolves were activated, they were to draw arms and weapons from pre-arranged caches  and then proceed to ambush, assassinate, sabotage and kill various British, Soviet and American allied leaders and groups.

3. The Visha Kanya

Translated to mean “poison girl” or “poison damsel,” the Visha Kanya were said to be young women used as assassins against powerful enemies. They would primarily kill their victims using poison and It’s said the group was started around 340 to 293 BC where they were created by the first Indian Emperor,. The existence of the Visha Kanya is recorded in the Arthashastra, an early written record created on state affairs.

In it, it states that the Emperor was advised to keep a network of secret agents to monitor as well as manipulate enemies. The idea of creating female assassins in addition to the males was then born, since a female would be much less suspect and thus able to get close to the enemy.

2. The Nokmim

Translated as the “avengers” in Hebrew, the Nokmim were a militia group that made a name for themselves after they hunted down Nazi’s shortly after the Allies decided to allow most Nazi leaders to meld back into daily life without punishment.

After the war, despite the Nuremberg trials, there were tens of thousands of Nazi Germans who went unpunished for their crimes and contribution to the atrocities of the Holocaust. This included those who manned the camps, those involved in the mobile killing units, guards and more. The Allied Forces simply couldn’t chase them all down. It would mean arresting thousands of people, not to mention the majority of the male population in Germany during that time. In the end, save for some of the high-ranking officials who were officially identified, most were left to integrate back into society.

1. Murder Inc.

During the 1930s and 40s, organized crime was at an all-time high. Run by the Italian-American mafia, Murder Inc. was an enforcement group connected to organized crime running mainly in New York and elsewhere around America during the time.

Composed of Jewish gangsters and Italian-American individuals coming from the neighborhoods of Brooklyn, Ocean Hill and East New York, the group was initially headed by Louis “Lepke” Buchalter and then later on, it was run by Albert “The Mad Hatter” Anastasia. Essentially, the group not only functioned under the direction of the said mobsters, but also accepted contract killings from other mob bosses across the United States.


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